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Shared Repository of Course Material for CMPUT 496.

Network Performance Analysis using Mininet


Please remember to have the mininet installed first, to plot the performance and network topology graph , graphviz and matplotlib are needed as well. If you are on a Debian-based linux machine (ubuntu for example), type the following to install the dependency (note it is tested on ubuntu 14.04/15.10 only):

sudo apt-get install graphviz mininet python-matplotlib


By default all 3 reports are generated under /tmp/ directory and are named IperfClientFileSizeReport, IperfClientLatencyReport, and IperfClientLossReport, which would be overwritten by previous runs if the number of runs command flag (see below for details) is set to more than 1.

The program has 2 main "operating modes"; one of them MUST be sepcified in order to do anything useful.

To specify the number of runs and generate a new dataset to be plotted (remember to have matplotlib installed), type:

sudo python PerformanceAnalysis/ -r [RUNS]

where [RUNS] stands for the number of runs needed (please see issue #2 for pitfall).

To import dataset from an existing file (which is exported by -o flag) and plot the result (remember to have matplotlib installed), type:

sudo python PerformanceAnalysis/ -f [FILE]

The program also supports 2 optional flags that are very useful, which are discussed below. WARNING The following flags MUST be used along with ONE of the operating modes!

To export the generated result to a binary data to be imported later (-f flag):

sudo python PerformanceAnalysis/ -o [FILE]

To print the actual dataset obtained from testrun:

sudo python PerformanceAnalysis/ -p

To render the network topology graph (remember to have graphviz installed):

vimdot PerformanceAnalysis/



Please make sure you have build-essential, sshpass, python-paramiko, python-scp, and cmake packages installed (sshpass is required for automatically supply password among virtual hosts set up by mininet).

If you are on a Debian-based machine (ubuntu for example), to install all the dependencies, issue:

sudo apt-get install build-essential cmake cmake-extras extra-cmake-modules sshpass python-paramiko python-scp

After all the above build dependencies are installed, make sure your gcc's version is at least 5.1 and cmake's version is above 3 if you are using the VM image (Ubuntu 14.04 LTS) provided by mininet:

sudo apt-get install software-properties-common
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install g++-5
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:george-edison55/cmake-3.x
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install cmake

then use the following commands to build the binary:

cd Timestamp
mkdir build
cmake -Bbuild -H.
make -j5 -C build
sudo make -C build install

where the 5 in the make invocation stands for the total number of CPUs (or CPU threads) plus one; the final compiled binary will reside in build/src/ in addition to /usr/bin/.

NOTE if you are using the VM image provided by mininet (Ubuntu 14.04 LTS), use the following cmake command rather the the one shown above; otherwise the new version of gcc will not be used:

cmake -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=/usr/bin/gcc-5 -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=/usr/bin/g++-5 -Bbuild -H.


Since this is a prototype program (at least for now), lots of documentation are left in-source without using appropriate doxygen formatting directives; full doxygen formatted documentation may be provided after this project goes out of prototype stage and the codebase becomes relatively stable.

To generate the tentative documentation, install doxygen first:

sudo apt-get install doxygen

then perform the following to generate the documentation:

cd Timestamp
doxygen Doxyfile

by default the generated html and latex will reside in doc folder, browse the html version by opening doc/html/index.html.


For now this prototype measures per-packet response time by using a timestamp program sending timestamps to each other and records the response time (one way RTT) on the receiver side; refer to its for details.