Yue was my first discord bot, she was created with the intention of being a fun bot that interacted with others
- Discord Bot Token Guide
- Node.js 12
Default prefix is '*'
*Avatar | Shows your profile picture.
*Kiss | Give someone a kiss.
*Murro | Punch someone.
*Meme | Send a meme.
*Coinflip | It's a coinflip game.
*Fox | Shows random images and facts about foxes.
*Remoji | Send a random emoji.
*Alife | It shows your relationship with a person in another life.
*Amizade | Shows your friendship level with another person.
*Ping | It shows the ping.
*Say | Yue says what you write.
*Uptime | Shows the time when Yue is on.
*Post | Post in the general channel.
*Calculate | It's a calculator, type an account after Calculate.
*Userinfo | Summarizes the person's profile.
*Serverinfo | Summarizes the server.
*Yueinfo | Summarize Yue.
*BotInvite | Send the invite link to Bots.
*Id | Show your ID.
*Anime | Make a synopsis of the anime you search.
*Animes | Show anime related data.
*Covid | It reports the cases of covid not only in Brazil but worldwide.
*Weather |Shows the weather forecast.
*Benchmark | Compete with the UwU bot.
*Nbans | Shows the number of bans on the server.
*Restart | Restart Yue.
*- | Delete messages.
*Msg | Send a message in the DM of the tagged person.
*PostR | Make an announcement in the round table.
*Antiraid | This command prevents raids on the server when it is activated.
*Kick | Kicks a person off the server.
*Nservers | Shows how many servers Yue is on.
*Conquista | Create an image with your phrase overwriting a minecraft achievement image.
*Retro | Create an image with your phrase overwriting a retro image.
*Emojit | Write in emoji the text you type.
*Ascii | Everything you write after this command it will transform into ascii.
*Morse | Write in morse code the text you type.
*Robo | Make the Clyde bot speak what you write.
*Putin | Write a message with Putin's GIF.
*Gif | The bot sends custom gifs
*GifList | Shows the list of custom gifs.
*Osu | Get information about a user of Osu!
*Among | Call everyone to play come in.
*Quiz | Take a quiz.
*Vidente | This command sees the future and answers your question.
*Dado | Spin a dice.
*Forca | Create a hangman game.
*Jokempo | It's a game of Rock, Paper, Scissors.
Currently available locales are:
- Brazilian Portuguese (pt_br)
- Fork the repository
- Clone your fork:
git clone https://github.com/JohnnyHall/yue.git
- Stage changes
git add .
- Commit your changes:
OR usegit commit
- Submit a pull request
- João Victor Rokemback Tápparo
Created on