Releases: jmerle/competitive-companion
Releases · jmerle/competitive-companion
- Fixed the parsing of Kattis problems
- Fixed the parsing of CodeChef problems
- Fixed the parsing of DMOJ contests
- Fixed the parsing of some interactive Kattis problems
- Fixed the parsing of superfluous newlines in UVa Online Judge sample cases
- Added support for HKOI Online Judge and ZUFEOJ (thanks @smarttommyau for the HKOI Online Judge parsers)
- Fixed the parsing of CodeChef problems
- Fixed the parsing of TLX problems
- Added support for Public Judge
- Fixed the parsing of PTA problems
- Fixed the parsing of Luogu problems after navigating to the problem from the problem solution page
- Added support for BOJ Stack to the Baekjoon Online Judge parser (thanks @IHIHHIHI)
- Fixed the parsing of Codeforces sample cases for sample cases using Codeforces's new highlighting feature
- Fixed the parsing of CodeChef categories when the problem details are collapsed
- Fixed the parsing of Codeforces sample cases containing nested highlighted inputs
- Added support PTA, ZOJ, and OpenJudge (thanks @rogeryoungh for the PTA and ZOJ parsers)
- Fixed the parsing of Library Checker problems (thanks @rogeryoungh)
- Fixed the parsing of HDOJ problems for problems using HDOJ's new UI (thanks @rogeryoungh)
- Fixed the parsing of HDOJ contests to work with HDOJ's rate limiting
- Fixed the parsing of Codeforces sample cases for sample cases using Codeforces's new highlighting feature
- Fixed the parsing of CodeChef problems on /submit/ URLs
- Fixed the parsing of CodeChef problems
- Updated the CodeChef parsers so that they all consistently use the shortened contest code in the group property