A C++ SMTP library built with bazel.
Add the following to your WORKSPACE file:
load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:git.bzl", "git_repository")
name = "ez-smtp",
commit = "78b23f01ab36da2bcd1f20d4d5e3639d95bb77fa",
remote = "https://github.com/jimrogerz/ez-smtp.git",
Add "@ez-smtp//:smtp"
to your BUILD deps.
Sending a single email:
#include "smtp.h"
// May reuse this instance
Smtp smtp("hostname", /* port= */ 587, "username", "password");
auto status = smtp.NewEmail()
.AddRecipient("someone@gmail.com", "John Smith", CarbonCopy)
.AddRecipient("someone@gmail.com", "Jane Smith", Blind)
.SetSubject("Hello from EZ-SMTP!")
.SetBody("I'm trying out this amazing SMTP library.")
if (!status.ok()) {
std::cerr << status << std::endl;
The above usage may be repeated with the same Smtp instance to send multiple emails, however it will connect and disconnect from the receiving server with each email. If you need to send multiple emails at once, use the batch APIs (Connect, SendBatch, Disconnect), e.g.:
absl::Status SendBatch(Smtp &smtp) {
.SetBody("This is an example.")
.SetSubject("Hello again")
.SetBody("This is the second example")
return smtp.Disconnect();
See status macros to reduce boilerplate from Abseil status.
Follow the Google C++ Style Guide. Update unit tests and confirm passing:
bazel test :smtp_test
Format the code:
clang-format -i *.cc *.h