Repository for storing the business cases (i.e., projects) for the NOVA IMS master course Business Cases
Whenever a new business case is made available, it is going to be provided both in the course's moodle page as well as a Markdown file in its corresponding folder, which will also contain the necessary data for you to develop the project.
A template for structuring the development of a business case is provided
in BC0_template/
. Of course, this is simply a suggestion on a way to
structure the development of your business cases, you are free to structure
them however you like.
BC<X>_<name of business case>
├── analysis <---- Your visualizations, tables, diagrams, etc. should be
│ stored here. These can come from any step of the CRISP-DM
│ process.
├── content <----- Your report and presentation should be stored here. You may
│ want to include the pdf version of those files (allows the
│ preview of those documents directly in GitHub).
├── data <-------- Your datasets should be stored here. Feel free to separate
│ your data in different directories:
│ - raw (original, immutable data)
│ - interim (intermediate preprocessing steps)
│ - processed (processed data)
├── description <- You may include the original business case and eventual
│ support materials here. Alternatively, just add the
│ business case description to the file.
├── scripts <----- Your scripts should be stored here. Aim to keep the
│ different steps of your analyses in separate scripts. If
│ you prefer to work with notebooks (although we recommend
│ using scripts for the sake of ease of use and
│ reproducibility)
└── <--- You may use this file to store the problem description.
This is automatically displayed in on GitHub, making it
easier for anyone to understand the goals of this project.