Create Phylogenetic Networks from Clusters
This repository contains the source files for the results presented in the Master's Thesis 'Creating Phylogenetic Networks from Clusters' available at
The Python code dependends on the following packages:
- Biopython
- Matplotlib (only if figures are shown, i.e. if the result is saved as figure)
- Download the source code from the folder MSTCass;
- Go to the folder MSTCass;
- From a terminal, run e.g. "python3 -infile=ElusivenessFig9.nwk -outfile=result.nwk -fig_name=result".
- The given input filename is searched in the directories '../Cass_data/restricted_grass_trees/' and '../Cass_data/restricted_grass_clusters/' automatically.
- Run "python3 -h" for help
- Giving the base filename for a figure is enough; '.png' will be appended automatically.
- As path to save the figure, one may include (sub)direcories, e.g. "-fig_name=output/result"
- Download the source code from the folder Cass_src;
- Build the three Java files (using e.g. the command "javac *.java -d outputdir"). Note that the files were built using Java 11;
- Go to the directory (e.g. outputdir) containing the built class files;
- Run the algorithm, using e.g. the command "java CassAlgorithm '../Cass_data/restricted_grass_clusters/ElusivenessFig9.clu' --printretnum --timeout=5".
- The option --printretnum prints the progress of the reticulation number found so far. The given number always indicates a lower bound. The format is 'k=K,r=R', where K is the minimum level of the output network and R is the minimum reticulation number. If a network is found, the data that are printed lastly, represent the parameters for the output network (e.g. 'k=4,r=4' for ElusivenessFig9.clu).
- The option --timeout=X ensures that the program does not run longer than X minutes.