Continent allows to create chain with any type of proxy - socks4/5, http, https... All traffic passes first through continent and then your proxy. Thus you behind two proxies.
java -jar continent.jar vpn
java -jar continent.jar vpn g
You'll get both client and server keys.
Add server key in keys
config section
port: <server port>
tcpNoDelay: true
maxWriteDelayMs: 0
- "<server key for client 1>"
- "<server key for client 2>"
java -jar continent.jar vpn s server.yaml
Add your Proxy server in portMapping
config section
Add server to servers
config section
Add client key to keys
config section
port: 1023
- "encrypted://<server ip>:<server port>"
keyRotationInterval: "3600:7200"
tcpNoDelay: true
maxWriteDelayMs: 0
key: "<client key>"
1441: ""
java -jar continent.jar vpn c client.yaml
Now you can use proxy bounded to 1441 port.