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Brewer is an application to connect beer enthusiasts. Users create brewery travel guides and share brewery knowledge in a forum. Explore top guides, learn from the Brewer forum, and search for your favorite breweries.

Brewer Live




  • Ruby on Rails
  • React/Redux
  • PostgreSQL
  • Mapbox API
  • Yelp REST API
  • AWS S3


  1. Clone this repository to your local machine.
  2. Install npm and bundle packages:
$ npm install
$ bundle install
  1. Start the backend and frontend servers:
$ rails s
$ npm start

Overview of features

While developing the app's database schema, web API, and frontend application, I kept in mind ways to scale the application for more user-interactivity-focused features. The end-product utilizes Mapbox API to aid with clickable navigation of the platform, Yelp API to gather information and opinions about each brewery, and cloud storage (AWS S3 and Rails Active Storage) to reduce server load and allow the application to scale.

Dynamically generated brewery creation form

The GuideForm is a dynamically generated form for brewery guide creation. A user begins by selecting a city from a dropdown menu. The dropdown menu has an onChange listener that invokes the updateCity method to update the component's cityId and guideBreweries state.

const updateCity = (e) => {
  const id = parseInt(, 10);
  const cityBreweries = breweries.filter(brewery => brewery.cityId === id);

Based on the updated guideBreweries state, the createBreweryInputFields method is invoked to generate a dropdown menu with breweries in the selected city. A new dropdown menu is generated for each brewery input field.

If a brewery has already been selected (i.e. the brewery's ID is in the selectedBreweryIDs state), a disabled select option will be generated for that brewery. Rendering a disabled select option ensures that users will not create a guide with duplicate breweries while communicating that previously selected breweries are not available for selection.

const createBreweryInputFields = (idx) => (
    defaultValue="Choose a favorite brewery"
    onChange={(e) => updateSelectedBreweryIDs(idx, e)}
    <option disabled>Choose a favorite brewery</option>
    { => {
      if (Object.values(selectedBreweryIDs).includes( {
        return (
          <option disabled key={`${idx}-${}`}>

      return (
        <option value={} key={`${idx}-${}`}>

Users can then create or delete additional brewery select menus to add or remove breweries from the guide they are creating. The button to add a brewery invokes the createBreweryInput method upon click, while the button to remove a brewery invokes the deleteBreweryInput method upon click.

const createBreweryInput = () => {
  if (numberOfBreweryInputs.length < 5) {
    const inputs = [...numberOfBreweryInputs];
    inputs.push(numberOfBreweryInputs.length + 1);

The deletion of a brewery input field also updates the selectedBreweryIDs state of the component, removing the brewery ID corresponding to the brewery input removed.

const deleteBreweryInput = () => {
  if (numberOfBreweryInputs.length > 1) {
    const inputs = numberOfBreweryInputs.slice(0, numberOfBreweryInputs.length - 1);
  const selectedBreweries = { ...selectedBreweryIDs };
  delete selectedBreweries[numberOfBreweryInputs.length];

Backend Yelp integration

The first iteration of Yelp integration into the brewery pages simply implemented the fetch API to send requests to the Yelp API upon mounting of the BreweryShow component. I decided to improve the feature by refactoring and moving the Yelp integration into a backend Rails controller. This way the Yelp information is fetched within the component's fetchBrewery invocation, instead of in additional front-end fetch requests.

This backend Yelp integration results in faster performance by minimizing the front-end fetch requests within the BreweryShow component. In the updated iteration, the fetchBrewery action creator function is dispatched in the component's useEffect hook upon mounting of the BreweryShow component.

useEffect(() => {
  return () => dispatch(clearBreweries());
}, [isUpdated]);

The dispatch of the fetchBrewer action creator function dispatches the response of the BreweryAPIUtil.fetchBrewery function's GET request to /api/breweries/:id.

export const fetchBrewery = (breweryId) => dispatch => (
    .then(brewery => dispatch(receiveBrewery(brewery))));

The request to /api/breweries/:id is routed to the brewery controller's show action, where the @brewery is found via the id parameter, and the brewery's @yelp information is fetched by invoking the search_yelp helper method in the brewery controller class.

def show
  @brewery = Brewery.find(params[:id])

  brewery_state =' ')
  if brewery_state.length == 1
    brewery_state =[0] +[1]
    brewery_state ={|el| el[0]}.join('')

  @yelp = search_yelp(' ')[0],
  render '/api/breweries/show'

The search_yelp method uses the name and location of the fetched @brewery to send a GET request to and find the brewery's yelp_id. The yelp_id is then used in a subsequent GET request to to fetch the brewery's yelp_info and a GET request to to fetch the brewery's yelp_reviews. The search_yelp method then returns the fetched yelp_info and yelp_reviews as payload keys of the yelp object returned by the method.

def search_yelp(name, address, city, state)
  conn =
    url: '',
    headers: {
      'Content-Type' => 'application/json',
      'Accept' => 'application/json',
      'Authorization' => "Bearer #{ENV['YELP_API_KEY']}"
    params: { country: 'US' },
  ) do |c|
    c.use Faraday::Request::UrlEncoded
    c.use Faraday::Response::Logger

  yelp_res = conn.get(
      name: name,
      address1: address,
      city: city,
      state: state,
  yelp_id = JSON.parse(yelp_res.body)['businesses'][0]['id']
  yelp_info = conn.get(yelp_id)
  yelp_reviews = conn.get("#{yelp_id}/reviews")    

  yelp = {
    info: JSON.parse(yelp_info.body),
    reviews: JSON.parse(yelp_reviews.body),

  return yelp

After fetching a brewery and its Yelp information, the show action renders its response in JSON via the /api/breweries/show.json.jbuilder file. Jbuilder takes care of structuring the fetched data into a JSON structure with organized payload keys (favoritedBy, yelp, reviews) for front-end consumption.

json.set! do
  json.partial! 'api/breweries/brewery', brewery: @brewery

  json.favoritedBy do
    if @brewery.favorites.length == 0
      json.favorites []
      @brewery.favorites.each do |favorite|
        json.set! favorite.user_id do


  json.yelp do
    json.rating @yelp[:info]['rating']
    json.url @yelp[:info]['url']
    json.price @yelp[:info]['price']
    json.hours @yelp[:info]['hours'][0]
    json.reviewCount @yelp[:info]['review_count']
  end do 
    json.array!(@yelp[:reviews]['reviews']) do |review|
      json.url review['url']
      json.text review['text']
      json.rating review['rating']

      json.user do review['user']['name']
        json.profileUrl review['user']['profile_url']
        json.imageUrl review['user']['image_url']

      json.timeCreated review['time_created']

Interactive map markers

The Map component visualizes the distance between different guide breweries and top brewery cities with Mapbox API. By default, the Map component hooks into Redux to select the longitude and latitude coordinates for each city marker to generate. Each city marker links to the city's page upon click.

const generateMap = (places, minZoom, center) => {
  mapboxgl.accessToken = localStorage.getItem('mboxToken');
  const mapOptions = {
    container: 'map',
    style: 'mapbox://styles/mapbox/dark-v9',

  const mapbox = new mapboxgl.Map(mapOptions);
  const mapMarkerManager = new MarkerManager(mapbox);

useEffect(() => {
  if (cities.length) {
    const places = {};
    cities.forEach((city) => {
      places[] = [city.lng,];
    generateMap(places, 3, [-95, 38]);
}, [cities]);

Alternatively, the Map component takes an optional guide prop to render markers for each guide brewery.

useEffect(() => {
  if (guide) {
    const { cityLng, cityLat, brewInfo } = guide;
    generateMap(brewInfo, 11.5, [cityLng, cityLat]);
  } else {

  return () => dispatch(clearCities());
}, [guide]);

User profile and favorites

The Profile component uses useSelector hook to reference a specific user based on the userId parameter. The guides and breweries in the Redux store's state are payload values fetched by the fetchUser action creator function for the RECEIVE_USER action type.

const { userId } = useParams();
const profileUser = useSelector(state => {
  const user = state.entities.users[userId];
  user.guides = Object.values(state.entities.guides)
    .map(({ id, title }) => ({ id, title }));
  user.breweries = Object.values(state.entities.favorites)
    .map(({ id, name }) => ({ id, name }));
  return user;

useEffect(() => {
}, [userId]);

Brewery search

The brewery search input field updates the searchInput and searchResults state upon change. The searchResults state is updated by invoking the getSearchResults method with the change event.

onChange={e => {

The current event target's value is set as the searchTerm parameter. Whenever the searchTerm is not an empty string, the searchItems will be filtered based on whether the potentialResult includes the term being searched.

const getSearchResults = (searchTerm) => {
  if (searchTerm.length > 0) {
    const searchInputResults = searchItems.filter((item) => {
      const potentialResult =;
      const term = searchTerm.toLowerCase();
      return potentialResult.includes(term);
  } else {

User login and registration

The SessionForm component renders as a login form or a registration form based on the path of the match prop. The isLogin boolean values is used to determine the submit button's text value (Log In or Sign Up) and whether an Email field or Demo Login button is hidden.

const isLogin = match.path === '/login';

Forum posts and comments

The Forum and PostShow components re-use the PostCommentForm for forum post and comment creation. Upon creation of a post or comment, the component automatically reloads to render the new content.