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{"authors": "dev-team@jina.ai", "description": "Jina is the cloud-native neural search solution powered by state-of-the-art AI and deep learning technology", "docs": "https://docs.jina.ai", "license": "Apache 2.0", "methods": [{"name": "hello-world", "options": [{"choices": null, "default": "01537a6e225b11eba26d000d3a1c5338", "default_random": true, "help": "the workdir for hello-world demo, all data, indices, shards and outputs will be saved there", "name": "workdir", "option_strings": ["--workdir"], "required": false, "type": "str"}, {"choices": null, "default": false, "default_random": false, "help": "start a log server for the dashboard", "name": "logserver", "option_strings": ["--logserver"], "required": false, "type": "bool"}, {"choices": null, "default": "/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.7.9/x64/lib/python3.7/site-packages/jina/resources/logserver.default.yml", "default_random": false, "help": "the yaml config of the log server", "name": "logserver_config", "option_strings": ["--logserver-config"], "required": false, "type": "str"}, {"choices": null, "default": null, "default_random": false, "help": "specify the proxy when downloading sample data", "name": "download_proxy", "option_strings": ["--download-proxy"], "required": false, "type": "str"}, {"choices": null, "default": 2, "default_random": false, "help": "number of shards when index and query", "name": "shards", "option_strings": ["--shards"], "required": false, "type": "int"}, {"choices": null, "default": 2, "default_random": false, "help": "number of parallel when index and query", "name": "parallel", "option_strings": ["--parallel"], "required": false, "type": "int"}, {"choices": null, "default": "/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.7.9/x64/lib/python3.7/site-packages/jina/resources/helloworld.flow.index.yml", "default_random": false, "help": "the yaml path of the index flow", "name": "uses_index", "option_strings": ["--uses-index"], "required": false, "type": "str"}, {"choices": null, "default": "http://fashion-mnist.s3-website.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/train-images-idx3-ubyte.gz", "default_random": false, "help": "the url of index data (should be in idx3-ubyte.gz format)", "name": "index_data_url", "option_strings": ["--index-data-url"], "required": false, "type": "str"}, {"choices": null, "default": 1024, "default_random": false, "help": "the batch size in indexing", "name": "index_batch_size", "option_strings": ["--index-batch-size"], "required": false, "type": "int"}, {"choices": null, "default": "/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.7.9/x64/lib/python3.7/site-packages/jina/resources/helloworld.flow.query.yml", "default_random": false, "help": "the yaml path of the query flow", "name": "uses_query", "option_strings": ["--uses-query"], "required": false, "type": "str"}, {"choices": null, "default": "http://fashion-mnist.s3-website.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/t10k-images-idx3-ubyte.gz", "default_random": false, "help": "the url of query data (should be in idx3-ubyte.gz format)", "name": "query_data_url", "option_strings": ["--query-data-url"], "required": false, "type": "str"}, {"choices": null, "default": 32, "default_random": false, "help": "the batch size in searching", "name": "query_batch_size", "option_strings": ["--query-batch-size"], "required": false, "type": "int"}, {"choices": null, "default": 128, "default_random": false, "help": "number of queries to visualize", "name": "num_query", "option_strings": ["--num-query"], "required": false, "type": "int"}, {"choices": null, "default": 50, "default_random": false, "help": "top-k results to retrieve and visualize", "name": "top_k", "option_strings": ["--top-k"], "required": false, "type": "int"}]}, {"name": "pod", "options": [{"choices": null, "default": null, "default_random": false, "help": "the name of this pea, used to identify the pod and its logs.", "name": "name", "option_strings": ["--name"], "required": false, "type": "str"}, {"choices": null, "default": "01537a77225b11eba26d000d3a1c5338", "default_random": true, "help": "the identity of the sockets, default a random string", "name": "identity", "option_strings": ["--identity"], "required": false, "type": "str"}, {"choices": null, "default": "_pass", "default_random": false, "help": "the config of the executor, it could be > a YAML file path, > a supported executor's class name, > one of \"_clear\", \"_route\", \"_pass\", \"_logforward\", \"_merge\" > the content of YAML config (must starts with \"!\")> a docker image", "name": "uses", "option_strings": ["--uses"], "required": false, "type": "str"}, {"choices": null, "default": null, "default_random": false, "help": "the customized python modules need to be imported before loading the executor", "name": "py_modules", "option_strings": ["--py-modules"], "required": false, "type": "str"}, {"choices": null, "default": "BaseExecutor", "default_random": false, "help": "The executor config that is passed to the docker image if a docker image is used in uses. It cannot be another docker image ", "name": "uses_internal", "option_strings": ["--uses-internal"], "required": false, "type": "str"}, {"choices": null, "default": null, "default_random": false, "help": "the entrypoint command overrides the ENTRYPOINT in docker image. when not set then the docker image ENTRYPOINT takes effective.", "name": "entrypoint", "option_strings": ["--entrypoint"], "required": false, "type": "str"}, {"choices": null, "default": false, "default_random": false, "help": "pull the latest image before running", "name": "pull_latest", "option_strings": ["--pull-latest"], "required": false, "type": "bool"}, {"choices": null, "default": null, "default_random": false, "help": "the path on the host to be mounted inside the container. they will be mounted to the root path, i.e. /user/test/my-workspace will be mounted to /my-workspace inside the container. all volumes are mounted with read-write mode.", "name": "volumes", "option_strings": ["--volumes"], "required": false, "type": "str"}, {"choices": null, "default": 52089, "default_random": true, "help": "port for input data, default a random port between [49152, 65535]", "name": "port_in", "option_strings": ["--port-in"], "required": false, "type": "int"}, {"choices": null, "default": 46221, "default_random": true, "help": "port for output data, default a random port between [49152, 65535]", "name": "port_out", "option_strings": ["--port-out"], "required": false, "type": "int"}, {"choices": null, "default": "", "default_random": false, "help": "host address for input, by default it is", "name": "host_in", "option_strings": ["--host-in"], "required": false, "type": "str"}, {"choices": null, "default": "", "default_random": false, "help": "host address for output, by default it is", "name": "host_out", "option_strings": ["--host-out"], "required": false, "type": "str"}, {"choices": ["PULL_BIND", "PULL_CONNECT", "PUSH_BIND", "PUSH_CONNECT", "SUB_BIND", "SUB_CONNECT", "PUB_BIND", "PUB_CONNECT", "PAIR_BIND", "PAIR_CONNECT", "ROUTER_BIND", "DEALER_CONNECT"], "default": "PULL_BIND", "default_random": false, "help": "socket type for input port", "name": "socket_in", "option_strings": ["--socket-in"], "required": false, "type": "method"}, {"choices": ["PULL_BIND", "PULL_CONNECT", "PUSH_BIND", "PUSH_CONNECT", "SUB_BIND", "SUB_CONNECT", "PUB_BIND", "PUB_CONNECT", "PAIR_BIND", "PAIR_CONNECT", "ROUTER_BIND", "DEALER_CONNECT"], "default": "PUSH_BIND", "default_random": false, "help": "socket type for output port", "name": "socket_out", "option_strings": ["--socket-out"], "required": false, "type": "method"}, {"choices": null, "default": 36513, "default_random": true, "help": "port for controlling the pod, default a random port between [49152, 65535]", "name": "port_ctrl", "option_strings": ["--port-ctrl"], "required": false, "type": "int"}, {"choices": null, "default": false, "default_random": false, "help": "use ipc protocol for control socket", "name": "ctrl_with_ipc", "option_strings": ["--ctrl-with-ipc"], "required": false, "type": "bool"}, {"choices": null, "default": -1, "default_random": false, "help": "timeout (ms) of all requests, -1 for waiting forever", "name": "timeout", "option_strings": ["--timeout"], "required": false, "type": "int"}, {"choices": null, "default": 5000, "default_random": false, "help": "timeout (ms) of the control request, -1 for waiting forever", "name": "timeout_ctrl", "option_strings": ["--timeout-ctrl"], "required": false, "type": "int"}, {"choices": null, "default": 10000, "default_random": false, "help": "timeout (ms) of a pea is ready for request, -1 for waiting forever", "name": "timeout_ready", "option_strings": ["--timeout-ready"], "required": false, "type": "int"}, {"choices": null, "default": 240, "default_random": false, "help": "serialize the model in the pod every n seconds if model changes. -1 means --read-only. ", "name": "dump_interval", "option_strings": ["--dump-interval"], "required": false, "type": "int"}, {"choices": null, "default": false, "default_random": false, "help": "do not serialize the model when the pod exits", "name": "exit_no_dump", "option_strings": ["--exit-no-dump"], "required": false, "type": "bool"}, {"choices": null, "default": false, "default_random": false, "help": "do not allow the pod to modify the model, dump_interval will be ignored", "name": "read_only", "option_strings": ["--read-only"], "required": false, "type": "bool"}, {"choices": null, "default": false, "default_random": false, "help": "the data and config files are separated for each pea in this pod, only effective when BasePod's `parallel` > 1", "name": "separated_workspace", "option_strings": ["--separated-workspace"], "required": false, "type": "bool"}, {"choices": null, "default": -1, "default_random": false, "help": "==SUPPRESS==", "name": "pea_id", "option_strings": ["--pea-id"], "required": false, "type": "int"}, {"choices": null, "default": 0, "default_random": false, "help": "==SUPPRESS==", "name": "num_part", "option_strings": ["--num-part"], "required": false, "type": "int"}, {"choices": ["SINGLETON", "HEAD", "TAIL", "PARALLEL"], "default": null, "default_random": false, "help": "==SUPPRESS==", "name": "role", "option_strings": ["--role"], "required": false, "type": "method"}, {"choices": ["NONE", "EXECUTOR", "HANDLE"], "default": "NONE", "default_random": false, "help": "skip strategy on error message.", "name": "skip_on_error", "option_strings": ["--skip-on-error"], "required": false, "type": "method"}, {"choices": null, "default": -1, "default_random": false, "help": "memory high watermark of this pod in Gigabytes, pod will restart when this is reached. -1 means no restriction", "name": "memory_hwm", "option_strings": ["--memory-hwm"], "required": false, "type": "int"}, {"choices": ["thread", "process"], "default": "process", "default_random": false, "help": "the parallel runtime of the pod", "name": "runtime", "option_strings": ["--runtime"], "required": false, "type": "str"}, {"choices": null, "default": 60, "default_random": false, "help": "label this pea as inactive when it does not process any request after certain time (in second)", "name": "max_idle_time", "option_strings": ["--max-idle-time"], "required": false, "type": "int"}, {"choices": null, "default": false, "default_random": false, "help": "when a process exits, it attempts to terminate all of its daemonic child processes. setting it to true basically tell the context manager do not wait on this Pea", "name": "daemon", "option_strings": ["--daemon"], "required": false, "type": "bool"}, {"choices": null, "default": "/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.7.9/x64/lib/python3.7/site-packages/jina/resources/logging.default.yml", "default_random": false, "help": "the yaml config of the logger. note the executor inside will inherit this log config", "name": "log_config", "option_strings": ["--log-config"], "required": false, "type": "str"}, {"choices": null, "default": false, "default_random": false, "help": "==SUPPRESS==", "name": "log_remote", "option_strings": ["--log-remote"], "required": false, "type": "bool"}, {"choices": null, "default": null, "default_random": false, "help": "the SSH server through which the tunnel will be created, can actually be a fully specified \"user@server:port\" ssh url.", "name": "ssh_server", "option_strings": ["--ssh-server"], "required": false, "type": "str"}, {"choices": null, "default": null, "default_random": false, "help": "this specifies a key to be used in ssh login, default None. regular default ssh keys will be used without specifying this argument.", "name": "ssh_keyfile", "option_strings": ["--ssh-keyfile"], "required": false, "type": "str"}, {"choices": null, "default": null, "default_random": false, "help": "ssh password to the ssh server.", "name": "ssh_password", "option_strings": ["--ssh-password"], "required": false, "type": "str"}, {"choices": null, "default": "", "default_random": false, "help": "host address of the pea/gateway, by default it is", "name": "host", "option_strings": ["--host"], "required": false, "type": "str"}, {"choices": null, "default": 49609, "default_random": true, "help": "host port of the gateway, \"port-grpc\" alias will be removed in future versions", "name": "port_expose", "option_strings": ["--port-expose", "--port-grpc"], "required": false, "type": "int"}, {"choices": null, "default": -1, "default_random": false, "help": "maximum send and receive size for grpc server in bytes, -1 means unlimited", "name": "max_message_size", "option_strings": ["--max-message-size"], "required": false, "type": "int"}, {"choices": null, "default": false, "default_random": false, "help": "respect the http_proxy and https_proxy environment variables. otherwise, it will unset these proxy variables before start. gRPC seems to prefer no proxy", "name": "proxy", "option_strings": ["--proxy"], "required": false, "type": "bool"}, {"choices": null, "default": 1, "default_random": false, "help": "number of parallel peas in the pod running at the same time, `port_in` and `port_out` will be set to random, and routers will be added automatically when necessary", "name": "parallel", "option_strings": ["--parallel", "--shards"], "required": false, "type": "int"}, {"choices": ["ANY", "ALL", "ALL_ASYNC"], "default": "ANY", "default_random": false, "help": "ANY: only one (whoever is idle) replica polls the message; ALL: all workers poll the message (like a broadcast)", "name": "polling", "option_strings": ["--polling"], "required": false, "type": "method"}, {"choices": ["LOAD_BALANCE", "ROUND_ROBIN"], "default": "LOAD_BALANCE", "default_random": false, "help": "the strategy of scheduling workload among peas", "name": "scheduling", "option_strings": ["--scheduling"], "required": false, "type": "method"}, {"choices": null, "default": null, "default_random": false, "help": "the executor used before sending to all parallels, accepted type follows \"--uses\"", "name": "uses_before", "option_strings": ["--uses-before"], "required": false, "type": "str"}, {"choices": null, "default": null, "default_random": false, "help": "the executor used after receiving from all parallels, accepted type follows \"--uses\"", "name": "uses_after", "option_strings": ["--uses-after"], "required": false, "type": "str"}, {"choices": null, "default": false, "default_random": false, "help": "shutdown this pod when all peas are idle", "name": "shutdown_idle", "option_strings": ["--shutdown-idle"], "required": false, "type": "bool"}]}, {"name": "flow", "options": [{"choices": null, "default": null, "default_random": false, "help": "a yaml file represents a flow", "name": "uses", "option_strings": ["--uses"], "required": false, "type": "str"}, {"choices": null, "default": false, "default_random": false, "help": "start a log server for the dashboard", "name": "logserver", "option_strings": ["--logserver"], "required": false, "type": "bool"}, {"choices": null, "default": "/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.7.9/x64/lib/python3.7/site-packages/jina/resources/logserver.default.yml", "default_random": false, "help": "the yaml config of the log server", "name": "logserver_config", "option_strings": ["--logserver-config"], "required": false, "type": "str"}, {"choices": null, "default": "NONE", "default_random": false, "help": "removing redundant routers from the flow. Note, this may change the gateway zmq socket to BIND and hence not allow multiple clients connected to the gateway at the same time.", "name": "optimize_level", "option_strings": ["--optimize-level"], "required": false, "type": "method"}, {"choices": ["SHELL_PROC", "SHELL_DOCKER", "DOCKER_SWARM", "K8S"], "default": "SHELL_PROC", "default_random": false, "help": "type of the output", "name": "output_type", "option_strings": ["--output-type"], "required": false, "type": "method"}, {"choices": null, "default": null, "default_random": false, "help": "output path of the flow", "name": "output_path", "option_strings": ["--output-path"], "required": false, "type": "FileType"}, {"choices": ["HANG", "REMOVE", "COLLECT"], "default": "COLLECT", "default_random": false, "help": "strategy on those inspect pods in the flow. if REMOVE is given then all inspect pods are removed when building the flow", "name": "inspect", "option_strings": ["--inspect"], "required": false, "type": "method"}]}, {"name": "gateway", "options": [{"choices": null, "default": "gateway", "default_random": false, "help": "the name of this pea, used to identify the pod and its logs.", "name": "name", "option_strings": ["--name"], "required": false, "type": "str"}, {"choices": null, "default": "01537a88225b11eba26d000d3a1c5338", "default_random": true, "help": "the identity of the sockets, default a random string", "name": "identity", "option_strings": ["--identity"], "required": false, "type": "str"}, {"choices": null, "default": "_pass", "default_random": false, "help": "the config of the executor, it could be > a YAML file path, > a supported executor's class name, > one of \"_clear\", \"_route\", \"_pass\", \"_logforward\", \"_merge\" > the content of YAML config (must starts with \"!\")> a docker image", "name": "uses", "option_strings": ["--uses"], "required": false, "type": "str"}, {"choices": null, "default": null, "default_random": false, "help": "the customized python modules need to be imported before loading the executor", "name": "py_modules", "option_strings": ["--py-modules"], "required": false, "type": "str"}, {"choices": null, "default": "BaseExecutor", "default_random": false, "help": "The executor config that is passed to the docker image if a docker image is used in uses. It cannot be another docker image ", "name": "uses_internal", "option_strings": ["--uses-internal"], "required": false, "type": "str"}, {"choices": null, "default": null, "default_random": false, "help": "the entrypoint command overrides the ENTRYPOINT in docker image. when not set then the docker image ENTRYPOINT takes effective.", "name": "entrypoint", "option_strings": ["--entrypoint"], "required": false, "type": "str"}, {"choices": null, "default": false, "default_random": false, "help": "pull the latest image before running", "name": "pull_latest", "option_strings": ["--pull-latest"], "required": false, "type": "bool"}, {"choices": null, "default": null, "default_random": false, "help": "the path on the host to be mounted inside the container. they will be mounted to the root path, i.e. /user/test/my-workspace will be mounted to /my-workspace inside the container. all volumes are mounted with read-write mode.", "name": "volumes", "option_strings": ["--volumes"], "required": false, "type": "str"}, {"choices": null, "default": 59655, "default_random": true, "help": "port for input data, default a random port between [49152, 65535]", "name": "port_in", "option_strings": ["--port-in"], "required": false, "type": "int"}, {"choices": null, "default": 53691, "default_random": true, "help": "port for output data, default a random port between [49152, 65535]", "name": "port_out", "option_strings": ["--port-out"], "required": false, "type": "int"}, {"choices": null, "default": "", "default_random": false, "help": "host address for input, by default it is", "name": "host_in", "option_strings": ["--host-in"], "required": false, "type": "str"}, {"choices": null, "default": "", "default_random": false, "help": "host address for output, by default it is", "name": "host_out", "option_strings": ["--host-out"], "required": false, "type": "str"}, {"choices": ["PULL_BIND", "PULL_CONNECT", "PUSH_BIND", "PUSH_CONNECT", "SUB_BIND", "SUB_CONNECT", "PUB_BIND", "PUB_CONNECT", "PAIR_BIND", "PAIR_CONNECT", "ROUTER_BIND", "DEALER_CONNECT"], "default": "PULL_CONNECT", "default_random": false, "help": "socket type for input port", "name": "socket_in", "option_strings": ["--socket-in"], "required": false, "type": "method"}, {"choices": ["PULL_BIND", "PULL_CONNECT", "PUSH_BIND", "PUSH_CONNECT", "SUB_BIND", "SUB_CONNECT", "PUB_BIND", "PUB_CONNECT", "PAIR_BIND", "PAIR_CONNECT", "ROUTER_BIND", "DEALER_CONNECT"], "default": "PUSH_CONNECT", "default_random": false, "help": "socket type for output port", "name": "socket_out", "option_strings": ["--socket-out"], "required": false, "type": "method"}, {"choices": null, "default": 39033, "default_random": true, "help": "port for controlling the pod, default a random port between [49152, 65535]", "name": "port_ctrl", "option_strings": ["--port-ctrl"], "required": false, "type": "int"}, {"choices": null, "default": true, "default_random": false, "help": "use ipc protocol for control socket", "name": "ctrl_with_ipc", "option_strings": ["--ctrl-with-ipc"], "required": false, "type": "bool"}, {"choices": null, "default": -1, "default_random": false, "help": "timeout (ms) of all requests, -1 for waiting forever", "name": "timeout", "option_strings": ["--timeout"], "required": false, "type": "int"}, {"choices": null, "default": 5000, "default_random": false, "help": "timeout (ms) of the control request, -1 for waiting forever", "name": "timeout_ctrl", "option_strings": ["--timeout-ctrl"], "required": false, "type": "int"}, {"choices": null, "default": 10000, "default_random": false, "help": "timeout (ms) of a pea is ready for request, -1 for waiting forever", "name": "timeout_ready", "option_strings": ["--timeout-ready"], "required": false, "type": "int"}, {"choices": null, "default": 240, "default_random": false, "help": "serialize the model in the pod every n seconds if model changes. -1 means --read-only. ", "name": "dump_interval", "option_strings": ["--dump-interval"], "required": false, "type": "int"}, {"choices": null, "default": false, "default_random": false, "help": "do not serialize the model when the pod exits", "name": "exit_no_dump", "option_strings": ["--exit-no-dump"], "required": false, "type": "bool"}, {"choices": null, "default": true, "default_random": false, "help": "do not allow the pod to modify the model, dump_interval will be ignored", "name": "read_only", "option_strings": ["--read-only"], "required": false, "type": "bool"}, {"choices": null, "default": false, "default_random": false, "help": "the data and config files are separated for each pea in this pod, only effective when BasePod's `parallel` > 1", "name": "separated_workspace", "option_strings": ["--separated-workspace"], "required": false, "type": "bool"}, {"choices": null, "default": -1, "default_random": false, "help": "==SUPPRESS==", "name": "pea_id", "option_strings": ["--pea-id"], "required": false, "type": "int"}, {"choices": null, "default": 0, "default_random": false, "help": "==SUPPRESS==", "name": "num_part", "option_strings": ["--num-part"], "required": false, "type": "int"}, {"choices": ["SINGLETON", "HEAD", "TAIL", "PARALLEL"], "default": null, "default_random": false, "help": "==SUPPRESS==", "name": "role", "option_strings": ["--role"], "required": false, "type": "method"}, {"choices": ["NONE", "EXECUTOR", "HANDLE"], "default": "NONE", "default_random": false, "help": "skip strategy on error message.", "name": "skip_on_error", "option_strings": ["--skip-on-error"], "required": false, "type": "method"}, {"choices": null, "default": -1, "default_random": false, "help": "memory high watermark of this pod in Gigabytes, pod will restart when this is reached. -1 means no restriction", "name": "memory_hwm", "option_strings": ["--memory-hwm"], "required": false, "type": "int"}, {"choices": ["thread", "process"], "default": "process", "default_random": false, "help": "the parallel runtime of the pod", "name": "runtime", "option_strings": ["--runtime"], "required": false, "type": "str"}, {"choices": null, "default": 60, "default_random": false, "help": "label this pea as inactive when it does not process any request after certain time (in second)", "name": "max_idle_time", "option_strings": ["--max-idle-time"], "required": false, "type": "int"}, {"choices": null, "default": false, "default_random": false, "help": "when a process exits, it attempts to terminate all of its daemonic child processes. setting it to true basically tell the context manager do not wait on this Pea", "name": "daemon", "option_strings": ["--daemon"], "required": false, "type": "bool"}, {"choices": null, "default": "/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.7.9/x64/lib/python3.7/site-packages/jina/resources/logging.default.yml", "default_random": false, "help": "the yaml config of the logger. note the executor inside will inherit this log config", "name": "log_config", "option_strings": ["--log-config"], "required": false, "type": "str"}, {"choices": null, "default": false, "default_random": false, "help": "==SUPPRESS==", "name": "log_remote", "option_strings": ["--log-remote"], "required": false, "type": "bool"}, {"choices": null, "default": null, "default_random": false, "help": "the SSH server through which the tunnel will be created, can actually be a fully specified \"user@server:port\" ssh url.", "name": "ssh_server", "option_strings": ["--ssh-server"], "required": false, "type": "str"}, {"choices": null, "default": null, "default_random": false, "help": "this specifies a key to be used in ssh login, default None. regular default ssh keys will be used without specifying this argument.", "name": "ssh_keyfile", "option_strings": ["--ssh-keyfile"], "required": false, "type": "str"}, {"choices": null, "default": null, "default_random": false, "help": "ssh password to the ssh server.", "name": "ssh_password", "option_strings": ["--ssh-password"], "required": false, "type": "str"}, {"choices": null, "default": "", "default_random": false, "help": "host address of the pea/gateway, by default it is", "name": "host", "option_strings": ["--host"], "required": false, "type": "str"}, {"choices": null, "default": 35127, "default_random": true, "help": "host port of the gateway, \"port-grpc\" alias will be removed in future versions", "name": "port_expose", "option_strings": ["--port-expose", "--port-grpc"], "required": false, "type": "int"}, {"choices": null, "default": -1, "default_random": false, "help": "maximum send and receive size for grpc server in bytes, -1 means unlimited", "name": "max_message_size", "option_strings": ["--max-message-size"], "required": false, "type": "int"}, {"choices": null, "default": false, "default_random": false, "help": "respect the http_proxy and https_proxy environment variables. otherwise, it will unset these proxy variables before start. gRPC seems to prefer no proxy", "name": "proxy", "option_strings": ["--proxy"], "required": false, "type": "bool"}, {"choices": null, "default": 50, "default_random": false, "help": "the number of pre-fetched requests from the client", "name": "prefetch", "option_strings": ["--prefetch"], "required": false, "type": "int"}, {"choices": null, "default": 1, "default_random": false, "help": "the number of additional requests to fetch on every receive", "name": "prefetch_on_recv", "option_strings": ["--prefetch-on-recv"], "required": false, "type": "int"}, {"choices": null, "default": false, "default_random": false, "help": "accept the spawn requests sent from other remote Jina", "name": "allow_spawn", "option_strings": ["--allow-spawn"], "required": false, "type": "bool"}, {"choices": null, "default": false, "default_random": false, "help": "use REST-API as the interface instead of gRPC with port number set to the value of \"port-expose\"", "name": "rest_api", "option_strings": ["--rest-api"], "required": false, "type": "bool"}, {"choices": null, "default": false, "default_random": false, "help": "comparing the jina and proto version of incoming message with local setup, mismatch raise an exception", "name": "check_version", "option_strings": ["--check-version"], "required": false, "type": "bool"}, {"choices": ["NONE", "LZ4", "ZLIB", "GZIP", "BZ2", "LZMA"], "default": "LZ4", "default_random": false, "help": "the algorithm used for compressing request data, this can reduce the network overhead but may increase CPU usage", "name": "compress", "option_strings": ["--compress"], "required": false, "type": "method"}, {"choices": null, "default": 100, "default_random": false, "help": "the high watermark that triggers the message compression. message bigger than this HWM (in bytes) will be compressed by lz4 algorithm.set this to 0 to disable this feature.", "name": "compress_hwm", "option_strings": ["--compress-hwm"], "required": false, "type": "int"}, {"choices": null, "default": 0.9, "default_random": false, "help": "the low watermark that enables the sending of a compressed message. compression rate (after_size/before_size) lower than this LWM will be considered as successeful compression, and will be sent. Otherwise, it will send the original message without compression", "name": "compress_lwm", "option_strings": ["--compress-lwm"], "required": false, "type": "float"}]}, {"name": "ping", "options": [{"choices": null, "default": null, "default_random": false, "help": "host address of the target pod/pea, e.g.", "name": "host", "option_strings": [], "required": true, "type": "str"}, {"choices": null, "default": null, "default_random": false, "help": "the control port of the target pod/pea", "name": "port", "option_strings": [], "required": true, "type": "int"}, {"choices": null, "default": 3000, "default_random": false, "help": "timeout (ms) of one check, -1 for waiting forever", "name": "timeout", "option_strings": ["--timeout"], "required": false, "type": "int"}, {"choices": null, "default": 3, "default_random": false, "help": "max number of tried health checks before exit 1", "name": "retries", "option_strings": ["--retries"], "required": false, "type": "int"}, {"choices": null, "default": false, "default_random": false, "help": "print the response when received", "name": "print_response", "option_strings": ["--print-response"], "required": false, "type": "bool"}]}, {"name": "check", "options": [{"choices": null, "default": null, "default_random": false, "help": "the markdown file path for all executors summary", "name": "summary_exec", "option_strings": ["--summary-exec"], "required": false, "type": "str"}, {"choices": null, "default": null, "default_random": false, "help": "the markdown file path for all drivers summary", "name": "summary_driver", "option_strings": ["--summary-driver"], "required": false, "type": "str"}]}, {"name": "hub", "options": []}, {"name": "pea", "options": [{"choices": null, "default": null, "default_random": false, "help": "the name of this pea, used to identify the pod and its logs.", "name": "name", "option_strings": ["--name"], "required": false, "type": "str"}, {"choices": null, "default": "01537aa9225b11eba26d000d3a1c5338", "default_random": true, "help": "the identity of the sockets, default a random string", "name": "identity", "option_strings": ["--identity"], "required": false, "type": "str"}, {"choices": null, "default": "_pass", "default_random": false, "help": "the config of the executor, it could be > a YAML file path, > a supported executor's class name, > one of \"_clear\", \"_route\", \"_pass\", \"_logforward\", \"_merge\" > the content of YAML config (must starts with \"!\")> a docker image", "name": "uses", "option_strings": ["--uses"], "required": false, "type": "str"}, {"choices": null, "default": null, "default_random": false, "help": "the customized python modules need to be imported before loading the executor", "name": "py_modules", "option_strings": ["--py-modules"], "required": false, "type": "str"}, {"choices": null, "default": "BaseExecutor", "default_random": false, "help": "The executor config that is passed to the docker image if a docker image is used in uses. It cannot be another docker image ", "name": "uses_internal", "option_strings": ["--uses-internal"], "required": false, "type": "str"}, {"choices": null, "default": null, "default_random": false, "help": "the entrypoint command overrides the ENTRYPOINT in docker image. when not set then the docker image ENTRYPOINT takes effective.", "name": "entrypoint", "option_strings": ["--entrypoint"], "required": false, "type": "str"}, {"choices": null, "default": false, "default_random": false, "help": "pull the latest image before running", "name": "pull_latest", "option_strings": ["--pull-latest"], "required": false, "type": "bool"}, {"choices": null, "default": null, "default_random": false, "help": "the path on the host to be mounted inside the container. they will be mounted to the root path, i.e. /user/test/my-workspace will be mounted to /my-workspace inside the container. all volumes are mounted with read-write mode.", "name": "volumes", "option_strings": ["--volumes"], "required": false, "type": "str"}, {"choices": null, "default": 48403, "default_random": true, "help": "port for input data, default a random port between [49152, 65535]", "name": "port_in", "option_strings": ["--port-in"], "required": false, "type": "int"}, {"choices": null, "default": 54451, "default_random": true, "help": "port for output data, default a random port between [49152, 65535]", "name": "port_out", "option_strings": ["--port-out"], "required": false, "type": "int"}, {"choices": null, "default": "", "default_random": false, "help": "host address for input, by default it is", "name": "host_in", "option_strings": ["--host-in"], "required": false, "type": "str"}, {"choices": null, "default": "", "default_random": false, "help": "host address for output, by default it is", "name": "host_out", "option_strings": ["--host-out"], "required": false, "type": "str"}, {"choices": ["PULL_BIND", "PULL_CONNECT", "PUSH_BIND", "PUSH_CONNECT", "SUB_BIND", "SUB_CONNECT", "PUB_BIND", "PUB_CONNECT", "PAIR_BIND", "PAIR_CONNECT", "ROUTER_BIND", "DEALER_CONNECT"], "default": "PULL_BIND", "default_random": false, "help": "socket type for input port", "name": "socket_in", "option_strings": ["--socket-in"], "required": false, "type": "method"}, {"choices": ["PULL_BIND", "PULL_CONNECT", "PUSH_BIND", "PUSH_CONNECT", "SUB_BIND", "SUB_CONNECT", "PUB_BIND", "PUB_CONNECT", "PAIR_BIND", "PAIR_CONNECT", "ROUTER_BIND", "DEALER_CONNECT"], "default": "PUSH_BIND", "default_random": false, "help": "socket type for output port", "name": "socket_out", "option_strings": ["--socket-out"], "required": false, "type": "method"}, {"choices": null, "default": 46703, "default_random": true, "help": "port for controlling the pod, default a random port between [49152, 65535]", "name": "port_ctrl", "option_strings": ["--port-ctrl"], "required": false, "type": "int"}, {"choices": null, "default": false, "default_random": false, "help": "use ipc protocol for control socket", "name": "ctrl_with_ipc", "option_strings": ["--ctrl-with-ipc"], "required": false, "type": "bool"}, {"choices": null, "default": -1, "default_random": false, "help": "timeout (ms) of all requests, -1 for waiting forever", "name": "timeout", "option_strings": ["--timeout"], "required": false, "type": "int"}, {"choices": null, "default": 5000, "default_random": false, "help": "timeout (ms) of the control request, -1 for waiting forever", "name": "timeout_ctrl", "option_strings": ["--timeout-ctrl"], "required": false, "type": "int"}, {"choices": null, "default": 10000, "default_random": false, "help": "timeout (ms) of a pea is ready for request, -1 for waiting forever", "name": "timeout_ready", "option_strings": ["--timeout-ready"], "required": false, "type": "int"}, {"choices": null, "default": 240, "default_random": false, "help": "serialize the model in the pod every n seconds if model changes. -1 means --read-only. ", "name": "dump_interval", "option_strings": ["--dump-interval"], "required": false, "type": "int"}, {"choices": null, "default": false, "default_random": false, "help": "do not serialize the model when the pod exits", "name": "exit_no_dump", "option_strings": ["--exit-no-dump"], "required": false, "type": "bool"}, {"choices": null, "default": false, "default_random": false, "help": "do not allow the pod to modify the model, dump_interval will be ignored", "name": "read_only", "option_strings": ["--read-only"], "required": false, "type": "bool"}, {"choices": null, "default": false, "default_random": false, "help": "the data and config files are separated for each pea in this pod, only effective when BasePod's `parallel` > 1", "name": "separated_workspace", "option_strings": ["--separated-workspace"], "required": false, "type": "bool"}, {"choices": null, "default": -1, "default_random": false, "help": "==SUPPRESS==", "name": "pea_id", "option_strings": ["--pea-id"], "required": false, "type": "int"}, {"choices": null, "default": 0, "default_random": false, "help": "==SUPPRESS==", "name": "num_part", "option_strings": ["--num-part"], "required": false, "type": "int"}, {"choices": ["SINGLETON", "HEAD", "TAIL", "PARALLEL"], "default": null, "default_random": false, "help": "==SUPPRESS==", "name": "role", "option_strings": ["--role"], "required": false, "type": "method"}, {"choices": ["NONE", "EXECUTOR", "HANDLE"], "default": "NONE", "default_random": false, "help": "skip strategy on error message.", "name": "skip_on_error", "option_strings": ["--skip-on-error"], "required": false, "type": "method"}, {"choices": null, "default": -1, "default_random": false, "help": "memory high watermark of this pod in Gigabytes, pod will restart when this is reached. -1 means no restriction", "name": "memory_hwm", "option_strings": ["--memory-hwm"], "required": false, "type": "int"}, {"choices": ["thread", "process"], "default": "process", "default_random": false, "help": "the parallel runtime of the pod", "name": "runtime", "option_strings": ["--runtime"], "required": false, "type": "str"}, {"choices": null, "default": 60, "default_random": false, "help": "label this pea as inactive when it does not process any request after certain time (in second)", "name": "max_idle_time", "option_strings": ["--max-idle-time"], "required": false, "type": "int"}, {"choices": null, "default": false, "default_random": false, "help": "when a process exits, it attempts to terminate all of its daemonic child processes. setting it to true basically tell the context manager do not wait on this Pea", "name": "daemon", "option_strings": ["--daemon"], "required": false, "type": "bool"}, {"choices": null, "default": "/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.7.9/x64/lib/python3.7/site-packages/jina/resources/logging.default.yml", "default_random": false, "help": "the yaml config of the logger. note the executor inside will inherit this log config", "name": "log_config", "option_strings": ["--log-config"], "required": false, "type": "str"}, {"choices": null, "default": false, "default_random": false, "help": "==SUPPRESS==", "name": "log_remote", "option_strings": ["--log-remote"], "required": false, "type": "bool"}, {"choices": null, "default": null, "default_random": false, "help": "the SSH server through which the tunnel will be created, can actually be a fully specified \"user@server:port\" ssh url.", "name": "ssh_server", "option_strings": ["--ssh-server"], "required": false, "type": "str"}, {"choices": null, "default": null, "default_random": false, "help": "this specifies a key to be used in ssh login, default None. regular default ssh keys will be used without specifying this argument.", "name": "ssh_keyfile", "option_strings": ["--ssh-keyfile"], "required": false, "type": "str"}, {"choices": null, "default": null, "default_random": false, "help": "ssh password to the ssh server.", "name": "ssh_password", "option_strings": ["--ssh-password"], "required": false, "type": "str"}, {"choices": null, "default": "", "default_random": false, "help": "host address of the pea/gateway, by default it is", "name": "host", "option_strings": ["--host"], "required": false, "type": "str"}, {"choices": null, "default": 57715, "default_random": true, "help": "host port of the gateway, \"port-grpc\" alias will be removed in future versions", "name": "port_expose", "option_strings": ["--port-expose", "--port-grpc"], "required": false, "type": "int"}, {"choices": null, "default": -1, "default_random": false, "help": "maximum send and receive size for grpc server in bytes, -1 means unlimited", "name": "max_message_size", "option_strings": ["--max-message-size"], "required": false, "type": "int"}, {"choices": null, "default": false, "default_random": false, "help": "respect the http_proxy and https_proxy environment variables. otherwise, it will unset these proxy variables before start. gRPC seems to prefer no proxy", "name": "proxy", "option_strings": ["--proxy"], "required": false, "type": "bool"}]}, {"name": "log", "options": [{"choices": null, "default": "(.*@\\d+)\\[", "default_random": false, "help": "the regular expression for grouping logs", "name": "groupby_regex", "option_strings": ["--groupby-regex"], "required": false, "type": "str"}, {"choices": null, "default": 5, "default_random": false, "help": "refresh time interval in seconds, set to -1 to persist all grouped logs", "name": "refresh_time", "option_strings": ["--refresh-time"], "required": false, "type": "int"}]}, {"name": "client", "options": [{"choices": null, "default": "", "default_random": false, "help": "host address of the pea/gateway, by default it is", "name": "host", "option_strings": ["--host"], "required": false, "type": "str"}, {"choices": null, "default": 38669, "default_random": true, "help": "host port of the gateway, \"port-grpc\" alias will be removed in future versions", "name": "port_expose", "option_strings": ["--port-expose", "--port-grpc"], "required": false, "type": "int"}, {"choices": null, "default": -1, "default_random": false, "help": "maximum send and receive size for grpc server in bytes, -1 means unlimited", "name": "max_message_size", "option_strings": ["--max-message-size"], "required": false, "type": "int"}, {"choices": null, "default": false, "default_random": false, "help": "respect the http_proxy and https_proxy environment variables. otherwise, it will unset these proxy variables before start. gRPC seems to prefer no proxy", "name": "proxy", "option_strings": ["--proxy"], "required": false, "type": "bool"}, {"choices": null, "default": 100, "default_random": false, "help": "the number of documents in each request", "name": "batch_size", "option_strings": ["--batch-size"], "required": false, "type": "int"}, {"choices": ["INDEX", "SEARCH", "TRAIN", "EVALUATE"], "default": null, "default_random": false, "help": "the mode of the client and the server", "name": "mode", "option_strings": ["--mode"], "required": false, "type": "method"}, {"choices": null, "default": null, "default_random": false, "help": "top_k results returned in the search mode", "name": "top_k", "option_strings": ["--top-k"], "required": false, "type": "int"}, {"choices": null, "default": null, "default_random": false, "help": "MIME type of the input, useful when input-type is set to BUFFER", "name": "mime_type", "option_strings": ["--mime-type"], "required": false, "type": "str"}, {"choices": null, "default": false, "default_random": false, "help": "callback function works directly on the request body", "name": "callback_on_body", "option_strings": ["--callback-on-body"], "required": false, "type": "bool"}, {"choices": null, "default": 10000, "default_random": false, "help": "timeout (ms) of a pea is ready for request, -1 for waiting forever", "name": "timeout_ready", "option_strings": ["--timeout-ready"], "required": false, "type": "int"}, {"choices": null, "default": false, "default_random": false, "help": "skip dry run (connectivity test) before sending every request", "name": "skip_dry_run", "option_strings": ["--skip-dry-run"], "required": false, "type": "bool"}]}, {"name": "export-api", "options": [{"choices": null, "default": null, "default_random": false, "help": "the YAML file path for storing the exported API", "name": "yaml_path", "option_strings": ["--yaml-path"], "required": false, "type": "str"}, {"choices": null, "default": null, "default_random": false, "help": "the JSON file path for storing the exported API", "name": "json_path", "option_strings": ["--json-path"], "required": false, "type": "str"}]}], "name": "Jina", "revision": null, "source": "https://github.com/jina-ai/jina/tree/master", "url": "https://jina.ai", "vendor": "Jina AI Limited", "version": "0.7.6"}