A two-time postgraduate software engineer specialising in web development, able to build tailored applications, with a solid foundation in OOP & passionate to problem solve, learn new skills and collaborate as part of a team in efforts to deliver responsive, functional applications. Possessing excellent interpersonal skills and a meticulous nature to ensure all work undertaken exceeds customer expectations
📚 Software Engineering graduate from the University of Liverpool
💻 code_cademy/PRO career paths Full-Stack Engineer & Computer Science
💻 Udemy php, Laravel, Wordpress, React & Anything Full-Stack
💻 Udacity Intro to Programming Nanodegree , Front-End Web Developer , React Developer, SQL
👨💻 All of my projects are available at https://github.com/jkmagnussen
💬 Ask me about React/ Native, php, Laravel
📄 Know about my experiences https://www.linkedin.com/in/joseph-magnussen/