ROOT is a general data analysis framework developed by CERN. It is an object-oriented framework for storing, processing and visualizing large scientific data sets. ROOT can be used in a variety of scientific fields, including physics, astrophysics, biology, medicine, and more.
In Linux, snap is a software package format developed by Ubuntu. Snap packages are self-contained, which means they contain all files and dependencies required by the application. This makes them easier to install and use, and more secure because they don't rely on other software on the system.
Install if it does not have in Ubuntu: sudo apt install snapd
After installation, use it by: snap search <application>
sudo snap install <application>
sudo snap install root-framework
- in terminal
snap run root-framework
or root
root pet.root
open a root file
show info
branch name->GetEntries()
number of events
branch name->Show(eventid)
info of an event
TBrowser b
open a interactive browser
root g9_point_2head_0.5s_c.root // open a root file
.ls // show branches info
TFile** g9_point_2head_0.5s_c.root ROOT file with histograms
TFile* g9_point_2head_0.5s_c.root ROOT file with histograms
OBJ: TTree Hits The root tree for hits : 0 at: 0x562f4f487cf0
OBJ: TTree Singles The root tree for singles : 0 at: 0x562f51694340
OBJ: TTree Coincidences The root tree for coincidences : 0 at: 0x562f5145baa0
KEY: TH1D latest_event_ID;1 latest_event_ID(#)
KEY: TH1D total_nb_primaries;1 total_nb_primaries(#)
KEY: TTree pet_data;1 data for PET analysis
KEY: TTree Hits;1 The root tree for hits
KEY: TTree OpticalData;1 OpticalData
KEY: TTree Coincidences;1 The root tree for coincidences
KEY: TTree Singles;1 The root tree for singles
Hits->Show() // show Hits first event
Hits->Show(10) // show Hits 10th event
Hits->GetEntries() // (long long) 176124
Hits->Print() // the number of entries, the branches and the leaves
*Tree :Hits : The root tree for hits *
*Entries : 176124 : Total = 42275828 bytes File Size = 9864992 *
* : : Tree compression factor = 4.29 *
*Br 0 :PDGEncoding : PDGEncoding/I *
*Entries : 176124 : Total Size= 722175 bytes File Size = 50439 *
*Baskets : 177 : Basket Size= 4096 bytes Compression= 14.24 *
*Br 1 :trackID : trackID/I *
*Entries : 176124 : Total Size= 721451 bytes File Size = 114333 *
*Baskets : 177 : Basket Size= 4096 bytes Compression= 6.28 *
*Br 2 :parentID : parentID/I *
*Entries : 176124 : Total Size= 721632 bytes File Size = 57657 *
*Baskets : 177 : Basket Size= 4096 bytes Compression= 12.45 *
Hits->Scan() // will print the first 8 variables of the tree
* Row * PDGEncodi * trackID.t * parentID. * trackLoca * time.time * edep.edep * stepLengt * trackLeng *
* 0 * -11 * 1 * 0 * 9.125e-10 * 0.0006236 * 0.0043947 * 0.0083140 * 235.34182 *
* 1 * -11 * 1 * 0 * 9.125e-10 * 0.0006236 * 0.0057441 * 0.0105544 * 235.35238 *
* 2 * -11 * 1 * 0 * 9.126e-10 * 0.0006236 * 0.0074570 * 0.0105038 * 235.36288 *
* 3 * -11 * 1 * 0 * 9.126e-10 * 0.0006236 * 0.0052258 * 0.0135401 * 235.37641 *
* 4 * -11 * 1 * 0 * 9.127e-10 * 0.0006236 * 0.0208282 * 0.0249958 * 235.40142 *
* 5 * -11 * 1 * 0 * 9.128e-10 * 0.0006236 * 0.0243323 * 0.0316746 * 235.43309 *
* 6 * -11 * 1 * 0 * 9.129e-10 * 0.0006236 * 0.0323055 * 0.0472882 * 235.48037 *
* 7 * -11 * 1 * 0 * 9.130e-10 * 0.0006236 * 0.0512420 * 0.0654094 * 235.54579 *
* 8 * -11 * 1 * 0 * 9.131e-10 * 0.0006236 * 0.0301794 * 0.0276358 * 235.57342 *
* 9 * -11 * 1 * 0 * 9.132e-10 * 0.0006236 * 0.0803841 * 0.0230165 * 235.59645 *
* 10 * -11 * 1 * 0 * 9.132e-10 * 0.0006236 * 0.0477072 * 0.0282339 * 235.62468 *
Type <CR> to continue or q to quit ==>
Hits->Scan("*") // will print all the variables of the tree.
* Row * Instance * PDGEncodi * trackID.t * parentID. * trackLoca * time.time * edep.edep * stepLengt * trackLeng * posX.posX * posY.posY * posZ.posZ * localPosX * localPosY * localPosZ * momDirX.m * momDirY.m * momDirZ.m * gantryID. * blockID.b * crystalID * unused3ID * unused4ID * unused5ID * photonID. * nPhantomC * nCrystalC * nPhantomR * nCrystalR * primaryID * sourcePos * sourcePos * sourcePos * sourceID. * eventID.e * * axialPos. * rotationA * volumeID. * processNa * comptVolN * RayleighV * sourceTyp * decayType * gammaType *
* 0 * 0 * -11 * 1 * 0 * 9.125e-10 * 0.0006236 * 0.0043947 * 0.0083140 * 235.34182 * -228.0073 * -23.62822 * -8.239537 * -9.992618 * 23.628223 * -8.239537 * -0.938055 * 0.2813308 * -0.202250 * 0 * 1 * 0 * -1 * -1 * -1 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 1 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
Hits->SetScanField(0) // all rows are shown
Hits->SetScanField(50) // 50 rows are shown
Hits->Show(0) // show the 1st event
======> EVENT:0
PDGEncoding = -11
trackID = 1
parentID = 0
trackLocalTime = 9.12548e-10
time = 0.000623619
edep = 0.00439479
stepLength = 0.00831402
trackLength = 235.342
posX = -228.007
posY = -23.6282
posZ = -8.23954
localPosX = -9.99262
localPosY = 23.6282
localPosZ = -8.23954
momDirX = -0.938055
momDirY = 0.281331
momDirZ = -0.20225
gantryID = 0
blockID = 1
crystalID = 0
unused3ID = -1
unused4ID = -1
unused5ID = -1
photonID = 0
nPhantomCompton = 0
nCrystalCompton = 0
nPhantomRayleigh = 0
nCrystalRayleigh = 0
primaryID = 1
sourcePosX = 0
sourcePosY = 0
sourcePosZ = 0
sourceID = 0
eventID = 603
runID = 0
axialPos = 0
rotationAngle = 0
volumeID = 0,
0, 1, 0, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1
processName = msc
comptVolName = NULL
RayleighVolName = NULL
sourceType = 0
decayType = 0
gammaType = 0
* Row * trackID * parentID * time * edep * blockID * crystalID * photonID * primaryID * nPhantomC * nCrystalC * nPhantomR * nCrystalR * decayType * processNa *
* 0 * 1 * 0 * 0.0006236 * 0.0043947 * 1 * 0 * 0 * 1 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * msc *
* 1 * 1 * 0 * 0.0006236 * 0.0057441 * 1 * 0 * 0 * 1 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * msc *
* 2 * 1 * 0 * 0.0006236 * 0.0074570 * 1 * 0 * 0 * 1 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * msc *
* 3 * 1 * 0 * 0.0006236 * 0.0052258 * 1 * 0 * 0 * 1 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * msc *
* 4 * 1 * 0 * 0.0006236 * 0.0208282 * 1 * 0 * 0 * 1 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * msc *
* 5 * 1 * 0 * 0.0006236 * 0.0243323 * 1 * 0 * 0 * 1 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * msc *
* 6 * 1 * 0 * 0.0006236 * 0.0323055 * 1 * 0 * 0 * 1 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * msc *
* 7 * 1 * 0 * 0.0006236 * 0.0512420 * 1 * 0 * 0 * 1 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * msc *
* 8 * 1 * 0 * 0.0006236 * 0.0301794 * 1 * 0 * 0 * 1 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * msc *
* 9 * 1 * 0 * 0.0006236 * 0.0803841 * 1 * 0 * 0 * 1 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * msc *
* 10 * 1 * 0 * 0.0006236 * 0.0477072 * 1 * 0 * 0 * 1 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * msc *
* 11 * 1 * 0 * 0.0006236 * 0.1098842 * 1 * 0 * 0 * 1 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * eIoni *
* 12 * 1 * 0 * 0.0006236 * 0 * 1 * 0 * 0 * 1 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * annihil *
* 13 * 113 * 1 * 0.0006236 * 0.5109989 * 1 * 0 * 1 * 1 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * phot *
* 14 * 111 * 1 * 0.0006236 * 9.493e-05 * 1 * 0 * 0 * 1 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * eIoni *
* 15 * 110 * 1 * 0.0006236 * 8.782e-05 * 1 * 0 * 0 * 1 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * eIoni *
* 16 * 109 * 1 * 0.0006236 * 8.782e-05 * 1 * 0 * 0 * 1 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * eIoni *
* 17 * 108 * 1 * 0.0006236 * 8.782e-05 * 1 * 0 * 0 * 1 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * eIoni *
* 18 * 107 * 1 * 0.0006236 * 8.782e-05 * 1 * 0 * 0 * 1 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * eIoni *
* 19 * 106 * 1 * 0.0006236 * 8.071e-05 * 1 * 0 * 0 * 1 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * eIoni *
* 20 * 105 * 1 * 0.0006236 * 9.493e-05 * 1 * 0 * 0 * 1 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * eIoni *
* 21 * 104 * 1 * 0.0006236 * 2.993e-05 * 1 * 0 * 0 * 1 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * eIoni *
* 22 * 103 * 1 * 0.0006236 * 9.557e-05 * 1 * 0 * 0 * 1 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * eIoni *
* 23 * 102 * 1 * 0.0006236 * 2.925e-05 * 1 * 0 * 0 * 1 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * eIoni *
* 24 * 101 * 1 * 0.0006236 * 0.0004938 * 1 * 0 * 0 * 1 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * eIoni *
Type <CR> to continue or q to quit ==>
(Multiple Scattering)eIoni
(Electron Ionization)annihil
(Electron-Positron Annihilation)phot
(Photoelectric Effect)
Singles->Show(0) // show Singles 1st event
======> EVENT:0
runID = 0
eventID = 702
sourceID = 0
sourcePosX = 0
sourcePosY = 0
sourcePosZ = 0
time = 0.000727677
energy = 0.548263
globalPosX = 233.749
globalPosY = -17.7768
globalPosZ = 10.3119
gantryID = 0
blockID = 0
crystalID = 0
unused3ID = -1
unused4ID = -1
unused5ID = -1
comptonPhantom = 0
comptonCrystal = 1
RayleighPhantom = 0
RayleighCrystal = 0
axialPos = 0
rotationAngle = 0
comptVolName = NULL
RayleighVolName = NULL
volumeID = 0,
0, 0, 0, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1
* Row * Instance * eventID * time * energy * blockID * crystalID * comptonPh * comptonCr * RayleighP * RayleighC * comptVolN * RayleighV * volumeID *
* 0 * 0 * 702 * 0.0007276 * 0.5482634 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 1 * 0 * 0 * NULL * NULL * 0 *
* 0 * 1 * 702 * 0.0007276 * 0.5482634 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 1 * 0 * 0 * * * 0 *
* 0 * 2 * 702 * 0.0007276 * 0.5482634 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 1 * 0 * 0 * * * 0 *
* 0 * 3 * 702 * 0.0007276 * 0.5482634 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 1 * 0 * 0 * * * 0 *
* 0 * 4 * 702 * 0.0007276 * 0.5482634 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 1 * 0 * 0 * * * -1 *
* 0 * 5 * 702 * 0.0007276 * 0.5482634 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 1 * 0 * 0 * * * -1 *
* 0 * 6 * 702 * 0.0007276 * 0.5482634 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 1 * 0 * 0 * * * -1 *
* 0 * 7 * 702 * 0.0007276 * 0.5482634 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 1 * 0 * 0 * * * -1 *
* 0 * 8 * 702 * 0.0007276 * 0.5482634 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 1 * 0 * 0 * * * -1 *
* 0 * 9 * 702 * 0.0007276 * 0.5482634 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 1 * 0 * 0 * * * -1 *
* 1 * 0 * 1030 * 0.0010454 * 0.5109989 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 1 * 0 * 0 * NULL * NULL * 0 *
* 1 * 1 * 1030 * 0.0010454 * 0.5109989 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 1 * 0 * 0 * * * 0 *
* 1 * 2 * 1030 * 0.0010454 * 0.5109989 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 1 * 0 * 0 * * * 0 *
* 1 * 3 * 1030 * 0.0010454 * 0.5109989 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 1 * 0 * 0 * * * 0 *
* 1 * 4 * 1030 * 0.0010454 * 0.5109989 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 1 * 0 * 0 * * * -1 *
* 1 * 5 * 1030 * 0.0010454 * 0.5109989 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 1 * 0 * 0 * * * -1 *
* 1 * 6 * 1030 * 0.0010454 * 0.5109989 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 1 * 0 * 0 * * * -1 *
* 1 * 7 * 1030 * 0.0010454 * 0.5109989 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 1 * 0 * 0 * * * -1 *
* 1 * 8 * 1030 * 0.0010454 * 0.5109989 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 1 * 0 * 0 * * * -1 *
* 1 * 9 * 1030 * 0.0010454 * 0.5109989 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 1 * 0 * 0 * * * -1 *
* 2 * 0 * 1179 * 0.0011952 * 0.5109989 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * NULL * NULL * 0 *
* 2 * 1 * 1179 * 0.0011952 * 0.5109989 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * * * 0 *
* 2 * 2 * 1179 * 0.0011952 * 0.5109989 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * * * 0 *
* 2 * 3 * 1179 * 0.0011952 * 0.5109989 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * * * 0 *
* 2 * 4 * 1179 * 0.0011952 * 0.5109989 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * * * -1 *
Type <CR> to continue or q to quit ==>
Coincidences->Show() // show info
======> EVENT:-1
runID = 0
axialPos = 0
rotationAngle = 0
eventID1 = 0
sourceID1 = 0
sourcePosX1 = 0
sourcePosY1 = 0
sourcePosZ1 = 0
time1 = 0
energy1 = 0
globalPosX1 = 0
globalPosY1 = 0
globalPosZ1 = 0
gantryID1 = 0
blockID1 = 0
crystalID1 = 0
unused3ID1 = 0
unused4ID1 = 0
unused5ID1 = 0
comptonPhantom1 = 0
comptonCrystal1 = 0
RayleighPhantom1 = 0
RayleighCrystal1 = 0
eventID2 = 0
sourceID2 = 0
sourcePosX2 = 0
sourcePosY2 = 0
sourcePosZ2 = 0
time2 = 0
energy2 = 0
globalPosX2 = 0
globalPosY2 = 0
globalPosZ2 = 0
gantryID2 = 0
blockID2 = 0
crystalID2 = 0
unused3ID2 = 0
unused4ID2 = 0
unused5ID2 = 0
comptonPhantom2 = 0
comptonCrystal2 = 0
RayleighPhantom2 = 0
RayleighCrystal2 = 0
sinogramTheta = 0
sinogramS = 0
comptVolName1 =
comptVolName2 =
RayleighVolName1 =
RayleighVolName2 =
* Row * eventID1 * eventID2 * time1 * time2 * energy1 * energy2 * blockID1 * blockID2 * crystalID * crystalID * globalPos * globalPos * globalPos * globalPos *
* 0 * 11 * 11 * 1.444e-05 * 1.444e-05 * 0.5324218 * 0.5109989 * 177 * 160 * 125 * 93 * -187.0208 * -171.6790 * -386.1606 * 394.42157 *
* 1 * 37 * 37 * 3.531e-05 * 3.531e-05 * 0.5109989 * 0.5109989 * 1 * 19 * 60 * 5 * 432.11505 * -315.9100 * 30.950630 * 290.17877 *
* 2 * 53 * 53 * 5.174e-05 * 5.174e-05 * 0.5109989 * 0.5109989 * 43 * 183 * 125 * 148 * 334.40533 * 132.85568 * -288.0577 * -417.7819 *
* 3 * 89 * 89 * 7.946e-05 * 7.946e-05 * 0.4837822 * 0.5109989 * 25 * 108 * 55 * 38 * -428.2357 * 6.4320244 * -10.90172 * 432.43249 *
* 4 * 317 * 317 * 0.0003166 * 0.0003166 * 0.5109989 * 0.5109989 * 174 * 5 * 66 * 77 * -348.9855 * 361.67471 * -271.7265 * 264.57934 *
* 5 * 369 * 369 * 0.0003869 * 0.0003869 * 0.5371779 * 0.5109989 * 112 * 30 * 88 * 37 * -202.5240 * -318.0317 * 387.48617 * -299.8047 *
* 6 * 432 * 432 * 0.0004504 * 0.0004504 * 0.5109989 * 0.5109989 * 45 * 165 * 125 * 36 * 396.68466 * -392.3652 * -191.1926 * 178.15414 *
* 7 * 452 * 452 * 0.0004728 * 0.0004728 * 0.5109989 * 0.5109989 * 136 * 158 * 62 * 91 * 208.82975 * -56.68589 * -394.8935 * 426.40594 *
* 8 * 462 * 463 * 0.0004833 * 0.0004834 * 0.5109989 * 0.5109989 * 150 * 81 * 62 * 23 * 316.24096 * -186.2989 * 294.26141 * -406.7476 *
* 9 * 668 * 668 * 0.0006950 * 0.0006950 * 0.5109989 * 0.5109989 * 34 * 104 * 22 * 73 * -131.6641 * 241.90921 * -408.7626 * 367.69650 *
* 10 * 681 * 681 * 0.0007096 * 0.0007096 * 0.5109989 * 0.5109989 * 124 * 52 * 7 * 148 * -397.0189 * 402.22509 * -196.1065 * 187.52545 *
* 11 * 689 * 689 * 0.0007183 * 0.0007183 * 0.6355064 * 0.5109989 * 159 * 148 * 110 * 138 * -136.7851 * 387.73083 * 413.18487 * 193.55830 *
* 12 * 706 * 706 * 0.0007394 * 0.0007394 * 0.5109989 * 0.5109989 * 0 * 118 * 111 * 43 * 446.05719 * -407.2573 * -27.57494 * 149.8591 *
* 13 * 736 * 736 * 0.0007659 * 0.0007659 * 0.5109989 * 0.5109989 * 111 * 140 * 5 * 151 * -135.1369 * 364.78491 * 423.58474 * -240.9290 *
* 14 * 763 * 763 * 0.0007981 * 0.0007981 * 0.5109989 * 0.5109989 * 163 * 28 * 62 * 162 * -335.2828 * -394.2877 * 277.23571 * -189.8426 *
* 15 * 809 * 810 * 0.0008427 * 0.0008427 * 0.5109989 * 0.5109989 * 132 * 52 * 45 * 75 * -31.34817 * 390.03521 * -441.4894 * 207.18399 *
* 16 * 853 * 853 * 0.0008851 * 0.0008851 * 0.5109989 * 0.5109989 * 66 * 186 * 14 * 143 * -272.5115 * 271.42819 * 344.64590 * -349.7161 *
* 17 * 903 * 903 * 0.0009330 * 0.0009330 * 0.6458153 * 0.5109989 * 154 * 111 * 94 * 148 * 153.99688 * -131.2613 * 408.48764 * 407.69049 *
* 18 * 927 * 927 * 0.0009561 * 0.0009561 * 0.5109989 * 0.5109989 * 92 * 68 * 47 * 116 * 359.89111 * -382.4150 * -234.7964 * 231.95283 *
* 19 * 939 * 939 * 0.0009692 * 0.0009692 * 0.5109989 * 0.5109989 * 122 * 145 * 153 * 18 * -417.8856 * 437.05456 * -94.31806 * 21.063623 *
* 20 * 962 * 962 * 0.0009949 * 0.0009949 * 0.5109989 * 0.5109989 * 4 * 28 * 78 * 135 * 405.10965 * -391.7678 * 168.94775 * -185.0102 *
* 21 * 990 * 990 * 0.0010229 * 0.0010229 * 0.5109989 * 0.5109989 * 86 * 158 * 1 * 30 * 59.001098 * -73.46105 * -426.9371 * 428.90628 *
* 22 * 1143 * 1145 * 0.0011889 * 0.0011890 * 0.5109989 * 0.5109989 * 109 * 48 * 53 * 127 * -3.658747 * 440.71173 * 439.33352 * -16.71529 *
* 23 * 1154 * 1154 * 0.0011984 * 0.0011984 * 0.5109989 * 0.5109989 * 113 * 135 * 125 * 17 * -252.4592 * 126.57633 * 367.74322 * -412.4742 *
* 24 * 1207 * 1208 * 0.0012541 * 0.0012541 * 0.5109989 * 0.5109989 * 73 * 136 * 98 * 73 * -442.3806 * 194.91403 * -29.86315 * -383.2742 *
Type <CR> to continue or q to quit ==>
- in Python
(instead of python
) >>> import ROOT
but not really used 🪫
🌟🌟🌟another way to read and write root file:
pip install uproot
import uproot
import numpy as np
np.set_printoptions(threshold=np.inf) # No limit on the number of rows displayed when printing an array
filename = 'g10_b2b1s_2b_ewp.root'
file =
for t in file: print(f'Tree {t}') # print the list of trees
hits = file['Hits']
singles = file['Singles1']
singles_ew= file['EnergyWindows']
print(f'Number of hits : {hits.num_entries}')
print(f'Number of singles : {singles.num_entries}')
print(f'Number of singles(ew) : {singles_ew.num_entries}')
# print branches in the singles tree
branches = singles_ew.keys()
print('Branches in Tree EnergyWindows:')
print(", ".join(branches))
chunk_size = 100
start = 0
data = singles_ew.arrays(branches, entry_start=start, entry_stop=start+chunk_size)
Energy = data['TotalEnergyDeposit']
PreStepUniqueVolumeID = data['PreStepUniqueVolumeID']
eventID = data['EventID']
PostPosition_X = data['PostPosition_X']
PostPosition_Y = data['PostPosition_Y']
PostPosition_Z = data['PostPosition_Z']
EventPostPosition_X = data['EventPosition_X']
EventPostPosition_Y = data['EventPosition_Y']
EventPostPosition_Z = data['EventPosition_Z']
GlobalTime = data['GlobalTime']
for i in range(20):
print(f"EventID: {eventID[i]}, PostPosition: ({PostPosition_X[i]:.0f} {PostPosition_Y[i]:.0f} {PostPosition_Z[i]:.0f}), EventPosition: ({EventPostPosition_X[i]:.0f} {EventPostPosition_Y[i]:.0f} {EventPostPosition_Z[i]:.0f}), PreStepUniqueVolumeID: {PreStepUniqueVolumeID[i]}, GlobalTime: {GlobalTime[i]:.2f}, Energy: {Energy[i]:.2f}")
The output is
Tree Hits;1
Tree Singles1;1
Tree Singles2;1
Tree EnergyWindows;1
Number of hits : 20825.0
Number of singles : 12043.0
Number of singles(ew) : 9645.0
Branches in Tree EnergyWindows:
EventID, EventPosition_X, EventPosition_Y, EventPosition_Z, GlobalTime, TotalEnergyDeposit, Position_X, Position_Y, Position_Z, PostPosition_X, PostPosition_Y, PostPosition_Z, PreStepUniqueVolumeID
EventID: 63, PostPosition: (238 0 0), EventPosition: (-3 3 -0), PreStepUniqueVolumeID: 0_0_0_0_0, GlobalTime: 66370.18, Energy: 0.51
EventID: 96, PostPosition: (238 0 0), EventPosition: (-2 5 0), PreStepUniqueVolumeID: 0_0_0_0_0, GlobalTime: 103747.27, Energy: 0.51
EventID: 96, PostPosition: (-238 0 0), EventPosition: (-2 5 0), PreStepUniqueVolumeID: 0_0_0_1_0, GlobalTime: 103747.29, Energy: 0.51
EventID: 237, PostPosition: (-238 0 0), EventPosition: (-2 -1 -1), PreStepUniqueVolumeID: 0_0_0_1_0, GlobalTime: 246700.00, Energy: 0.51
EventID: 331, PostPosition: (238 0 0), EventPosition: (3 -1 -3), PreStepUniqueVolumeID: 0_0_0_0_0, GlobalTime: 334631.24, Energy: 0.51
EventID: 331, PostPosition: (-238 0 0), EventPosition: (3 -1 -3), PreStepUniqueVolumeID: 0_0_0_1_0, GlobalTime: 334631.21, Energy: 0.51
EventID: 446, PostPosition: (238 0 0), EventPosition: (-0 0 -3), PreStepUniqueVolumeID: 0_0_0_0_0, GlobalTime: 481740.14, Energy: 0.51
EventID: 565, PostPosition: (238 0 0), EventPosition: (-2 1 -3), PreStepUniqueVolumeID: 0_0_0_0_0, GlobalTime: 600870.41, Energy: 0.51
EventID: 565, PostPosition: (-238 0 0), EventPosition: (-2 1 -3), PreStepUniqueVolumeID: 0_0_0_1_0, GlobalTime: 600870.38, Energy: 0.51
EventID: 569, PostPosition: (238 0 0), EventPosition: (-1 4 1), PreStepUniqueVolumeID: 0_0_0_0_0, GlobalTime: 602331.48, Energy: 0.51
EventID: 569, PostPosition: (-238 0 0), EventPosition: (-1 4 1), PreStepUniqueVolumeID: 0_0_0_1_0, GlobalTime: 602331.51, Energy: 0.51
EventID: 676, PostPosition: (-238 0 0), EventPosition: (-1 0 0), PreStepUniqueVolumeID: 0_0_0_1_0, GlobalTime: 695413.27, Energy: 0.51
EventID: 689, PostPosition: (-238 0 0), EventPosition: (-2 1 -1), PreStepUniqueVolumeID: 0_0_0_1_0, GlobalTime: 709145.15, Energy: 0.51
EventID: 923, PostPosition: (238 0 0), EventPosition: (3 -1 1), PreStepUniqueVolumeID: 0_0_0_0_0, GlobalTime: 930785.86, Energy: 0.51
EventID: 1103, PostPosition: (238 0 0), EventPosition: (4 -2 -1), PreStepUniqueVolumeID: 0_0_0_0_0, GlobalTime: 1107056.36, Energy: 0.51
EventID: 1174, PostPosition: (238 0 0), EventPosition: (-3 0 3), PreStepUniqueVolumeID: 0_0_0_0_0, GlobalTime: 1170443.74, Energy: 0.51
EventID: 1174, PostPosition: (-238 0 0), EventPosition: (-3 0 3), PreStepUniqueVolumeID: 0_0_0_1_0, GlobalTime: 1170443.70, Energy: 0.51
EventID: 1186, PostPosition: (238 0 0), EventPosition: (4 2 2), PreStepUniqueVolumeID: 0_0_0_0_0, GlobalTime: 1180152.44, Energy: 0.51
EventID: 1186, PostPosition: (-238 0 0), EventPosition: (4 2 2), PreStepUniqueVolumeID: 0_0_0_1_0, GlobalTime: 1180152.47, Energy: 0.51
EventID: 1250, PostPosition: (-238 0 0), EventPosition: (1 -3 3), PreStepUniqueVolumeID: 0_0_0_1_0, GlobalTime: 1251858.14, Energy: 0.51