- Dance following its arrow
- Free-Dancing
- Octo is a high-level assembler for the Chip8 virtual machine, complete with an environment for testing programs.
- The Chip8 keypad is different from your keyboard as follows:
Chip8 Key Keyboard
--------- ---------
1 2 3 C 1 2 3 4
4 5 6 D q w e r
7 8 9 E a s d f
A 0 B F z x c v
- Control Flow
The main control flow is if-then statement. The player can press the letter W to up and lift his arms up, letter S to down and lay down his arms, letter A to left and change his face to left and letter D and change his face to right, also moving by 2 pixels. Create a basic main loop and the subroutine is to execute movement. When again is encountered, Chip8 will skip back to the matchong loop and resume from that point. (Example of Free Dancing)
: main
i := facing-left
v0 := 30
v1 := 20
sprite v0 v1 12
v2 := key
if v2 == 7 then i := facing-left
if v2 == 7 then v0 += -2
if v2 == 9 then i := facing-right
if v2 == 9 then v0 += 2
if v2 == 5 then i := facing-up
if v2 == 5 then v1 += -2
if v2 == 8 then i := facing-down
if v2 == 8 then v1 += 2
- Parsing
1.Register map
Chip8 has 16 v-registers, v0-vf, which we will use to store state. In my game, I use righta and rightb to keep track of the right-arrow position.
:alias righta v3
:alias rightb v4
2.Scope Scope refers to the visibility of variables. In chip8, it beigns with colon (:) and end with semi-colon(;) Move-arrow-right is starting by inserting subroutine calls into main loop.
: move-arrow-right
va := righta
vb := rightb
va += 5
i := arrow-right
sprite righta rightb 5
righta := va
rightb := vb
i := arrow-right
sprite righta rightb 5
: main
righta := 0
rightb := 0
i := arrow-right
sprite righta rightb 5
Also anything after the hash symbol (#) is ignored by it.
- Others
- Moving slow and fast In order to make objects move in whole numbers of pixels per second. This technique is based on fixed-point arithmetic and the flag(vf) register.
: sync
vf := delay
if vf != 0 then
# delay for up to 3/60th of a second
# using the fixed-rate delay timer
vf := 3
delay := vf
- Mutilple movement In main loop:
righta := 0
rightb := 0
lefta := 0
leftb := 0
upa := 0
upb := 0
downa := 0
downb := 0
i := arrow-right
sprite righta rightb 5
i := arrow-left
sprite lefta leftb 5
i := arrow-up
sprite upa upb 5
i := arrow-down
sprite downa downb 5
i := facing-left
sprite leftx lefty 12
- Octo Chip-8 the most accurate Chip-8 reference online.
- Chip8