This repository contains the supporting code and data for the study Characterizing and inferring quantitative cell cycle phase in single-cell RNA-seq data analysis.
- View the analyses at
- View the processed data files available at
- The raw data files are avaiable for download from GEO (GSE121265)
If you use any of the code or data in this repository, please cite our study:
@article {Hsiao526848,
author = {Hsiao, Chiaowen Joyce and Tung, PoYuan and Blischak, John D and Burnett, Jonathan and Barr, Kenneth and Dey, Kushal K and Stephens, Matthew and Gilad, Yoav},
title = {Characterizing and inferring quantitative cell cycle phase in single-cell RNA-seq data analysis},
elocation-id = {526848},
year = {2019},
doi = {10.1101/526848},
publisher = {Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory},
URL = {},
eprint = {},
journal = {bioRxiv}