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Compass app in Android

⌚ ​Course project for Mobile GIS & LBS


A new start-up company asks you to develop a location-based fitness app based on Android. The fitness app aims at encouraging the users to get out of their home and do a round trip running or walking near their home.


The major functions implemented include:

  • directing and giving instructions to the destination by a compass,
  • recording users' trajectories and uploading to ArcGIS Server once the trip is finished,
  • calculating rewards of the trip according to speed, distance and other factors, and
  • creating an AR scene where users can locate their rewards around them and storing rewards as spatial anchors.


Compass navigation functions

👉 The app should read a list of possible checkpoints from the file system

👉 After starting the app, a user can select one checkpoint from a drop-down that they want to go to

👉 A basic compass screen shows the direction and distance to the checkpoint’s position (like on a radar)

  • Compass directs to the position of checkpoint

👉 ​Show the current speed of the user and the temperature

👉 ​When the user reaches the checkpoint, the app should notify the user with either text or audio.

👉 ​To make the trip a complete round trip, the compass should then point towards the starting location again.

👉 ​Once the user completed the round trip (i.e., arrive the starting location), the app should again notify the user, provide a reward, and save the data to a CSV file.

Sharing trajectories

Users need an ArcGIS API key to upload their records to ArcGIS server.

👉 Social sharing option: users can share their latest record as a simple text.

  • Users can share by click the share button in the main activity.
  • When users click back button to quit the app, a dialog will pop up to ask for sharing.

👉 Track upload: When a trip is finished, a dialog pops up to ask for uploading records to ArcGIS server. Users can click SHARE to view the trajectory and checkpoint, and upload the records.

👉 Track review: Users can view all tracks by clicking the map button in the main activity.

  • Users can select from the spinner to show records of a certain user
  • Users can tap a trajectory to look through the attributes of the trajectory.

Locating rewards in AR Scene

Users need to download Google Play Services for AR, and have an Azure account to upload spatial anchors.

👉 Locating rewards: users can find the rewards they got in the past trips, and place the rewards in an AR scene. Finally the placed rewards are uploaded as Azure spatial anchors.

👉 Placing rewards: users can re-establish all previously stored rewards (i.e., spatial anchors) in the AR scene.

👉 Cleaning rewards: users can delete all located rewards and relocate them.


Compass navigation

main activity


Sharing trajectories

upload track

track review

Locating rewards in AR Scene

track review


Android Studio 3.4.1

API level min. 19

Google Play Services for AR installed in the device


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