A command-line interface for easily opening & using https://devhints.io.
I really liked devhints.io, but I thought opening a new browser window, typing the address, and using the search bar every time was a bit tedious… so I made a very mini CLI to speed up the process a bit! All it does is check whether a cheatsheet page for something exists and, if it does, opens it in a browser window.
…is super easy! If you're on a Mac, use Homebrew:
brew install jltml/tap/devhints
Otherwise, if you're on Windows or don't use Homebrew, you can install with RubyGems, provided that you have Ruby installed on your system:
gem install devhints
devhints [thing to look up]
…e.g. devhints sass
for looking up the Sass cheatsheet.
Run devhints help
to see all options.
miki725/hint, which is a different approach: it clones the devhints Git repo locally and displays entries with less