- Error handling - Global Exception Handling in ASP.NET Core Web API - http://www.talkingdotnet.com/global-exception-handling-in-aspnet-core-webapi/
- Microsoft REST API Guidelines - https://github.com/Microsoft/api-guidelines/blob/vNext/Guidelines.md
- Secured with O365 ADAL in UWP App - https://github.com/Azure-Samples/active-directory-dotnet-windows-store
- Swagger inspector - https://swagger.io/swagger-inspector/
- WCF v WebAPI - Guidelines on when to use each - https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/framework/wcf/wcf-and-aspnet-web-api
- Implementing and securing an API with ASP.NET Core ( plural$ight ) - https://www.pluralsight.com/courses/aspdotnetcore-implementing-securing-api
- Login and Authentication for your ASP.NET Core Web API - https://jonhilton.net/2017/05/03/login-authentication-asp-net-core-web-api-big-picture/
- Secure a Web Api in ASP.NET Core - http://www.blinkingcaret.com/2017/09/06/secure-web-api-in-asp-net-core/
- AutoRest - Generate variety of clients against REST interface - https://github.com/Azure/autorest
- AutoRest - swagger and autorest - https://visualstudiomagazine.com/articles/2017/04/01/consuming-rest-services.aspx
- httpbin - public, free http request and response service for testing http://httpbin.org/
- Swashbuckle - swagger / openapi generator, api explorer and ui https://github.com/domaindrivendev/Swashbuckle/blob/master/README.md