A pure-Python module for writing OpenDocument spreadsheets (similar to csv.writer).
- Pure python
- Automatically converts Python types into OpenDocument equivalents
- Includes support for datetime, date and time types
- Includes support for Decimal type
- Compatible with Python 2.7 and 3.3 (and probably others)
- Support for writing formulae (but not evaluating their results)
The MIT License (MIT), refer to LICENSE.txt
import datetime
import decimal
import odswriter as ods
# Single sheet mode
with ods.writer(open("test.ods","wb")) as odsfile:
odsfile.writerow(["String", "ABCDEF123456", "123456"])
# Lose the 2L below if you want to run this example code on Python 3, Python 3 has no long type.
odsfile.writerow(["Float", 1, 123, 123.123, 2L, decimal.Decimal("10.321")])
odsfile.writerow(["Date/DateTime", datetime.datetime.now(), datetime.date(1989,11,9)])
# Multiple sheet mode
with ods.writer(open("test-multi.ods","wb")) as odsfile:
bears = odsfile.new_sheet("Bears")
bears.writerow(["American Black Bear", "Asiatic Black Bear", "Brown Bear", "Giant Panda", "Qinling Panda",
"Sloth Bear", "Sun Bear", "Polar Bear", "Spectacled Bear"])
sloths = odsfile.new_sheet("Sloths")
sloths.writerow(["Pygmy Three-Toed Sloth", "Maned Sloth", "Pale-Throated Sloth", "Brown-Throated Sloth",
"Linneaeus's Two-Twoed Sloth", "Hoffman's Two-Toed Sloth"])