A Huge Flood hit Kerala, India during August 2018. Many lost Life, Belongings and more. During relief work we found that many companies are ready to help through their CSR funds via NGOs. Also students and youth work really hard to help but they couldn't financially match it. They have no platform to earn money during their studies without a job.
The AiD-Simply Earn Application allows users to earn money as well as help others by using their phone. The application tracks the applications running in background along with Battery and RAM usage. When an ideal condition arrives, an Ad will be displayed as a popup, which activates on user click. User can choose the donation percentage and earning percentage. Since donation is our priority, if more the user donates, more he earns through Ads.
Built using Android Native. Using Background Services and Floating Popup. Backend is designed using Python in AWS.
Major Challenge was developing iOS version, where background tasks are not that easy to develop in iOS. Remedy was made using Flutter for iOS and Android together with Foreground Service and Notification.
Won First Prize for South India's First Beach Hackathon conducted on February 2019.
Learned about CSR funds, Ad Platforms etc
To deploy into real world with real ads and real money.