Given a binary tree and an integer x
. Your task is to complete the function countSubtreesWithSumX()
that returns the count of the number of subtress having total node’s data sum equal to the value x
Example: For the tree given below:
/ \
-10 3
/ \ / \
9 8 -4 7
Subtree with sum 7:
/ \
9 8
and one node 7.
5 -10 3 9 8 -4 7
pair<int, int> subtreeSum(Node* root, int x) {
if(root == NULL) return {0, 0};
int count = 0;
pair<int, int> left = subtreeSum(root->left, x);
pair<int, int> right = subtreeSum(root->right, x);
count += left.first;
count += right.first;
int sum = left.second + right.second + root->data;
if(sum == x) {
return {count, sum};
int countSubtreesWithSumX(Node* root, int x)
pair<int, int> result = subtreeSum(root, x);
return result.first;