The latest images can be downloaded from here:
An SD card image is distributed for purposes of consistently and deployment convenience. The intend of this image is to perform vehicle data collection or ROS-based acceleration control commands. To learn more about libpanda, see the following:
circles-raspbian-2023-08-15.img.tar.gz Features ROS, icommands, and pandarecord enabled by deault. Implements repository-based apps. Fixes issues with WLAN country. Using this image will require consideration of the following tasks by the installer:
- Configure Cyverse credentials with iinit
- Configure privacy zones and WiFi at
circles-raspbian-2023-08-01.img.tar.gz (broken, use above) Includes autoupdate by default. This image also includes blue zone, so things like privzone can be used to define zones for the latest pandarecord. This also has libapnda apps that work with some easily configurable programs like pandarecord, cbf, and the joystick2car apps all configureable through privzone.
circles-raspbian-2022-11-03.img.gz Configured for the November MVT experiment. Derived from the Raspbian 64 bit lite image from September 22, 2022. Libpanda was then cloned, and the and scripts were executed.
circles-raspbian-2021-08-05.img.tar.gz Configured for experiments on the following day of 08/06/2021. Major change involves a reorganization of a few ROS topics and a new safety node that disengages the cruise controller automatically on hard commanded decelerations when another vehicle cuts in front of the follower vehicle.
circles-raspbian-2021-08-03.img.tar.gz Changes:
- Cruise control message loop throttling to send messages more consistently based on CPU load
- Panda health requests moved to separate thread to prevent control command blocking
- Safety start bounds changed from [-0.5,0.5] to [-0.5,1.5]
- Control commands will only work 1 second after pressing Res/Set on cruise control to prevent rapid braking on immediate disengage
- made verose for bagfiles
- Support for ROS -> blinkt
- Controller startup script in ~/ for 08/04/2021 experiments
circles-raspbian-record-only-2021-08-03.img.tar.gz Configured only for libpanda's pandarecord service to start on boot. This image has ROS installed but no jmscslgroup ROS packages.
circles-raspbian-2021-08-01.img.tar.gz Feature various fixes and is ready for the Vanderbilt I-24 experiments on the day of 08/01
circles-raspbian-2021-07-29.img.tar.gz Features major fixes and has been verified in vehicle
- Removes all Cruise Control Faults known to date, specifially modified to handle driver brake/throttle presses
- ROS is the default startup process for vehicle control
- Auto configures the mifi-VIN wifi hotspot
- Has all experiments known to date for the Vandertest. Upgrade all by running:
- Has all experiments known to date for the Vandertest. Upgrade all by running:
- Fixes CSV file timestamps to represent GPS time
- Features panda hot-plugging to keep ROS running with USB interruptions
- Many other small improvements for robustness
circles-raspbian-2021-07-22.img.tar.gz The prior two images had instalation issues. These have been remedied in this image. This image also features the ROS components intended to be performed on 7/21/2021
circles-raspbian-2021-07-21.img.tar.gz This is a 64-bit control based image with pandarecord disabled. This incorporates the latest vehicle_control.launch files for various patches.
This is a 64-bit image that has ROS-based vehicle_control running on boot instead of the pandarecord service
Transition to 64-bit Rasbpian for easier irods support, but gives warnings about libssl1.0.0. Also includes fixes to libpanda for recording radar data in record-only mode.
This introduces fixed to libpanda where cruise control would malfunction in data-recording scenarios.
This image is the initial upload, featuring ROS, Libpanda, and can_to_ros
The following images are used to aid in the creation of images:
circles-raspbian-ROS-2021-08-03.img.tar.gz Has ROS and accounts setup with SSH enabled. Builds upon the account-only image (below) but has also executed the libpanda/scripts/ file
circles-raspbian-account-only-2021-07-14.img.tar.gz Has the default accounts/hostname/login password changed to "circles". Also has SSH enabled
Download the image and flash it to your SD card using any steps you are comfortable with. If you have never done this before, then you can try the Raspberry Pi Image Flashing Tool and select a custom image.
After downloading one of the provided images ensure that the image ends in either .tar.gz or .img: on some operating systems like macOS the .tar.gz will become automatically unzipped into a .tar but this will not flash correctly. Instead of flashing .tar, extract (like any other archive) to ge tthe resulting .img file for proper flashing.
Note: If you are flashing only one SD card then you can select the .img.gz file directly, however this may be a bit slower. If you play on making many SD cards then extract the .img.gz to a pure .img to potentailly speedier flashing.
On first boot the image will automatically resize itself to fill the free space on the SD card. This will cause a reboot.
When connected to a supported vehicle with panda hardware, the Pi will read the VIN and immediately perform another reboot to set the hostname and WiFi AP name.
libpanda features a set of packages that run as systemd services.
- pandarecord: Runs a low-level CAN/GPS data recoder
- crazypifi: Manages network, automatically generating WiFi AP if no known network exists
- circlesmanager: Helps glue other services together
- circles-ui: Runs a webserver for displaying system state and for cahnging settings
- blinkt: Converts state produced by other scripts for the blinkt module to display
- x725power: Reads the current power state
- x725button: Reads the ups button for invoking software shutdowns
By default, before connecting the Pi to a car:
- Hostname: circles
- Username: circles
- Password: circles
- WiFi AP ssid: circles
- WiFi AP passkey: circles0 <- needs to be either 6 or 8 characters unfortunately
Once the Pi boots to a connected car and correctly reads the VIN, it will reboot with the new credentials:
- Hostname: The vehicle's VIN
- Username: circles
- Password: circles
- WiFi AP Name: The vehicle's VIN
- WiFi AP psk: circles0
The above VIN-based naming conventions will persist and will only change if connected to a vehicle with a different VIN.
An SSH server is enabled. Access your pi with the following, assuming default hostname
$ ssh circles@circles.local
$ ssh circles@<IP>
$ ssh circles@<VIN>.local
Every time the Pi boots it will attempt to open the panda device and begin recording using low-level libpanda utilities. It is not possible to run any other libpanda utilities when this service is running since the panda device will be claimed. If you desire to run ROS-based control commands, you need to stop the service:
$ sudo systemctl stop pandarecord
Stopping the service will not prevent it from starting again on boot. If going out for field experiments involving control or dedicating the Pi to something other than data collection, then I recommend disabling the service to stop it from running on boot. Disabling does not stop the service in the current boot, so also stop the service if needed:
$ sudo systemctl disable pandarecord
$ sudo systemctl stop pandarecord
Note: If you downloaded one of the supplied images then DO NOT follow these steps, they have already been done.
The steps listed here are what have been used to build the preconfigured image. They do not need to be run when using the image. The purpose of noting these steps is to inform others on exactly how it has been configured if there are issues or if others need to build a slightly modified image. The following steps are not the only way to run everything, but are the exact steps used to set up this distributed image with ROS/libpanda preinstalled.
- Download the Raspberry Pi Image Flashing Tool
- Select the appropriate SD card
- Select OS a. 32-bit: Select Operating System -> Raspberry Pi OS (Other) -> Raspberry Pi OS Lite (32-bit) b. 64-bit: Download the 64-bit Lite version the Select Operating System -> Use Custom
- Write to SD card with the "Write" button
- Insert SD card into Raspberry Pi 4 and boot ( username: pi password: raspberry )
- Run the configuration utility
$ sudo raspi-config
- Enter Localisation Options -> WLAN Country -> Select US
- Enter Localisation Options -> Keyboard -> Generic 105-Key PC (intl.) -> Other -> English (US) -> English (US). Then press enter a few times until back at the main menu
- Enter Interface Options -> SSH -> Yes
- Select Finish, and reboot
These steps are not necessary but provide a way to let users know that this raspberry pi is built with the CIRCLES project in mind
- Log in under the default account ( username: pi password: raspberry )
- Change the root password to "circles" then logout by running the following.
$ sudo passwd root
$ exit
- Log out, then log back in under account root ( username: root password: circles )
- Run the following to change the "pi" account to "circles"
$ usermod -l circles pi
$ usermod -m -d /home/circles circles
$ exit
- Log back in under the renamed circles account ( username: circles password: raspberry )
- Change the password of the circles account to be "circles"
$ sudo passwd circles
Ensure the Pi is connected to internet, preferably with an ethernet cable.
Run the following commands:
$ sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade && sudo apt install git -y
$ git clone
$ cd libpanda
$ ./
Note: An image named "account only" has been made with the last run command being the git installation. This has the accounts already setup in a 64-bit image along with SSH enabled
Running the above will invoke an automatic reboot and rename the hostname from "raspberrypi" to "circles"
At this stage you will notice a trend that everything in this Pi is now "circles", including:
- Hostname
- Account
- Password
The above ALSO now installs ROS and can_to_ros
Prior to distribution the image is resized the smallest size possible to easier uploading and downloading.
- Safely poweroff the Pi
$ sudo poweroff
- Remove SD card and insert it into another running Linux instance
- On this Linux, download PiShrink
- Make an image of the card and run PiShrink
$ sudo dd bs=4M if=/dev/sdb of=~/circles-raspbian-64-`date +%Y-%m-%d`.img
$ sudo ./ ~/circles-raspbian-64-`date +%Y-%m-%d`.img
$ tar -czvf ~/circles-raspbian-`date +%Y-%m-%d`.img.tar.gz ~/circles-raspbian-64-`date +%Y-%m-%d`.img
Note: Make sure you use the right drive letter in the above command regarding /dev/sd*