OCI Bastion service can sometimes be difficult and long to setup. Here is a small script to automate Bastion session creation.
You need to have OCI-CLI installed and configured on your computer.
You also need to install jq package.
Or you can use OCI Cloud Shell which already have all the prerequisites.
You need also to have at least the following IAM permissions.
Allow group <group> to read virtual-network-family in compartment <compartment>
Allow group <group> to read instance-family in compartment <compartment>
Allow group <group> to inspect work-requests in tenancy
Allow group <group> to inspect compartments in tenancy
Allow group <group> to use bastion in compartment <compartment>
Allow group <group> to manage bastion-session in compartment <compartment>
Allow group <group> to read bastion in compartment <compartment>
git clone https://github.com/jlecerf62/ociquickbastion.git
Usage: quickbastion.sh [-h|i|r|u|p|l|s] <instance ocid>
-h Print this Help
-i Instance IP
-r Remote tcp port (port-forwarding)
-u Remote username (default: ${DEFAULT_OS_USERNAME})
-p OCI-CLI config profile (default: ${DEFAULT_PROFILE})
-l Local tcp port (port-forwarding)
-s Subnet ocid (SOCKS5 proxy)
quickbastion.sh -p TENANT1 -u user1 ocid1.instance.oc1...
quickbastion.sh -p TENANT2 -l 4443 -r 443 -i
quickbastion.sh -p TENANT3 -l 4444 -s ocid1.subnet.oc1...
jerome@cloudshell:ociquickbastion (eu-frankfurt-1)$ ./quickbastion.sh ocid1.instance.oc1.eu-frankfurt-1.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Searching for SSH key...
/home/jerome/.ssh/id_rsa not found
Do you want to generate a new RSA keypair ? (Y/N)y
Generating public/private rsa key pair.
Created directory '/home/jerome/.ssh'.
Your identification has been saved in /home/jerome/.ssh/id_rsa.
Your public key has been saved in /home/jerome/.ssh/id_rsa.pub.
The key fingerprint is:
SHA256:0oyKkVXjxxxxxxxxxxxxxx jerome@be0f89axxxx
The key's randomart image is:
+---[RSA 2048]----+
| o..o==. |
| =ooo.o |
| o=... |
| .oo= .+ |
|. oO Eo.S |
|.xxxxxxxxxx |
| +.@.o ... |
|. B o .... |
|=o .. .. |
RSA keypair generated
Detecting Bastion plugin state...
Bastion plugin is in RUNNING state on instance instance-20220509-2224.
Checking for existing Bastion service...
Bastion service not present for this subnet (in subnet compartment).
Do you want to create it? (Y/N)y
Creating Bastion QuickBastionsubnet1... Please wait, it can take up to 2 minutes...
Action completed. Waiting until the work request has entered state: ('SUCCEEDED',)
Creating session... Please wait, it can take up to 2 minutes...
Action completed. Waiting until the work request has entered state: ('SUCCEEDED',)
Session has been created. Session Lifetime is 3600 seconds
Type the following SSH command to connect instance
ssh -i /home/jerome/.ssh/id_rsa -o ProxyCommand="ssh -i /home/jerome/.ssh/id_rsa -W %h:%p -p 22 ocid1.bastionsession.oc1.eu-frankfurt-1.axxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx@host.bastion.eu-frankfurt-1.oci.oraclecloud.com" -p 22 opc@