cd teed
source venv/bin/activate
python -m pip install --upgrade pip
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install -r
Install and launch the MinIO server.
Start the minio server in Linux/WSL:
mkdir ~/minio
minio server ~/minio --console-address :9090
When using WSL2 it might be needed to run, in Powershell:
wsl --shutdown
Alternatively it is possible to use Docker:
Pull docker image.
docker pull minio/minio
Copy config_minio.env file to /etc/default/minio
mkdir /etc/default/minio
cp config_minio.env /etc/default/minio/config_minio.env
The config_minio.env sets the env variables:
- MINIO_VOLUMES "/mnt/data"
Solely for development in the local machine we aren't setting either
We are using the default minioadmin.
Create the /mnt/data directory which will hold the MinIO data.
mkdir /mnt/data
Launch the MinIO docker container. Notice how the environment variable file is passed.
docker run -dt
-p 9000:9000 -p 9090:9090
-v PATH:/mnt/data
-v /etc/default/minio/config_minio.env:/etc/config.env
-e "MINIO_CONFIG_ENV_FILE=/etc/config.env"
--name "minio_local"
minio/minio server --console-address ":9090"
Access the MinIO console and create a access and secret key:
Set them as environment variables.
An example:
export SECRET_KEY=RNtXUOrafhGntJUYMwnhljY8a43DiWQZwcm4lTVj
In the application root directory run the tests:
pip install -r requirements.test.txt
python -m pytest tests
Calculate the code coverage:
coverage run --source=teed -m pytest tests
coverage report -m >
The teed package doesn't work in Windows.
However it is possible to develop teed in Windows.
To do so install WSL and configure Visual Studio Code to connect to the local WSL Ubuntu instance.
See this articly for details:
Create & activate the virtual enviroment:
python3 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate