This repository contains a number of Jupyter Python notebooks that demonstrate accessing datasets, including meteo and EO data, developing and running crop models, as well as deploying data assimilation systems to monitor crop growth.
A brief exploration of meteorological data from an agroclimatology perspective.
Exploring MODIS LAI data products over Ghana.
A brief illustration of Sentinel-2 data over northern Ghana.
This notebook develops the intuition of a very simple production efficiency model (PEM).
A notebook demonstrating the use of the WOFOST crop model, applied to maize in northern Ghana.
Using data assimilation (DA) with crop growth models (WOFOST), an example using the Ensemble Kalman Filter (EnKF)
If you want to install this on your own computer, you can either close or download the repository, install the Miniconda (or Anaconda) python distribution, and you can install all the required packages using
conda env create -f environment.yml
This will install your own environment.