Course Project for Johns Hopkins Data Science Specialization
This repository contains course project files.
Note: Plots are currently not displayed correctly in the .md files since the project was submitted elsewhere as a pdf (per instructions). I will convert the images to pdfs, but for now the pdf is the best version to view. The appendix includes all code required for analysis/plotting.
The project consists of 2 parts:
Simulations from Exponential Distribution -- files are named "Exp_Samp_Dist" -- primary objective was to explore the Central Limit Theorem using iid variables from an exponential distribution
Analyzing Tooth Growth -- files are named "ToothGrowth" -- primary objective was to use statistical inference techniques to analyze the tooth growth data set in R -- data came from an experiment analzying the effect of Vitamin C on tooth growth in guinea pigs based on method of delivery and dose level
The .Rmd files contain raw code. The .md files contain code that can be previewed in a readable format (including charts). The pdfs contain formatted versions of the files.