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File metadata and controls

180 lines (132 loc) · 6.67 KB

||| +++cant be changed but visible ---cant be accessed by end user -+-sysaccuser can allow view/edit based on situation and user config ||| Metadata for files

filename filesize filetype fileformat +++upload date time +++uploaded by last access date time modified date time ---location +++nodeId +++nodeURL -+-accesses [r w d] [ read-only files can be deleted by sysmonuser(Default user for system monitoring)] priority [temp parma super] parent folder [id only] ---encription type ---encription key +++part details [comma separated] [ max 5 part , minimum 2] image EXIF JSON [only for images : filetype must have to be image/*]

metadata for folders

id [78*****000000 ] [* will be replaced by random chars] folder name -+-folder description [sys created folder description cant be changed] folder comment parent folder root folder location +++creation date +++last uploaded +++modified date +++number of files +++created by -+-permissions [shareable , hidden , renameable , locked , compressable , cloneable(copy)] [cut or move will be dependable on write access] -+-access [r w d] -+-size folder color

system design high level : TODO : TESTING IN PROGRESS

it devides files in multiple parts. number of parts depends on number of active gdrive account linked. app encrypts every part with two different keys. 1. a fixed system generated key(defKey) : not stored db. -> sys stores it in a .env file -> a backup will be provided to user encripted by a master password -> master password cant be storend in any places : so cant be recoverd -> if you are not storing defKey then you have to pass that key every time you logged in. a slated hash of that key will be stored in db to check if it is valid. 2. a ramdomly ganerated key(singleKey) -> key will be combined with defKey to encrypt / decript a single file -> a copy of singleKey and parts link will be stored in all the gdrive nodes sysEncTable folder with same name of the file and current part link details seperated by .|.. extension will be .encd

file parts

risk and mitigation

  1. in the event of db leak as defKey is not stored in db files cant be decripted. but all file details are visible to hackes

  2. in the event of db lost if there is no db backup taken, user can decrypt and recover all files based on locally stored encriptrd defKey and singleKey stored in sysEncTable folder. process will be shared latter.

  3. in the event of db and server hack [not likely it will happen if user is not using proper security mesure] then nothing cant be done. [If you know at the right time then lock the system using admin user] locking the system will delete all node delails , will delete .env. Then updated gdrive details as soon as possible.

    • please only allow port 80 and 443 to access the system. no other ports are required.
    • dont use shared server for this system.
    • if you are using shared server then dont store defKey. if you are not storing defKey then you have to pass that key every time you logged in. a slated hash of that key will be stored in db to check if it is valid.

    --------------------problems / bugs----------------------

    1. In multi node server, the free space of a drive could cause problem, if multiple clients start uploading big file at a same time. FIX: add a 2nd param [in-use-space] and put the size of currently uploading file sizes. Substract this value for thye next file upload process. if a upload gets cancelled, substact that value from [in-use-space]. On success substact that value from [in-use-space] and add it to [freeScace] param. [TODO]{EST:7 days} priority: low

    2. drive not initialize if one of them failed! [HIGH]{ETA:3 days}

    3. Add email verification process during user registration... This could be optional and admin has to setup SMTP details for that.


    1. create .well-known routes for ssl validation. -> not planned : no ETA
    2. create POST admin/api/u/ssl for importing prv & cert. -> not planned : no ETA

mkdir -p cert && sudo certbot certonly --manual --config-dir ./cert --work-dir ./cert && echo cert/fullchain.pem && echo '-----private key-----\n\n' && echo cert/privkey.pem

----------------next ticket-------------------

put and owner = ? condition first..... Rename , move and delete folder functionality logics are same for all. It has to be done recursively...

during folder rename or move... all subfolders will be effected recursively, so the files of those sub folders. Fix: remove filePath params 
and during fetch query get the folder id using (SELECT folderId FROM Folders where fullPath = ? and owner = ?) subquery. That way dont  have to update files location also.

=> done

Repair Failed faile operation: -> There should be a job to look into this issue: scope: Job will look into the particular drive: if it is down -> send mail to admins if drive is up but file not present there ->manual checkup required .... table details: id, action, driveId, nodeId, type(full,chunk), otherInfo, status if status is cleard -> record can be deleted from DB if status is checked -> job will not pickup for 2nd time, manual checkup needed for other status job can look into that... job frequency -> 1 run in 24h

----------------next task------------------ FEATURE: folder upload -> create all the folders and subfolders at once -> done -> upload all the files one by one -> not possible [google api limitation] -> resumable upload , so recreate the session if it is expired, ask only password from user, and send a token to -> todo check the chalanges in client side. -> todo

---bug --- put onclick event on the folder/file input field, so that user can select the same file again and again in diffrent folder location. -> not prioritized

----bug----- reducde google drive error log : it is exposing the API auth key -> not prioritized -> security risk is high

multi-node scenario bug: drive available space is not syncronized between nodes -> not prioritized -> priority: low -> ETA: 30 days

folder upload bug: -> retry logic is not implemented -> upload progress not completes if upload is failed for any reason -> retry failed upload 2 times then give up [show error message optional] -> priority: high -> ETA: 3 days