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{"authors": "dev-team@jina.ai", "description": "Jina is the cloud-native neural search solution powered by state-of-the-art AI and deep learning technology", "docs": "https://docs.jina.ai", "license": "Apache 2.0", "methods": [{"name": "hello", "options": []}, {"name": "executor", "options": [{"choices": null, "default": null, "default_random": false, "help": "\nThe name of this object.\n\nThis will be used in the following places:\n- how you refer to this object in Python/YAML/CLI\n- visualization\n- log message header\n- ...\n\nWhen not given, then the default naming strategy will apply.\n ", "name": "name", "option_strings": ["--name"], "required": false, "type": "str"}, {"choices": null, "default": null, "default_random": false, "help": "The working directory for any IO operations in this object. If not set, then derive from its parent `workspace`.", "name": "workspace", "option_strings": ["--workspace"], "required": false, "type": "str"}, {"choices": null, "default": "/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.7.10/x64/lib/python3.7/site-packages/jina/resources/logging.default.yml", "default_random": false, "help": "The YAML config of the logger used in this object.", "name": "log_config", "option_strings": ["--log-config"], "required": false, "type": "str"}, {"choices": null, "default": false, "default_random": false, "help": "If set, then no log will be emitted from this object.", "name": "quiet", "option_strings": ["--quiet"], "required": false, "type": "bool"}, {"choices": null, "default": false, "default_random": false, "help": "If set, then exception stack information will not be added to the log", "name": "quiet_error", "option_strings": ["--quiet-error"], "required": false, "type": "bool"}, {"choices": null, "default": null, "default_random": false, "help": "The identity of a ZMQRuntime. It is used for unique socket identification towards other ZMQRuntimes.", "name": "zmq_identity", "option_strings": ["--zmq-identity"], "required": false, "type": "str"}, {"choices": null, "default": 44709, "default_factory": "random_port", "default_random": true, "help": "The port for controlling the runtime, default a random port between [49152, 65535]", "name": "port_ctrl", "option_strings": ["--port-ctrl"], "required": false, "type": "int"}, {"choices": null, "default": false, "default_random": false, "help": "If set, use ipc protocol for control socket", "name": "ctrl_with_ipc", "option_strings": ["--ctrl-with-ipc"], "required": false, "type": "bool"}, {"choices": null, "default": 5000, "default_random": false, "help": "The timeout in milliseconds of the control request, -1 for waiting forever", "name": "timeout_ctrl", "option_strings": ["--timeout-ctrl"], "required": false, "type": "int"}, {"choices": null, "default": null, "default_random": false, "help": "The SSH server through which the tunnel will be created, can actually be a fully specified `user@server:port` ssh url.", "name": "ssh_server", "option_strings": ["--ssh-server"], "required": false, "type": "str"}, {"choices": null, "default": null, "default_random": false, "help": "This specifies a key to be used in ssh login, default None. regular default ssh keys will be used without specifying this argument.", "name": "ssh_keyfile", "option_strings": ["--ssh-keyfile"], "required": false, "type": "str"}, {"choices": null, "default": null, "default_random": false, "help": "The ssh password to the ssh server.", "name": "ssh_password", "option_strings": ["--ssh-password"], "required": false, "type": "str"}, {"choices": null, "default": "BaseExecutor", "default_random": false, "help": "\n The config of the executor, it could be one of the followings:\n * an Executor-level YAML file path (.yml, .yaml, .jaml)\n * a docker image (must start with `docker://`)\n * the string literal of a YAML config (must start with `!` or `jtype: `)\n * the string literal of a JSON config\n\n When use it under Python, one can use the following values additionally:\n - a Python dict that represents the config\n - a text file stream has `.read()` interface\n ", "name": "uses", "option_strings": ["--uses"], "required": false, "type": "str"}, {"choices": null, "default": null, "default_random": false, "help": "\n Dictionary of keyword arguments that will override the default `with configuration` provided to the executor in `uses`\n ", "name": "override_with", "option_strings": ["--override-with"], "required": false, "type": "dict"}, {"choices": null, "default": null, "default_random": false, "help": "\n Dictionary of keyword arguments that will override the default `metas configuration` provided to the executor in `uses`\n ", "name": "override_metas", "option_strings": ["--override-metas"], "required": false, "type": "dict"}, {"choices": null, "default": null, "default_random": false, "help": "\nThe customized python modules need to be imported before loading the executor\n\nNote, when importing multiple files and there is a dependency between them, then one has to write the dependencies in\nreverse order. That is, if `__init__.py` depends on `A.py`, which again depends on `B.py`, then you need to write:\n\n--py-modules __init__.py --py-modules B.py --py-modules A.py\n\n", "name": "py_modules", "option_strings": ["--py-modules"], "required": false, "type": "typing.List[str]"}, {"choices": null, "default": 54611, "default_factory": "random_port", "default_random": true, "help": "The port for input data, default a random port between [49152, 65535]", "name": "port_in", "option_strings": ["--port-in"], "required": false, "type": "int"}, {"choices": null, "default": 45613, "default_factory": "random_port", "default_random": true, "help": "The port for output data, default a random port between [49152, 65535]", "name": "port_out", "option_strings": ["--port-out"], "required": false, "type": "int"}, {"choices": null, "default": null, "default_random": false, "help": "The host address for input, by default it is", "name": "hosts_in_connect", "option_strings": ["--hosts-in-connect"], "required": false, "type": "typing.List[str]"}, {"choices": null, "default": "", "default_random": false, "help": "The host address for input, by default it is", "name": "host_in", "option_strings": ["--host-in"], "required": false, "type": "str"}, {"choices": null, "default": "", "default_random": false, "help": "The host address for output, by default it is", "name": "host_out", "option_strings": ["--host-out"], "required": false, "type": "str"}, {"choices": ["PULL_BIND", "PULL_CONNECT", "PUSH_BIND", "PUSH_CONNECT", "SUB_BIND", "SUB_CONNECT", "PUB_BIND", "PUB_CONNECT", "PAIR_BIND", "PAIR_CONNECT", "ROUTER_BIND", "DEALER_CONNECT", "ROUTER_CONNECT"], "default": "PULL_BIND", "default_random": false, "help": "The socket type for input port", "name": "socket_in", "option_strings": ["--socket-in"], "required": false, "type": "str"}, {"choices": ["PULL_BIND", "PULL_CONNECT", "PUSH_BIND", "PUSH_CONNECT", "SUB_BIND", "SUB_CONNECT", "PUB_BIND", "PUB_CONNECT", "PAIR_BIND", "PAIR_CONNECT", "ROUTER_BIND", "DEALER_CONNECT", "ROUTER_CONNECT"], "default": "PUSH_BIND", "default_random": false, "help": "The socket type for output port", "name": "socket_out", "option_strings": ["--socket-out"], "required": false, "type": "str"}, {"choices": null, "default": -1, "default_random": false, "help": "The memory high watermark of this pod in Gigabytes, pod will restart when this is reached. -1 means no restriction", "name": "memory_hwm", "option_strings": ["--memory-hwm"], "required": false, "type": "int"}, {"choices": ["IGNORE", "SKIP_HANDLE", "THROW_EARLY"], "default": "IGNORE", "default_random": false, "help": "\nThe skip strategy on exceptions.\n\n- IGNORE: Ignore it, keep running all Executors in the sequel flow\n- SKIP_HANDLE: Skip all Executors in the sequel, only `pre_hook` and `post_hook` are called\n- THROW_EARLY: Immediately throw the exception, the sequel flow will not be running at all\n\nNote, `IGNORE`, `SKIP_EXECUTOR` and `SKIP_HANDLE` do not guarantee the success execution in the sequel flow. If something\nis wrong in the upstream, it is hard to carry this exception and moving forward without any side-effect.\n", "name": "on_error_strategy", "option_strings": ["--on-error-strategy"], "required": false, "type": "str"}, {"choices": null, "default": null, "default_random": false, "help": "The entrypoint command overrides the ENTRYPOINT in Docker image. when not set then the Docker image ENTRYPOINT takes effective.", "name": "entrypoint", "option_strings": ["--entrypoint"], "required": false, "type": "str"}, {"choices": null, "default": null, "default_random": false, "help": "\nDictionary of kwargs arguments that will be passed to Docker SDK when starting the docker '\ncontainer. \n\nMore details can be found in the Docker SDK docs: https://docker-py.readthedocs.io/en/stable/\n\n", "name": "docker_kwargs", "option_strings": ["--docker-kwargs"], "required": false, "type": "dict"}, {"choices": null, "default": false, "default_random": false, "help": "Pull the latest image before running", "name": "pull_latest", "option_strings": ["--pull-latest"], "required": false, "type": "bool"}, {"choices": null, "default": null, "default_random": false, "help": "\nThe path on the host to be mounted inside the container. \n\nNote, \n- If separated by `:`, then the first part will be considered as the local host path and the second part is the path in the container system. \n- If no split provided, then the basename of that directory will be mounted into container's root path, e.g. `--volumes=\"/user/test/my-workspace\"` will be mounted into `/my-workspace` inside the container. \n- All volumes are mounted with read-write mode.\n", "name": "volumes", "option_strings": ["--volumes"], "required": false, "type": "typing.List[str]"}, {"choices": null, "default": "", "default_random": false, "help": "The host address of the runtime, by default it is", "name": "host", "option_strings": ["--host"], "required": false, "type": "str"}, {"choices": null, "default": 46521, "default_factory": "random_port", "default_random": true, "help": "The port of the host exposed to the public", "name": "port_expose", "option_strings": ["--port-expose"], "required": false, "type": "int"}, {"choices": null, "default": false, "default_random": false, "help": "If set, respect the http_proxy and https_proxy environment variables. otherwise, it will unset these proxy variables before start. gRPC seems to prefer no proxy", "name": "proxy", "option_strings": ["--proxy"], "required": false, "type": "bool"}, {"choices": null, "default": false, "default_random": false, "help": "Do not display the streaming of remote logs on local console", "name": "quiet_remote_logs", "option_strings": ["--quiet-remote-logs"], "required": false, "type": "bool"}, {"choices": null, "default": null, "default_random": false, "help": "\nThe files on the host to be uploaded to the remote\nworkspace. This can be useful when your Pod has more\nfile dependencies beyond a single YAML file, e.g.\nPython files, data files.\n\nNote,\n- currently only flatten structure is supported, which means if you upload `[./foo/a.py, ./foo/b.pp, ./bar/c.yml]`, then they will be put under the _same_ workspace on the remote, losing all hierarchies.\n- by default, `--uses` YAML file is always uploaded.\n- uploaded files are by default isolated across the runs. To ensure files are submitted to the same workspace across different runs, use `--workspace-id` to specify the workspace.\n", "name": "upload_files", "option_strings": ["--upload-files"], "required": false, "type": "typing.List[str]"}, {"choices": null, "default": false, "default_random": false, "help": "The Pea attempts to terminate all of its Runtime child processes/threads on existing. setting it to true basically tell the Pea do not wait on the Runtime when closing", "name": "daemon", "option_strings": ["--daemon"], "required": false, "type": "bool"}, {"choices": ["THREAD", "PROCESS"], "default": "PROCESS", "default_random": false, "help": "The parallel backend of the runtime inside the Pea", "name": "runtime_backend", "option_strings": ["--runtime-backend", "--runtime"], "required": false, "type": "str"}, {"choices": null, "default": "ZEDRuntime", "default_random": false, "help": "The runtime class to run inside the Pea", "name": "runtime_cls", "option_strings": ["--runtime-cls"], "required": false, "type": "str"}, {"choices": null, "default": 600000, "default_random": false, "help": "The timeout in milliseconds of a Pea waits for the runtime to be ready, -1 for waiting forever", "name": "timeout_ready", "option_strings": ["--timeout-ready"], "required": false, "type": "int"}, {"choices": null, "default": null, "default_random": false, "help": "The map of environment variables that are available inside runtime", "name": "env", "option_strings": ["--env"], "required": false, "type": "dict"}, {"choices": null, "default": false, "default_random": false, "help": "If set, expose the public IP address to remote when necessary, by default it exposesprivate IP address, which only allows accessing under the same network/subnet. Important to set this to true when the Pea will receive input connections from remote Peas", "name": "expose_public", "option_strings": ["--expose-public"], "required": false, "type": "bool"}, {"choices": null, "default": null, "default_random": false, "help": "The executor attached after the Peas described by --uses, typically before sending to all parallels, accepted type follows `--uses`", "name": "uses_before", "option_strings": ["--uses-before"], "required": false, "type": "str"}, {"choices": null, "default": null, "default_random": false, "help": "The executor attached after the Peas described by --uses, typically used for receiving from all parallels, accepted type follows `--uses`", "name": "uses_after", "option_strings": ["--uses-after"], "required": false, "type": "str"}, {"choices": null, "default": 1, "default_random": false, "help": "The number of parallel peas in the pod running at the same time, `port_in` and `port_out` will be set to random, and routers will be added automatically when necessary", "name": "parallel", "option_strings": ["--parallel", "--shards"], "required": false, "type": "int"}, {"choices": null, "default": 1, "default_random": false, "help": "The number of replicas in the pod, `port_in` and `port_out` will be set to random, and routers will be added automatically when necessary", "name": "replicas", "option_strings": ["--replicas"], "required": false, "type": "int"}, {"choices": ["ANY", "ALL", "ALL_ASYNC"], "default": "ANY", "default_random": false, "help": "\nThe polling strategy of the Pod (when `parallel>1`)\n- ANY: only one (whoever is idle) Pea polls the message\n- ALL: all Peas poll the message (like a broadcast)\n", "name": "polling", "option_strings": ["--polling"], "required": false, "type": "str"}, {"choices": ["LOAD_BALANCE", "ROUND_ROBIN"], "default": "LOAD_BALANCE", "default_random": false, "help": "The strategy of scheduling workload among Peas", "name": "scheduling", "option_strings": ["--scheduling"], "required": false, "type": "str"}, {"choices": null, "default": false, "default_random": false, "help": "The Pod will be considered an external Pod that has been started independently from the Flow.This Pod will not be context managed by the Flow.", "name": "external", "option_strings": ["--external"], "required": false, "type": "bool"}, {"choices": null, "default": null, "default_random": false, "help": "The hosts of the peas when parallel greater than 1.\n Peas will be evenly distributed among the hosts. By default,\n peas are running on host provided by the argument ``host``", "name": "peas_hosts", "option_strings": ["--peas-hosts"], "required": false, "type": "typing.List[str]"}]}, {"name": "pod", "options": [{"choices": null, "default": null, "default_random": false, "help": "\nThe name of this object.\n\nThis will be used in the following places:\n- how you refer to this object in Python/YAML/CLI\n- visualization\n- log message header\n- ...\n\nWhen not given, then the default naming strategy will apply.\n ", "name": "name", "option_strings": ["--name"], "required": false, "type": "str"}, {"choices": null, "default": null, "default_random": false, "help": "The working directory for any IO operations in this object. If not set, then derive from its parent `workspace`.", "name": "workspace", "option_strings": ["--workspace"], "required": false, "type": "str"}, {"choices": null, "default": "/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.7.10/x64/lib/python3.7/site-packages/jina/resources/logging.default.yml", "default_random": false, "help": "The YAML config of the logger used in this object.", "name": "log_config", "option_strings": ["--log-config"], "required": false, "type": "str"}, {"choices": null, "default": false, "default_random": false, "help": "If set, then no log will be emitted from this object.", "name": "quiet", "option_strings": ["--quiet"], "required": false, "type": "bool"}, {"choices": null, "default": false, "default_random": false, "help": "If set, then exception stack information will not be added to the log", "name": "quiet_error", "option_strings": ["--quiet-error"], "required": false, "type": "bool"}, {"choices": null, "default": null, "default_random": false, "help": "The identity of a ZMQRuntime. It is used for unique socket identification towards other ZMQRuntimes.", "name": "zmq_identity", "option_strings": ["--zmq-identity"], "required": false, "type": "str"}, {"choices": null, "default": 34265, "default_factory": "random_port", "default_random": true, "help": "The port for controlling the runtime, default a random port between [49152, 65535]", "name": "port_ctrl", "option_strings": ["--port-ctrl"], "required": false, "type": "int"}, {"choices": null, "default": false, "default_random": false, "help": "If set, use ipc protocol for control socket", "name": "ctrl_with_ipc", "option_strings": ["--ctrl-with-ipc"], "required": false, "type": "bool"}, {"choices": null, "default": 5000, "default_random": false, "help": "The timeout in milliseconds of the control request, -1 for waiting forever", "name": "timeout_ctrl", "option_strings": ["--timeout-ctrl"], "required": false, "type": "int"}, {"choices": null, "default": null, "default_random": false, "help": "The SSH server through which the tunnel will be created, can actually be a fully specified `user@server:port` ssh url.", "name": "ssh_server", "option_strings": ["--ssh-server"], "required": false, "type": "str"}, {"choices": null, "default": null, "default_random": false, "help": "This specifies a key to be used in ssh login, default None. regular default ssh keys will be used without specifying this argument.", "name": "ssh_keyfile", "option_strings": ["--ssh-keyfile"], "required": false, "type": "str"}, {"choices": null, "default": null, "default_random": false, "help": "The ssh password to the ssh server.", "name": "ssh_password", "option_strings": ["--ssh-password"], "required": false, "type": "str"}, {"choices": null, "default": "BaseExecutor", "default_random": false, "help": "\n The config of the executor, it could be one of the followings:\n * an Executor-level YAML file path (.yml, .yaml, .jaml)\n * a docker image (must start with `docker://`)\n * the string literal of a YAML config (must start with `!` or `jtype: `)\n * the string literal of a JSON config\n\n When use it under Python, one can use the following values additionally:\n - a Python dict that represents the config\n - a text file stream has `.read()` interface\n ", "name": "uses", "option_strings": ["--uses"], "required": false, "type": "str"}, {"choices": null, "default": null, "default_random": false, "help": "\n Dictionary of keyword arguments that will override the default `with configuration` provided to the executor in `uses`\n ", "name": "override_with", "option_strings": ["--override-with"], "required": false, "type": "dict"}, {"choices": null, "default": null, "default_random": false, "help": "\n Dictionary of keyword arguments that will override the default `metas configuration` provided to the executor in `uses`\n ", "name": "override_metas", "option_strings": ["--override-metas"], "required": false, "type": "dict"}, {"choices": null, "default": null, "default_random": false, "help": "\nThe customized python modules need to be imported before loading the executor\n\nNote, when importing multiple files and there is a dependency between them, then one has to write the dependencies in\nreverse order. That is, if `__init__.py` depends on `A.py`, which again depends on `B.py`, then you need to write:\n\n--py-modules __init__.py --py-modules B.py --py-modules A.py\n\n", "name": "py_modules", "option_strings": ["--py-modules"], "required": false, "type": "typing.List[str]"}, {"choices": null, "default": 49091, "default_factory": "random_port", "default_random": true, "help": "The port for input data, default a random port between [49152, 65535]", "name": "port_in", "option_strings": ["--port-in"], "required": false, "type": "int"}, {"choices": null, "default": 44345, "default_factory": "random_port", "default_random": true, "help": "The port for output data, default a random port between [49152, 65535]", "name": "port_out", "option_strings": ["--port-out"], "required": false, "type": "int"}, {"choices": null, "default": null, "default_random": false, "help": "The host address for input, by default it is", "name": "hosts_in_connect", "option_strings": ["--hosts-in-connect"], "required": false, "type": "typing.List[str]"}, {"choices": null, "default": "", "default_random": false, "help": "The host address for input, by default it is", "name": "host_in", "option_strings": ["--host-in"], "required": false, "type": "str"}, {"choices": null, "default": "", "default_random": false, "help": "The host address for output, by default it is", "name": "host_out", "option_strings": ["--host-out"], "required": false, "type": "str"}, {"choices": ["PULL_BIND", "PULL_CONNECT", "PUSH_BIND", "PUSH_CONNECT", "SUB_BIND", "SUB_CONNECT", "PUB_BIND", "PUB_CONNECT", "PAIR_BIND", "PAIR_CONNECT", "ROUTER_BIND", "DEALER_CONNECT", "ROUTER_CONNECT"], "default": "PULL_BIND", "default_random": false, "help": "The socket type for input port", "name": "socket_in", "option_strings": ["--socket-in"], "required": false, "type": "str"}, {"choices": ["PULL_BIND", "PULL_CONNECT", "PUSH_BIND", "PUSH_CONNECT", "SUB_BIND", "SUB_CONNECT", "PUB_BIND", "PUB_CONNECT", "PAIR_BIND", "PAIR_CONNECT", "ROUTER_BIND", "DEALER_CONNECT", "ROUTER_CONNECT"], "default": "PUSH_BIND", "default_random": false, "help": "The socket type for output port", "name": "socket_out", "option_strings": ["--socket-out"], "required": false, "type": "str"}, {"choices": null, "default": -1, "default_random": false, "help": "The memory high watermark of this pod in Gigabytes, pod will restart when this is reached. -1 means no restriction", "name": "memory_hwm", "option_strings": ["--memory-hwm"], "required": false, "type": "int"}, {"choices": ["IGNORE", "SKIP_HANDLE", "THROW_EARLY"], "default": "IGNORE", "default_random": false, "help": "\nThe skip strategy on exceptions.\n\n- IGNORE: Ignore it, keep running all Executors in the sequel flow\n- SKIP_HANDLE: Skip all Executors in the sequel, only `pre_hook` and `post_hook` are called\n- THROW_EARLY: Immediately throw the exception, the sequel flow will not be running at all\n\nNote, `IGNORE`, `SKIP_EXECUTOR` and `SKIP_HANDLE` do not guarantee the success execution in the sequel flow. If something\nis wrong in the upstream, it is hard to carry this exception and moving forward without any side-effect.\n", "name": "on_error_strategy", "option_strings": ["--on-error-strategy"], "required": false, "type": "str"}, {"choices": null, "default": null, "default_random": false, "help": "The entrypoint command overrides the ENTRYPOINT in Docker image. when not set then the Docker image ENTRYPOINT takes effective.", "name": "entrypoint", "option_strings": ["--entrypoint"], "required": false, "type": "str"}, {"choices": null, "default": null, "default_random": false, "help": "\nDictionary of kwargs arguments that will be passed to Docker SDK when starting the docker '\ncontainer. \n\nMore details can be found in the Docker SDK docs: https://docker-py.readthedocs.io/en/stable/\n\n", "name": "docker_kwargs", "option_strings": ["--docker-kwargs"], "required": false, "type": "dict"}, {"choices": null, "default": false, "default_random": false, "help": "Pull the latest image before running", "name": "pull_latest", "option_strings": ["--pull-latest"], "required": false, "type": "bool"}, {"choices": null, "default": null, "default_random": false, "help": "\nThe path on the host to be mounted inside the container. \n\nNote, \n- If separated by `:`, then the first part will be considered as the local host path and the second part is the path in the container system. \n- If no split provided, then the basename of that directory will be mounted into container's root path, e.g. `--volumes=\"/user/test/my-workspace\"` will be mounted into `/my-workspace` inside the container. \n- All volumes are mounted with read-write mode.\n", "name": "volumes", "option_strings": ["--volumes"], "required": false, "type": "typing.List[str]"}, {"choices": null, "default": "", "default_random": false, "help": "The host address of the runtime, by default it is", "name": "host", "option_strings": ["--host"], "required": false, "type": "str"}, {"choices": null, "default": 41475, "default_factory": "random_port", "default_random": true, "help": "The port of the host exposed to the public", "name": "port_expose", "option_strings": ["--port-expose"], "required": false, "type": "int"}, {"choices": null, "default": false, "default_random": false, "help": "If set, respect the http_proxy and https_proxy environment variables. otherwise, it will unset these proxy variables before start. gRPC seems to prefer no proxy", "name": "proxy", "option_strings": ["--proxy"], "required": false, "type": "bool"}, {"choices": null, "default": false, "default_random": false, "help": "Do not display the streaming of remote logs on local console", "name": "quiet_remote_logs", "option_strings": ["--quiet-remote-logs"], "required": false, "type": "bool"}, {"choices": null, "default": null, "default_random": false, "help": "\nThe files on the host to be uploaded to the remote\nworkspace. This can be useful when your Pod has more\nfile dependencies beyond a single YAML file, e.g.\nPython files, data files.\n\nNote,\n- currently only flatten structure is supported, which means if you upload `[./foo/a.py, ./foo/b.pp, ./bar/c.yml]`, then they will be put under the _same_ workspace on the remote, losing all hierarchies.\n- by default, `--uses` YAML file is always uploaded.\n- uploaded files are by default isolated across the runs. To ensure files are submitted to the same workspace across different runs, use `--workspace-id` to specify the workspace.\n", "name": "upload_files", "option_strings": ["--upload-files"], "required": false, "type": "typing.List[str]"}, {"choices": null, "default": false, "default_random": false, "help": "The Pea attempts to terminate all of its Runtime child processes/threads on existing. setting it to true basically tell the Pea do not wait on the Runtime when closing", "name": "daemon", "option_strings": ["--daemon"], "required": false, "type": "bool"}, {"choices": ["THREAD", "PROCESS"], "default": "PROCESS", "default_random": false, "help": "The parallel backend of the runtime inside the Pea", "name": "runtime_backend", "option_strings": ["--runtime-backend", "--runtime"], "required": false, "type": "str"}, {"choices": null, "default": "ZEDRuntime", "default_random": false, "help": "The runtime class to run inside the Pea", "name": "runtime_cls", "option_strings": ["--runtime-cls"], "required": false, "type": "str"}, {"choices": null, "default": 600000, "default_random": false, "help": "The timeout in milliseconds of a Pea waits for the runtime to be ready, -1 for waiting forever", "name": "timeout_ready", "option_strings": ["--timeout-ready"], "required": false, "type": "int"}, {"choices": null, "default": null, "default_random": false, "help": "The map of environment variables that are available inside runtime", "name": "env", "option_strings": ["--env"], "required": false, "type": "dict"}, {"choices": null, "default": false, "default_random": false, "help": "If set, expose the public IP address to remote when necessary, by default it exposesprivate IP address, which only allows accessing under the same network/subnet. Important to set this to true when the Pea will receive input connections from remote Peas", "name": "expose_public", "option_strings": ["--expose-public"], "required": false, "type": "bool"}, {"choices": null, "default": null, "default_random": false, "help": "The executor attached after the Peas described by --uses, typically before sending to all parallels, accepted type follows `--uses`", "name": "uses_before", "option_strings": ["--uses-before"], "required": false, "type": "str"}, {"choices": null, "default": null, "default_random": false, "help": "The executor attached after the Peas described by --uses, typically used for receiving from all parallels, accepted type follows `--uses`", "name": "uses_after", "option_strings": ["--uses-after"], "required": false, "type": "str"}, {"choices": null, "default": 1, "default_random": false, "help": "The number of parallel peas in the pod running at the same time, `port_in` and `port_out` will be set to random, and routers will be added automatically when necessary", "name": "parallel", "option_strings": ["--parallel", "--shards"], "required": false, "type": "int"}, {"choices": null, "default": 1, "default_random": false, "help": "The number of replicas in the pod, `port_in` and `port_out` will be set to random, and routers will be added automatically when necessary", "name": "replicas", "option_strings": ["--replicas"], "required": false, "type": "int"}, {"choices": ["ANY", "ALL", "ALL_ASYNC"], "default": "ANY", "default_random": false, "help": "\nThe polling strategy of the Pod (when `parallel>1`)\n- ANY: only one (whoever is idle) Pea polls the message\n- ALL: all Peas poll the message (like a broadcast)\n", "name": "polling", "option_strings": ["--polling"], "required": false, "type": "str"}, {"choices": ["LOAD_BALANCE", "ROUND_ROBIN"], "default": "LOAD_BALANCE", "default_random": false, "help": "The strategy of scheduling workload among Peas", "name": "scheduling", "option_strings": ["--scheduling"], "required": false, "type": "str"}, {"choices": null, "default": false, "default_random": false, "help": "The Pod will be considered an external Pod that has been started independently from the Flow.This Pod will not be context managed by the Flow.", "name": "external", "option_strings": ["--external"], "required": false, "type": "bool"}, {"choices": null, "default": null, "default_random": false, "help": "The hosts of the peas when parallel greater than 1.\n Peas will be evenly distributed among the hosts. By default,\n peas are running on host provided by the argument ``host``", "name": "peas_hosts", "option_strings": ["--peas-hosts"], "required": false, "type": "typing.List[str]"}]}, {"name": "flow", "options": [{"choices": null, "default": null, "default_random": false, "help": "\nThe name of this object.\n\nThis will be used in the following places:\n- how you refer to this object in Python/YAML/CLI\n- visualization\n- log message header\n- ...\n\nWhen not given, then the default naming strategy will apply.\n ", "name": "name", "option_strings": ["--name"], "required": false, "type": "str"}, {"choices": null, "default": "./", "default_random": false, "help": "The working directory for any IO operations in this object. If not set, then derive from its parent `workspace`.", "name": "workspace", "option_strings": ["--workspace"], "required": false, "type": "str"}, {"choices": null, "default": "/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.7.10/x64/lib/python3.7/site-packages/jina/resources/logging.default.yml", "default_random": false, "help": "The YAML config of the logger used in this object.", "name": "log_config", "option_strings": ["--log-config"], "required": false, "type": "str"}, {"choices": null, "default": false, "default_random": false, "help": "If set, then no log will be emitted from this object.", "name": "quiet", "option_strings": ["--quiet"], "required": false, "type": "bool"}, {"choices": null, "default": false, "default_random": false, "help": "If set, then exception stack information will not be added to the log", "name": "quiet_error", "option_strings": ["--quiet-error"], "required": false, "type": "bool"}, {"choices": null, "default": null, "default_random": false, "help": "The YAML file represents a flow", "name": "uses", "option_strings": ["--uses"], "required": false, "type": "str"}, {"choices": null, "default": null, "default_random": false, "help": "The map of environment variables that are available inside runtime", "name": "env", "option_strings": ["--env"], "required": false, "type": "dict"}, {"choices": ["HANG", "REMOVE", "COLLECT"], "default": "COLLECT", "default_random": false, "help": "\n The strategy on those inspect pods in the flow.\n\n If `REMOVE` is given then all inspect pods are removed when building the flow.\n ", "name": "inspect", "option_strings": ["--inspect"], "required": false, "type": "str"}]}, {"name": "ping", "options": [{"choices": null, "default": null, "default_random": false, "help": "The host address of the target Pea, e.g.", "name": "host", "option_strings": [], "required": true, "type": "str"}, {"choices": null, "default": null, "default_random": false, "help": "The control port of the target pod/pea", "name": "port", "option_strings": [], "required": true, "type": "int"}, {"choices": null, "default": 3000, "default_random": false, "help": "\nTimeout in millisecond of one check\n-1 for waiting forever\n", "name": "timeout", "option_strings": ["--timeout"], "required": false, "type": "int"}, {"choices": null, "default": 3, "default_random": false, "help": "The max number of tried health checks before exit with exit code 1", "name": "retries", "option_strings": ["--retries"], "required": false, "type": "int"}, {"choices": null, "default": false, "default_random": false, "help": "If set, print the response when received", "name": "print_response", "option_strings": ["--print-response"], "required": false, "type": "bool"}]}, {"name": "gateway", "options": [{"choices": null, "default": "gateway", "default_random": false, "help": "\nThe name of this object.\n\nThis will be used in the following places:\n- how you refer to this object in Python/YAML/CLI\n- visualization\n- log message header\n- ...\n\nWhen not given, then the default naming strategy will apply.\n ", "name": "name", "option_strings": ["--name"], "required": false, "type": "str"}, {"choices": null, "default": null, "default_random": false, "help": "The working directory for any IO operations in this object. If not set, then derive from its parent `workspace`.", "name": "workspace", "option_strings": ["--workspace"], "required": false, "type": "str"}, {"choices": null, "default": "/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.7.10/x64/lib/python3.7/site-packages/jina/resources/logging.default.yml", "default_random": false, "help": "The YAML config of the logger used in this object.", "name": "log_config", "option_strings": ["--log-config"], "required": false, "type": "str"}, {"choices": null, "default": false, "default_random": false, "help": "If set, then no log will be emitted from this object.", "name": "quiet", "option_strings": ["--quiet"], "required": false, "type": "bool"}, {"choices": null, "default": false, "default_random": false, "help": "If set, then exception stack information will not be added to the log", "name": "quiet_error", "option_strings": ["--quiet-error"], "required": false, "type": "bool"}, {"choices": null, "default": null, "default_random": false, "help": "The identity of a ZMQRuntime. It is used for unique socket identification towards other ZMQRuntimes.", "name": "zmq_identity", "option_strings": ["--zmq-identity"], "required": false, "type": "str"}, {"choices": null, "default": 59347, "default_factory": "random_port", "default_random": true, "help": "The port for controlling the runtime, default a random port between [49152, 65535]", "name": "port_ctrl", "option_strings": ["--port-ctrl"], "required": false, "type": "int"}, {"choices": null, "default": true, "default_random": false, "help": "If set, use ipc protocol for control socket", "name": "ctrl_with_ipc", "option_strings": ["--ctrl-with-ipc"], "required": false, "type": "bool"}, {"choices": null, "default": 5000, "default_random": false, "help": "The timeout in milliseconds of the control request, -1 for waiting forever", "name": "timeout_ctrl", "option_strings": ["--timeout-ctrl"], "required": false, "type": "int"}, {"choices": null, "default": null, "default_random": false, "help": "The SSH server through which the tunnel will be created, can actually be a fully specified `user@server:port` ssh url.", "name": "ssh_server", "option_strings": ["--ssh-server"], "required": false, "type": "str"}, {"choices": null, "default": null, "default_random": false, "help": "This specifies a key to be used in ssh login, default None. regular default ssh keys will be used without specifying this argument.", "name": "ssh_keyfile", "option_strings": ["--ssh-keyfile"], "required": false, "type": "str"}, {"choices": null, "default": null, "default_random": false, "help": "The ssh password to the ssh server.", "name": "ssh_password", "option_strings": ["--ssh-password"], "required": false, "type": "str"}, {"choices": null, "default": "BaseExecutor", "default_random": false, "help": "\n The config of the executor, it could be one of the followings:\n * an Executor-level YAML file path (.yml, .yaml, .jaml)\n * a docker image (must start with `docker://`)\n * the string literal of a YAML config (must start with `!` or `jtype: `)\n * the string literal of a JSON config\n\n When use it under Python, one can use the following values additionally:\n - a Python dict that represents the config\n - a text file stream has `.read()` interface\n ", "name": "uses", "option_strings": ["--uses"], "required": false, "type": "str"}, {"choices": null, "default": null, "default_random": false, "help": "\n Dictionary of keyword arguments that will override the default `with configuration` provided to the executor in `uses`\n ", "name": "override_with", "option_strings": ["--override-with"], "required": false, "type": "dict"}, {"choices": null, "default": null, "default_random": false, "help": "\n Dictionary of keyword arguments that will override the default `metas configuration` provided to the executor in `uses`\n ", "name": "override_metas", "option_strings": ["--override-metas"], "required": false, "type": "dict"}, {"choices": null, "default": null, "default_random": false, "help": "\nThe customized python modules need to be imported before loading the executor\n\nNote, when importing multiple files and there is a dependency between them, then one has to write the dependencies in\nreverse order. That is, if `__init__.py` depends on `A.py`, which again depends on `B.py`, then you need to write:\n\n--py-modules __init__.py --py-modules B.py --py-modules A.py\n\n", "name": "py_modules", "option_strings": ["--py-modules"], "required": false, "type": "typing.List[str]"}, {"choices": null, "default": 35327, "default_factory": "random_port", "default_random": true, "help": "The port for input data, default a random port between [49152, 65535]", "name": "port_in", "option_strings": ["--port-in"], "required": false, "type": "int"}, {"choices": null, "default": 59973, "default_factory": "random_port", "default_random": true, "help": "The port for output data, default a random port between [49152, 65535]", "name": "port_out", "option_strings": ["--port-out"], "required": false, "type": "int"}, {"choices": null, "default": null, "default_random": false, "help": "The host address for input, by default it is", "name": "hosts_in_connect", "option_strings": ["--hosts-in-connect"], "required": false, "type": "typing.List[str]"}, {"choices": null, "default": "", "default_random": false, "help": "The host address for input, by default it is", "name": "host_in", "option_strings": ["--host-in"], "required": false, "type": "str"}, {"choices": null, "default": "", "default_random": false, "help": "The host address for output, by default it is", "name": "host_out", "option_strings": ["--host-out"], "required": false, "type": "str"}, {"choices": ["PULL_BIND", "PULL_CONNECT", "PUSH_BIND", "PUSH_CONNECT", "SUB_BIND", "SUB_CONNECT", "PUB_BIND", "PUB_CONNECT", "PAIR_BIND", "PAIR_CONNECT", "ROUTER_BIND", "DEALER_CONNECT", "ROUTER_CONNECT"], "default": "PULL_CONNECT", "default_random": false, "help": "The socket type for input port", "name": "socket_in", "option_strings": ["--socket-in"], "required": false, "type": "str"}, {"choices": ["PULL_BIND", "PULL_CONNECT", "PUSH_BIND", "PUSH_CONNECT", "SUB_BIND", "SUB_CONNECT", "PUB_BIND", "PUB_CONNECT", "PAIR_BIND", "PAIR_CONNECT", "ROUTER_BIND", "DEALER_CONNECT", "ROUTER_CONNECT"], "default": "PUSH_CONNECT", "default_random": false, "help": "The socket type for output port", "name": "socket_out", "option_strings": ["--socket-out"], "required": false, "type": "str"}, {"choices": null, "default": -1, "default_random": false, "help": "The memory high watermark of this pod in Gigabytes, pod will restart when this is reached. -1 means no restriction", "name": "memory_hwm", "option_strings": ["--memory-hwm"], "required": false, "type": "int"}, {"choices": ["IGNORE", "SKIP_HANDLE", "THROW_EARLY"], "default": "IGNORE", "default_random": false, "help": "\nThe skip strategy on exceptions.\n\n- IGNORE: Ignore it, keep running all Executors in the sequel flow\n- SKIP_HANDLE: Skip all Executors in the sequel, only `pre_hook` and `post_hook` are called\n- THROW_EARLY: Immediately throw the exception, the sequel flow will not be running at all\n\nNote, `IGNORE`, `SKIP_EXECUTOR` and `SKIP_HANDLE` do not guarantee the success execution in the sequel flow. If something\nis wrong in the upstream, it is hard to carry this exception and moving forward without any side-effect.\n", "name": "on_error_strategy", "option_strings": ["--on-error-strategy"], "required": false, "type": "str"}, {"choices": null, "default": 50, "default_random": false, "help": "The number of pre-fetched requests from the client", "name": "prefetch", "option_strings": ["--prefetch"], "required": false, "type": "int"}, {"choices": null, "default": 1, "default_random": false, "help": "The number of additional requests to fetch on every receive", "name": "prefetch_on_recv", "option_strings": ["--prefetch-on-recv"], "required": false, "type": "int"}, {"choices": null, "default": null, "default_random": false, "help": "The title of this HTTP server. It will be used in automatics docs such as Swagger UI.", "name": "title", "option_strings": ["--title"], "required": false, "type": "str"}, {"choices": null, "default": null, "default_random": false, "help": "The description of this HTTP server. It will be used in automatics docs such as Swagger UI.", "name": "description", "option_strings": ["--description"], "required": false, "type": "str"}, {"choices": null, "default": false, "default_random": false, "help": "\n If set, a CORS middleware is added to FastAPI frontend to allow cross-origin access.\n ", "name": "cors", "option_strings": ["--cors"], "required": false, "type": "bool"}, {"choices": null, "default": false, "default_random": false, "help": "If set, the default swagger ui is used for `/docs` endpoint. ", "name": "default_swagger_ui", "option_strings": ["--default-swagger-ui"], "required": false, "type": "bool"}, {"choices": null, "default": false, "default_random": false, "help": "If set, /status /post endpoints are removed from HTTP interface. ", "name": "no_debug_endpoints", "option_strings": ["--no-debug-endpoints"], "required": false, "type": "bool"}, {"choices": null, "default": false, "default_random": false, "help": "\n If set, /index, /search, /update, /delete endpoints are removed from HTTP interface.\n\n Any executor that has `@requests(on=...)` bind with those values will receive data requests.\n ", "name": "no_crud_endpoints", "option_strings": ["--no-crud-endpoints"], "required": false, "type": "bool"}, {"choices": null, "default": null, "default_random": false, "help": "\n A JSON string that represents a map from executor endpoints (`@requests(on=...)`) to HTTP endpoints.\n ", "name": "expose_endpoints", "option_strings": ["--expose-endpoints"], "required": false, "type": "str"}, {"choices": ["NONE", "LZ4", "ZLIB", "GZIP", "BZ2", "LZMA"], "default": "NONE", "default_random": false, "help": "\n The compress algorithm used over the entire Flow.\n\n Note that this is not necessarily effective,\n it depends on the settings of `--compress-min-bytes` and `compress-min-ratio`", "name": "compress", "option_strings": ["--compress"], "required": false, "type": "str"}, {"choices": null, "default": 1024, "default_random": false, "help": "The original message size must be larger than this number to trigger the compress algorithm, -1 means disable compression.", "name": "compress_min_bytes", "option_strings": ["--compress-min-bytes"], "required": false, "type": "int"}, {"choices": null, "default": 1.1, "default_random": false, "help": "The compression ratio (uncompressed_size/compressed_size) must be higher than this number to trigger the compress algorithm.", "name": "compress_min_ratio", "option_strings": ["--compress-min-ratio"], "required": false, "type": "float"}, {"choices": ["GRPC", "HTTP", "WEBSOCKET"], "default": "GRPC", "default_random": false, "help": "Communication protocol between server and client.", "name": "protocol", "option_strings": ["--protocol"], "required": false, "type": "str"}, {"choices": null, "default": "", "default_random": false, "help": "The host address of the runtime, by default it is", "name": "host", "option_strings": ["--host"], "required": false, "type": "str"}, {"choices": null, "default": 55905, "default_factory": "random_port", "default_random": true, "help": "The port of the host exposed to the public", "name": "port_expose", "option_strings": ["--port-expose"], "required": false, "type": "int"}, {"choices": null, "default": false, "default_random": false, "help": "If set, respect the http_proxy and https_proxy environment variables. otherwise, it will unset these proxy variables before start. gRPC seems to prefer no proxy", "name": "proxy", "option_strings": ["--proxy"], "required": false, "type": "bool"}, {"choices": null, "default": false, "default_random": false, "help": "The Pea attempts to terminate all of its Runtime child processes/threads on existing. setting it to true basically tell the Pea do not wait on the Runtime when closing", "name": "daemon", "option_strings": ["--daemon"], "required": false, "type": "bool"}, {"choices": ["THREAD", "PROCESS"], "default": "PROCESS", "default_random": false, "help": "The parallel backend of the runtime inside the Pea", "name": "runtime_backend", "option_strings": ["--runtime-backend", "--runtime"], "required": false, "type": "str"}, {"choices": null, "default": "GRPCRuntime", "default_random": false, "help": "The runtime class to run inside the Pea", "name": "runtime_cls", "option_strings": ["--runtime-cls"], "required": false, "type": "str"}, {"choices": null, "default": 600000, "default_random": false, "help": "The timeout in milliseconds of a Pea waits for the runtime to be ready, -1 for waiting forever", "name": "timeout_ready", "option_strings": ["--timeout-ready"], "required": false, "type": "int"}, {"choices": null, "default": null, "default_random": false, "help": "The map of environment variables that are available inside runtime", "name": "env", "option_strings": ["--env"], "required": false, "type": "dict"}, {"choices": null, "default": false, "default_random": false, "help": "If set, expose the public IP address to remote when necessary, by default it exposesprivate IP address, which only allows accessing under the same network/subnet. Important to set this to true when the Pea will receive input connections from remote Peas", "name": "expose_public", "option_strings": ["--expose-public"], "required": false, "type": "bool"}]}, {"name": "hub", "options": []}, {"name": "pea", "options": [{"choices": null, "default": null, "default_random": false, "help": "\nThe name of this object.\n\nThis will be used in the following places:\n- how you refer to this object in Python/YAML/CLI\n- visualization\n- log message header\n- ...\n\nWhen not given, then the default naming strategy will apply.\n ", "name": "name", "option_strings": ["--name"], "required": false, "type": "str"}, {"choices": null, "default": null, "default_random": false, "help": "The working directory for any IO operations in this object. If not set, then derive from its parent `workspace`.", "name": "workspace", "option_strings": ["--workspace"], "required": false, "type": "str"}, {"choices": null, "default": "/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.7.10/x64/lib/python3.7/site-packages/jina/resources/logging.default.yml", "default_random": false, "help": "The YAML config of the logger used in this object.", "name": "log_config", "option_strings": ["--log-config"], "required": false, "type": "str"}, {"choices": null, "default": false, "default_random": false, "help": "If set, then no log will be emitted from this object.", "name": "quiet", "option_strings": ["--quiet"], "required": false, "type": "bool"}, {"choices": null, "default": false, "default_random": false, "help": "If set, then exception stack information will not be added to the log", "name": "quiet_error", "option_strings": ["--quiet-error"], "required": false, "type": "bool"}, {"choices": null, "default": null, "default_random": false, "help": "The identity of a ZMQRuntime. It is used for unique socket identification towards other ZMQRuntimes.", "name": "zmq_identity", "option_strings": ["--zmq-identity"], "required": false, "type": "str"}, {"choices": null, "default": 43857, "default_factory": "random_port", "default_random": true, "help": "The port for controlling the runtime, default a random port between [49152, 65535]", "name": "port_ctrl", "option_strings": ["--port-ctrl"], "required": false, "type": "int"}, {"choices": null, "default": false, "default_random": false, "help": "If set, use ipc protocol for control socket", "name": "ctrl_with_ipc", "option_strings": ["--ctrl-with-ipc"], "required": false, "type": "bool"}, {"choices": null, "default": 5000, "default_random": false, "help": "The timeout in milliseconds of the control request, -1 for waiting forever", "name": "timeout_ctrl", "option_strings": ["--timeout-ctrl"], "required": false, "type": "int"}, {"choices": null, "default": null, "default_random": false, "help": "The SSH server through which the tunnel will be created, can actually be a fully specified `user@server:port` ssh url.", "name": "ssh_server", "option_strings": ["--ssh-server"], "required": false, "type": "str"}, {"choices": null, "default": null, "default_random": false, "help": "This specifies a key to be used in ssh login, default None. regular default ssh keys will be used without specifying this argument.", "name": "ssh_keyfile", "option_strings": ["--ssh-keyfile"], "required": false, "type": "str"}, {"choices": null, "default": null, "default_random": false, "help": "The ssh password to the ssh server.", "name": "ssh_password", "option_strings": ["--ssh-password"], "required": false, "type": "str"}, {"choices": null, "default": "BaseExecutor", "default_random": false, "help": "\n The config of the executor, it could be one of the followings:\n * an Executor-level YAML file path (.yml, .yaml, .jaml)\n * a docker image (must start with `docker://`)\n * the string literal of a YAML config (must start with `!` or `jtype: `)\n * the string literal of a JSON config\n\n When use it under Python, one can use the following values additionally:\n - a Python dict that represents the config\n - a text file stream has `.read()` interface\n ", "name": "uses", "option_strings": ["--uses"], "required": false, "type": "str"}, {"choices": null, "default": null, "default_random": false, "help": "\n Dictionary of keyword arguments that will override the default `with configuration` provided to the executor in `uses`\n ", "name": "override_with", "option_strings": ["--override-with"], "required": false, "type": "dict"}, {"choices": null, "default": null, "default_random": false, "help": "\n Dictionary of keyword arguments that will override the default `metas configuration` provided to the executor in `uses`\n ", "name": "override_metas", "option_strings": ["--override-metas"], "required": false, "type": "dict"}, {"choices": null, "default": null, "default_random": false, "help": "\nThe customized python modules need to be imported before loading the executor\n\nNote, when importing multiple files and there is a dependency between them, then one has to write the dependencies in\nreverse order. That is, if `__init__.py` depends on `A.py`, which again depends on `B.py`, then you need to write:\n\n--py-modules __init__.py --py-modules B.py --py-modules A.py\n\n", "name": "py_modules", "option_strings": ["--py-modules"], "required": false, "type": "typing.List[str]"}, {"choices": null, "default": 40021, "default_factory": "random_port", "default_random": true, "help": "The port for input data, default a random port between [49152, 65535]", "name": "port_in", "option_strings": ["--port-in"], "required": false, "type": "int"}, {"choices": null, "default": 53011, "default_factory": "random_port", "default_random": true, "help": "The port for output data, default a random port between [49152, 65535]", "name": "port_out", "option_strings": ["--port-out"], "required": false, "type": "int"}, {"choices": null, "default": null, "default_random": false, "help": "The host address for input, by default it is", "name": "hosts_in_connect", "option_strings": ["--hosts-in-connect"], "required": false, "type": "typing.List[str]"}, {"choices": null, "default": "", "default_random": false, "help": "The host address for input, by default it is", "name": "host_in", "option_strings": ["--host-in"], "required": false, "type": "str"}, {"choices": null, "default": "", "default_random": false, "help": "The host address for output, by default it is", "name": "host_out", "option_strings": ["--host-out"], "required": false, "type": "str"}, {"choices": ["PULL_BIND", "PULL_CONNECT", "PUSH_BIND", "PUSH_CONNECT", "SUB_BIND", "SUB_CONNECT", "PUB_BIND", "PUB_CONNECT", "PAIR_BIND", "PAIR_CONNECT", "ROUTER_BIND", "DEALER_CONNECT", "ROUTER_CONNECT"], "default": "PULL_BIND", "default_random": false, "help": "The socket type for input port", "name": "socket_in", "option_strings": ["--socket-in"], "required": false, "type": "str"}, {"choices": ["PULL_BIND", "PULL_CONNECT", "PUSH_BIND", "PUSH_CONNECT", "SUB_BIND", "SUB_CONNECT", "PUB_BIND", "PUB_CONNECT", "PAIR_BIND", "PAIR_CONNECT", "ROUTER_BIND", "DEALER_CONNECT", "ROUTER_CONNECT"], "default": "PUSH_BIND", "default_random": false, "help": "The socket type for output port", "name": "socket_out", "option_strings": ["--socket-out"], "required": false, "type": "str"}, {"choices": null, "default": -1, "default_random": false, "help": "The memory high watermark of this pod in Gigabytes, pod will restart when this is reached. -1 means no restriction", "name": "memory_hwm", "option_strings": ["--memory-hwm"], "required": false, "type": "int"}, {"choices": ["IGNORE", "SKIP_HANDLE", "THROW_EARLY"], "default": "IGNORE", "default_random": false, "help": "\nThe skip strategy on exceptions.\n\n- IGNORE: Ignore it, keep running all Executors in the sequel flow\n- SKIP_HANDLE: Skip all Executors in the sequel, only `pre_hook` and `post_hook` are called\n- THROW_EARLY: Immediately throw the exception, the sequel flow will not be running at all\n\nNote, `IGNORE`, `SKIP_EXECUTOR` and `SKIP_HANDLE` do not guarantee the success execution in the sequel flow. If something\nis wrong in the upstream, it is hard to carry this exception and moving forward without any side-effect.\n", "name": "on_error_strategy", "option_strings": ["--on-error-strategy"], "required": false, "type": "str"}, {"choices": null, "default": null, "default_random": false, "help": "The entrypoint command overrides the ENTRYPOINT in Docker image. when not set then the Docker image ENTRYPOINT takes effective.", "name": "entrypoint", "option_strings": ["--entrypoint"], "required": false, "type": "str"}, {"choices": null, "default": null, "default_random": false, "help": "\nDictionary of kwargs arguments that will be passed to Docker SDK when starting the docker '\ncontainer. \n\nMore details can be found in the Docker SDK docs: https://docker-py.readthedocs.io/en/stable/\n\n", "name": "docker_kwargs", "option_strings": ["--docker-kwargs"], "required": false, "type": "dict"}, {"choices": null, "default": false, "default_random": false, "help": "Pull the latest image before running", "name": "pull_latest", "option_strings": ["--pull-latest"], "required": false, "type": "bool"}, {"choices": null, "default": null, "default_random": false, "help": "\nThe path on the host to be mounted inside the container. \n\nNote, \n- If separated by `:`, then the first part will be considered as the local host path and the second part is the path in the container system. \n- If no split provided, then the basename of that directory will be mounted into container's root path, e.g. `--volumes=\"/user/test/my-workspace\"` will be mounted into `/my-workspace` inside the container. \n- All volumes are mounted with read-write mode.\n", "name": "volumes", "option_strings": ["--volumes"], "required": false, "type": "typing.List[str]"}, {"choices": null, "default": "", "default_random": false, "help": "The host address of the runtime, by default it is", "name": "host", "option_strings": ["--host"], "required": false, "type": "str"}, {"choices": null, "default": 48645, "default_factory": "random_port", "default_random": true, "help": "The port of the host exposed to the public", "name": "port_expose", "option_strings": ["--port-expose"], "required": false, "type": "int"}, {"choices": null, "default": false, "default_random": false, "help": "If set, respect the http_proxy and https_proxy environment variables. otherwise, it will unset these proxy variables before start. gRPC seems to prefer no proxy", "name": "proxy", "option_strings": ["--proxy"], "required": false, "type": "bool"}, {"choices": null, "default": false, "default_random": false, "help": "Do not display the streaming of remote logs on local console", "name": "quiet_remote_logs", "option_strings": ["--quiet-remote-logs"], "required": false, "type": "bool"}, {"choices": null, "default": null, "default_random": false, "help": "\nThe files on the host to be uploaded to the remote\nworkspace. This can be useful when your Pod has more\nfile dependencies beyond a single YAML file, e.g.\nPython files, data files.\n\nNote,\n- currently only flatten structure is supported, which means if you upload `[./foo/a.py, ./foo/b.pp, ./bar/c.yml]`, then they will be put under the _same_ workspace on the remote, losing all hierarchies.\n- by default, `--uses` YAML file is always uploaded.\n- uploaded files are by default isolated across the runs. To ensure files are submitted to the same workspace across different runs, use `--workspace-id` to specify the workspace.\n", "name": "upload_files", "option_strings": ["--upload-files"], "required": false, "type": "typing.List[str]"}, {"choices": null, "default": false, "default_random": false, "help": "The Pea attempts to terminate all of its Runtime child processes/threads on existing. setting it to true basically tell the Pea do not wait on the Runtime when closing", "name": "daemon", "option_strings": ["--daemon"], "required": false, "type": "bool"}, {"choices": ["THREAD", "PROCESS"], "default": "PROCESS", "default_random": false, "help": "The parallel backend of the runtime inside the Pea", "name": "runtime_backend", "option_strings": ["--runtime-backend", "--runtime"], "required": false, "type": "str"}, {"choices": null, "default": "ZEDRuntime", "default_random": false, "help": "The runtime class to run inside the Pea", "name": "runtime_cls", "option_strings": ["--runtime-cls"], "required": false, "type": "str"}, {"choices": null, "default": 600000, "default_random": false, "help": "The timeout in milliseconds of a Pea waits for the runtime to be ready, -1 for waiting forever", "name": "timeout_ready", "option_strings": ["--timeout-ready"], "required": false, "type": "int"}, {"choices": null, "default": null, "default_random": false, "help": "The map of environment variables that are available inside runtime", "name": "env", "option_strings": ["--env"], "required": false, "type": "dict"}, {"choices": null, "default": false, "default_random": false, "help": "If set, expose the public IP address to remote when necessary, by default it exposesprivate IP address, which only allows accessing under the same network/subnet. Important to set this to true when the Pea will receive input connections from remote Peas", "name": "expose_public", "option_strings": ["--expose-public"], "required": false, "type": "bool"}]}, {"name": "client", "options": [{"choices": null, "default": "", "default_random": false, "help": "The host address of the runtime, by default it is", "name": "host", "option_strings": ["--host"], "required": false, "type": "str"}, {"choices": null, "default": 60765, "default_factory": "random_port", "default_random": true, "help": "The port of the host exposed to the public", "name": "port_expose", "option_strings": ["--port-expose"], "required": false, "type": "int"}, {"choices": null, "default": false, "default_random": false, "help": "If set, respect the http_proxy and https_proxy environment variables. otherwise, it will unset these proxy variables before start. gRPC seems to prefer no proxy", "name": "proxy", "option_strings": ["--proxy"], "required": false, "type": "bool"}, {"choices": null, "default": false, "default_random": false, "help": "If set, then the input and output of this Client work in an asynchronous manner. ", "name": "asyncio", "option_strings": ["--asyncio"], "required": false, "type": "bool"}, {"choices": ["GRPC", "HTTP", "WEBSOCKET"], "default": "GRPC", "default_random": false, "help": "Communication protocol between server and client.", "name": "protocol", "option_strings": ["--protocol"], "required": false, "type": "str"}]}, {"name": "export-api", "options": [{"choices": null, "default": null, "default_random": false, "help": "The YAML file path for storing the exported API", "name": "yaml_path", "option_strings": ["--yaml-path"], "required": false, "type": "typing.List[str]"}, {"choices": null, "default": null, "default_random": false, "help": "The JSON file path for storing the exported API", "name": "json_path", "option_strings": ["--json-path"], "required": false, "type": "typing.List[str]"}, {"choices": null, "default": null, "default_random": false, "help": "The JSONSchema file path for storing the exported API", "name": "schema_path", "option_strings": ["--schema-path"], "required": false, "type": "typing.List[str]"}]}], "name": "Jina", "revision": null, "source": "https://github.com/jina-ai/jina/tree/master", "url": "https://jina.ai", "vendor": "Jina AI Limited", "version": "2.0.1"}