Early stage lanelet2 maps from Győr and ZalaZone, created by Krisztián Enisz and Mátyás Mesics.
ZalaZone Maps origin in UTM coords: [639770.000, 5195040.000, 0.000]
based on map_zala_0 ROS tf frame [33T
zone] (There are several online UTM-WGS84 converters)
GyorUni Maps origin in UTM coords: [697237.000, 5285644.000, 0.000]
based on map_gyor_0 ROS tf frame [33T
- Tier4 Tool - Vector Map Builder is a tool that helps to create a vector map from point cloud data.
- Assure mapping tools - Desktop based tool for viewing, editing and saving road network maps for autonomous vehicle platforms such as Autoware.
- MapToolbox - Plugins to make Lanelet2/vector_map in Unity
- JOSM - Java OpenStreetMap Editor
There are numerous solutions for UTM-WGS84 conversion in python, in c++ or in MATLAB.
pip install utm
UTM-WGS84 conversion
import utm
utm.to_latlon(639770.000, 5195040.000, 33, 'T')
(46.894188434576925, 16.834861347101725)
WGS84-UTM conversion
import utm
utm.from_latlon(47.69405596312653, 17.62866888484998)
(697237.0000192814, 5285644.004006204, 33, 'T')
cd ~
cd catkin_ws/src
git clone https://github.com/mesmatyi/common
catkin build map_file
roslaunch map_file lanelet2_map_loader_zala.launch
Other handy commands
rosrun tf static_transform_publisher 429.0 -1455.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 map_zala_0 map_zala_1 50
rosrun tf static_transform_publisher 200.0 68.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 map_zala_0 map_zala_2 50
rosrun tf static_transform_publisher -40.0 -40.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 map_gyor_0 map_gyor_1 50
- lanelet_rviz_plugin_ros - Rviz Plugin for displaying a lanelet2 map.
ROS2 package -lanelet2_rviz2
loads the Lanelet2.osm
files and displays it as avisualization_msgs/MarkerArray
. Minimum dependency package.- Autoware Universe -