This package provides a class that mimics a multidimensional NumPy array. These arrays however, do not contain any data, all values are calculated on the fly instead. In this way, a function can be passed as an array to any function that only accepts arrays.
The function that gives the values of the online array is passed to the constructor of the class. The online array supports indexing, slicing and various arithmetic operations. Additionally, unbounded arrays can be defined.
Via PyPI:
pip install online-array
From source:
git clone
cd online-array
pip install .
Suppose we have the following function that we want to pass as an array to an other function:
def f(x, y):
return x + y + 1
The easiest way to use the OnlineArray
class is to pass a function and a
shape to the convenience function online_array
>>> from online_array import online_array
>>> a = online_array(f, (3, 3))
We now have a 3 by 3 online array. Values can be retrieved in the standard way by using indexes:
>>> a[1][2]
>>> a[1,2]
Slicing and stepping is supported:
>>> a[1:]
OnlineArray([[ 2, 3, 4],
[ 3, 4, 5]])
>>> a[::2]
OnlineArray([[ 1, 2, 3],
[ 3, 4, 5]])
>>> a[::2][1][0]
To create an unbounded array, the convenience function unbounded_online_array
can be used:
>>> from online_array import unbounded_online_array
>>> a = unbounded_online_array(f)
>>> a[31415926535897932384626433][27182818284590452353602874]
Finally, the class OnlineArray
can be used directly.
>>> from online_array import OnlineArray
>>> help(OnlineArray)