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######################################### Setup Jenkins on EC2 and Build load using Jenkins

Task 1: Launch an EC2

You may use the below specs.

region used: us-east-1 (N Virginia) region.

Launch Ubuntu 22.04 LTS t2.micro EC2 machine.

Note: In the security group, open ports 22, 80, 8080 and 9999.

Use the EC2 Name tag "Jenkins'; Use a key pair

Task 2: Jenkins Installation

After the EC2 server is up & running, SSH into the machine and do the below:

sudo apt update sudo apt install wget unzip -y

sudo apt install awscli -y

aws configure enter your Access Key enter your Secret Access Key

To test if the config has worked, you can use below aws cli command to list your S3 buckets.

If the config is not proper, you will get error. Else you will get your S3 bucket list.

aws s3 ls

create a small script which will install Jenkins


Type the below code into

start of code

sudo apt install default-jre -y

sudo wget -O /usr/share/keyrings/jenkins-keyring.asc

echo deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/jenkins-keyring.asc] binary/ | sudo tee
/etc/apt/sources.list.d/jenkins.list > /dev/null

sudo apt-get update -y sudo apt-get install jenkins -y

sudo systemctl start jenkins.service sudo systemctl status jenkins

echo "InitialAdminPassword" echo "-------------------" sudo cat /var/lib/jenkins/secrets/initialAdminPassword

end of code

#Save & quit

Provide execute permission

chmod +x

execute the shell script to launch Jenkins


Type 'Q' to get back prompt

Exit & SSH into the machine again. New hostname will appear now

jenkins --version

Use below command to find ip address of the Jenkins server


Check if Jenkins landing page is appearing: # Use your respective ip address

Task 3: Configure Jenkins

Get the initial password for Jenkins from the corresponding folder in Jenkins server.

sudo cat /var/lib/jenkins/secrets/initialAdminPassword

copy the password.

ex: e606c92ebb3b430ca5c2e480f5257e1f

Now, go to the browser and enter Jenkins URL

Under Unlock Jenkins, enter the above Initial password. Continue.

Click on Install suggested Plugins on Customize Jenkins page.

Once the plugins are installed, it gives you the page where you can create new admin user id

and password.

Enter user id and password. Save & Continue.

To keep things simple, choose a simple user id and password. For ex: admin; admin

Needless to say, in real life, you must keep the user ids and passwords separate.

In next step, on Instance Configuration Page, verify your Jenkins Public IP and Port Number then click on Save and Finish

Start Using Jenkins

You will be prompted to the Jenkins Home Page

Click on Manage Jenkins > Plugins

Click on Available Plugins. Search for 'Maven'. Select 2 plugins as listed below:

  • Maven Integration Plugin and click 'Install'

Once the installation is completed, Go back to 'Manage Jenkins'.

Click on 'Tools'

Inside Tools, look for Maven Installations and click Add Maven. Give the Name as Maven-yourname, choose Version as 3.9.6 (or latest) and Click 'Save'.

Task 4: Setup GitHub repository

Create your Github account Fork the following repository and create your own repository 'jenkins-proj'. Repository:

Task 5: Create a build project

Now you need to make a project for your application build. For that, select 'New Item' from the Home Page of Jenkins.

Enter an item name as 'jenkins-proj' and select the project as Maven Project and then click OK.

After you click on OK, you will be prompted to the configure page inside 'jenkins-proj' project. Go to Source Code Management tab, select Source Code Management as Git. You need to provide the GitHub Repository URL and GitHub Account Credentials. In the Credentials field, you have to click Add. Then click on Jenkins.

Then you will get prompted for Jenkins Credentials Provider page of Jenkins. Under Add Credentials, you can add your GitHub Username, Password and Description. Then click on Add.

After returning to the Source Code Management Page, click on Credentials and Choose your GitHub Credentials.

Keep all the other values as default and select Build menu on the left side. Inside Goals and options add 'clean package' and save the configuration by clicking on Save.

'clean package' (all small letters) command clears the target directory and Builds the project and

packages the resulting JAR file into the target directory.

Get back to Maven project 'jenkins-proj'. Click on 'Build Now' for building the .war file for your application.

You can go to Workspace > dist folder to see that the .war file is created there.

war file will be created in /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/jenkins-proj/target/

Task 6: Install and Configure Tomcat for Deploying our Application on Jenkins server

sudo apt install tomcat9 tomcat9-admin -y

sudo systemctl enable tomcat9

Now we need to navigate to server.xml to change the Tomcat port number from 8080 to 9999,

as port number 8080 is already being used by Jenkins website.

sudo vi /etc/tomcat9/server.xml #Change 8080 to 9999 in 1 place. (line 69 / red color font)

#Now restart the system for the changes to take effect sudo service tomcat9 restart sudo service tomcat9 status

We need to copy the .war file created in the previous Jenkins build from Jenkins workspace

to tomcat webapps directory to serve the web content

sudo cp -R /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/jenkins-proj/target/welcome-page-war-1.0.war /var/lib/tomcat9/webapps

Once this is done, go to your browser and enter Jenkins Server Public IP address followed

by port 9999 and path 'welcome-page-war-1.0' and you can see tomcat is now serving your web page

(URL: http://< Your Jenkins Public IP >:9999/welcome-page-war-1.0/)

You will see a simple html page which says "Welcome! We are learning DevOps!!"

Task 7: Clean Up

Terminate the EC2; You may also delete any security group you created.

In case if you are continuing to use Jenkins, it is better to remove the tomcat server.

Else it may slow down Jenkins

sudo service tomcat9 stop sudo apt remove tomcat9

########## The End ##########


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