Dispipe sends line-based input on named pipes to pre-configured Discord channels. Effectively, it lets you make write-only discord bots using shell script, or any arbitrary language, without needing a library!
Built with rustc 1.45.0, earlier versions may not work. Depends on serenity
, and rust-ini
Compile with: $ cargo build --release
You can find the binary at target/release/dispipe
To start the bot:
$ dispipe /path/to/config.ini
Send a message to a configured Discord channel:
$ echo "hello from dispipe!" > /var/dispipe/example.fifo
; Config Structure
; 1. The 'Dispipe' section is mandatory, it specifies the root directory and discord bot token
; 2. All other sections are optional "fifo configs" that specify a fifo name and channel ID
; Example:
[Dispipe] ; Mandatory config section
token = ... ; Discord bot token
root = /var/dispipe ; Directory containing FIFO files
; Example "fifo config" section
[Example] ; Title used for easy identification (echoed to stdout with message)
fifo = example.fifo ; Name of the fifo file to listen on
channel = 99999999999999999 ; Channel ID to send messages to
; ... ; Any number of additional fifo configs can be created
You must register a bot with discord, retrieve a token, and invite the bot to a server. The server must also allow your bot the write messages permission.
- Messages are sent when a newline character '\n' is encountered on the configured FIFO.
- Lines longer than 2000 bytes will be truncated, 2000 bytes is the discord message limit.
- You can safely write to the FIFO from multiple processes.
- discord.py - Creating a Bot Account
man 7 pipe