fdsn2nodes connects to a FDSN webservice, gets channel inventory and creates a WebObs node architecture. It creates CLB and CNF files for all nodes.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
The program was developped using python2.7.
The only dependency is obspy
Copy the file on your computer and run it as follows :
python fdsn2nodes.py [-h] [-v] [-u BASE_URL] [-n NETWORK_CODE]
Invoke help :
python fdsn2nodes.py -h
Example for PF network, french country code, 'XX' as node name prefix, stations names starting with letter M, HH? channels, output nodes in TEST3 directory, files written in latin-1 encoding :
python fdsn2nodes.py -u http://eida.ipgp.fr -n PF -C FR -P XX -s M* -c HH? \
-o TEST3 -e ISO-8859-1
Example for IM network, US country code, PP as node prefix, Infrasound stations names starting with I0, output nodes in IMS directory :
python fdsn2nodes.py -u IRIS -n IM -C US -P PP -s I0* -o IMS
Feel free to contact us for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.
- Patrice Boissier - Software engineer - OVPF/IPGP - PBoissier - boissier@ipgp.fr
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
This project is licensed under the GNU General Pyblic License v3.0 - see License file for details.