I felt a need to create a visualization tutorial for people who are just learning ggplot2. As I was learning ggplot2, I realized that most of the tutorials had common themes, namely:
- they all use the same datasets: diamonds, cars, and mpg
- the graphs generated are really not presentation-worthy. Another words, they don't put all the pieces together.
- they don't provide business insight
I felt a need to help people who are new to ggplot2 build some presentation worthy plots in a quick amount of time, something I would have wanted. This tutorial aids in understanding ggplot2 quickly, so that you can start writing code and build plots faster on your own. It helps give high-level and detailed-level experience in only 10-15 minutes.
If you are newer to ggplot2, completing an introductory tutorial would be helpful, but probably not necessary.
This visualization tutorial was published on Towards Data Science and is available at: https://towardsdatascience.com/beginners-guide-to-enhancing-visualizations-in-r-9fa5a00927c9. Also see Visual-RMD.md for full analysis.