SIMS is a pipeline for building interpretable and accurate classifiers for identifying any target on single-cell rna-seq data. The SIMS model is based on TabNet, a self-attention based model specifically built for large-scale tabular datasets.
SIMS takes in a list of arbitrarily many expression matrices along with their corresponding target variables. The expression matrices may be AnnData objects with format h5ad
, or .csv
They must be in the matrix form cell x gene
, and NOT gene x cell
, since our training samples are the transcriptomes of individual cells.
The data is formatted like so:
- All matrices are cell x expression
- All label files contain a common column, known as the
, on which to train the model datafiles
are the absolute paths to the expression matrices and labels, respectively
A call to generate and train the SIMS model could look like the following:
from scsims import SIMS
sims = SIMS(adata=adata, labels_key='class_label')
To customize the underlying pl.Trainer
and Tabnet model params, we can initialize the SIMS model like
from pytorch_lightning.loggers import WandbLogger
from pytorch_lightning.callbacks import EarlyStopping, LearningRateMonitor
from scsims import SIMS
wandb_logger = WandbLogger(project=f"My Project", name=f"SIMS Model Training") # set up the logger to log data to Weights and Biases
sims = SIMS(adata=adata, labels_key='class_label')
sims.setup_model(n_a=64, n_d=64, weights=sims.weights) # weighting loss by label freq
This will train the TabNet model on the given expression matrices with target variable given by the class_label
column in each label file.