jsonnet based re-useable templates of Kubernetes deployments that can be deployed using kubecfg. For examples of how to use them look under the tests directory of each application. For instance in the Concourse tests file:
local Concourse = import '../main.jsonnet';
local name = 'concourse-test';
concourse: Concourse.ConcourseInstance(name, std.extVar('namespace'), devel=true) {
instanceConfig+: {
databasePassword: "Password!",
host_key: importstr 'host_key',
host_key_pub: importstr 'host_key.pub',
session_signing_key: importstr 'session_signing_key',
worker_key: importstr 'worker_key',
worker_key_pub: importstr 'worker_key.pub',
worker_count: 1,
We pull in the main.jsonnet file in the outer directory which contains the deployment definition and then override some configuration with our own passwords/keys as needed.
kubeval is used for validation of generated deployment YAML artefacts and conftest is used to ensure they comply with policy as defined under policy/
Tests set up via Concourse pipeline in pipeline.yaml