Any vehicle may park at this location, but vehicles without an 'F' or 'N' permit are limited to 2 hours between 9am and 6pm Monday through Friday.
when: {
days_of_week: {
days: ["Mo", "Tu", "We", "Th", "Fr"]
time_of_day: {from: "0900", until: "1800"}
rules: [
{ // this rule applies to people with F permits
rule: "Parking",
who: {
class: "Resident Permit"
subclass: "Zone F"
{ // this rule applies to people with N permits
rule: "Parking",
who: {
class: "Resident Permit"
subclass: "Zone N"
{ // this rule applies to everyone else
rule: "Parking",
time_limit: 120
priority: 4
No vehicles may park between 6pm and 8am daily due to overnight parking restrictions, or between 1pm and 3pm on Wednesday for street cleaning. Between 8am and 6pm, vehicles without a Zone 5 permit are limited to two hours.
// overnight parking regulation
when: {
time_of_day: [
{from: "0000", until: "0800"},
{from: "1800", until: "0000"}
rules: {
rule: "No Parking"
reason: "Overnight parking prohibited"
priority: 3
// street cleaning regulation
when: {
days_of_week: {
days: ["We"]
time_of_day: {from: "1300", until: "1500"}
rules: {
rule: "No Parking"
reason: "Street cleaning"
priority: 3
// allowed daytime parking regulation
when: {
time_of_day: {from: "0800", until: "1800"}
rules: [
{ // this rule applies to Zone 5 permits
rule: "Parking",
who: {
class: "Resident Permit"
subclass: "Zone 5"
{ // this rule applies to everyone else
rule: "Parking",
time_limit: 120
priority: 4
Between December 1st and April 1st of each year, no one may park between 3am and 7am to facilitate snow removal. Parking is also prohibited when there is more than 2" of snow regardless of the time or date.
// regulation that applies after a specific amount of snowfall
rules: {
rule: "No Parking",
reason: "Snow Emergency Route"
priority: 2,
when: {
designated_period: {
name: "Snow Over 2 Inches",
apply: "only_during"
// regulation that applies during the winter regardless of snowfall
rules: {
rule: "No Parking",
reason: "Snow Emergency Route"
priority: 3,
when: {
effective_dates: {from: "1201", until: "0401"},
time_of_day: {from:"0300", until: "0700"}
No vehicles may stop between 7am and 9:30am or between 4pm and 6:30pm Monday through Friday. From 9:30am to 4pm and from 6:30pm to 7:30pm Monday through Friday may be used as 2 hour parking for vehicles with a handicap placard or as a 15 minute loading zone for all others.
// rush hour no stopping regulation
when: {
days_of_week: {
days: ["Mo", "Tu", "We", "Th", "Fr"]
time_of_day: [
{from: "0700", until: "0930"}
{from: "1600", until: "1830"}
rules: {
rule: "No Stopping"
priority: 3
// combination load zone / handicap parking regulation
when: {
days_of_week: {
days: ["Mo", "Tu", "We", "Th", "Fr"]
time_of_day: [
{from: "0930", until: "1600"},
{from: "1830", until: "1930"}
rules: [
{ // rule applies to handicap placards
rule: "Parking",
who: {
class: "Handicap"
time_limit: 120
{ // rule applies to everyone else
rule: "Loading Zone",
time_limit: 15
priority: 4
No vehicles may stop between 3:30pm and 6:30pm Monday through Friday. Truck loading zone only between 6am and 10am Monday through Friday with a one hour limit. Two hour parking allowed between 10am and 3:30pm Monday through Friday, 6:30pm and 10pm Monday through Friday, and 8am to 10pm Saturday and Sunday.
// rush hour no stopping regulation
when: {
days_of_week: {
days: ["Mo", "Tu", "We", "Th", "Fr"]
time_of_day: {from: "1530", until: "1830"}
rules: [
rule: "No Stopping"
priority: 3
// truck loading regulation
when: {
days_of_week: {
days: ["Mo", "Tu", "We", "Th", "Fr"]
times_of_day: {from: "0600", until: "1000"}
rules: [
{ // rule applies to trucks
rule: "Loading Zone",
who: {
class: "truck"
time_limit: 60
{ // rule applies to everyone else
rule: "No Parking"
reason: "Truck loading only"
priority: 4
// weekday allowed daytime parking regulation
when: {
days_of_week: {
days: ["Mo", "Tu", "We", "Th", "Fr"]
times_of_day: [
{from: "1000", until: "1530"},
{from: "1830", until: "2200"},
rules: {
rule: "Parking",
time_limit: 120,
payment: "yes"
priority: 4
// weekend allowed daytime parking regulation
when: {
days_of_week: {
days: ["Sa", "Su"]
times_of_day: {from: "0800", until: "2200"}
rules: {
rule: "Parking",
time_limit: 120
priority: 4
Only vehicles with a Zone F permit may park from 6:30pm to 8:00pm Monday through Saturday, and from 2pm to 4pm on Saturday. Anyone may park from 9am until 6:30pm Monday through Friday, and from 9am to 2pm and 4pm to 6:30pm on Saturday, but vehicles without a Zone F permit must pay.
// allowed weekday parking regulation
when: {
days_of_week: {
days: ["Mo", "Tu", "We", "Th", "Fr"]
time_of_day: {from: "0900", until: "1830"}
rules: [
rule: "Parking"
who: {
class: "Permit",
subclass: "Zone F"
payment: "no" // this the default, but specified here for clarity
{ // applies to everyone else
rule: "Parking"
payment: "yes"
priority: 4
// weekday resident only parking regulation
when: {
days_of_week: {
days: ["Mo", "Tu", "We", "Th", "Fr"]
time_of_day: {from: "1830", until: "2000"}
rules: [
rule: "Parking"
who: {
class: "Permit",
subclass: "Zone F"
{ // applies to everyone else
rule: "No Parking"
priority: 4
// allowed Saturday parking regulation
when: {
days_of_week: {
days: ["Sa"]
time_of_day: [
{from: "0900", until: "1400"},
{from: "1600", until: "1830"}
rules: [
rule: "Parking"
who: {
class: "Permit",
subclass: "Zone F"
payment: "no" // this the default, but specified here for clarity
{ // applies to everyone else
rule: "Parking"
payment: "yes"
priority: 4
// Saturday resident only parking regulation
when: {
days_of_week: {
days: ["Sa"]
time_of_day: [
{from: "1400", until: "1600"},
{from: "1830", until: "2000"}
rules: [
rule: "Parking"
who: {
class: "Permit",
subclass: "Zone F"
{ // applies to everyone else
rule: "No Parking"
priority: 4
On school days only 5 minute passenger loading is permitted from 6:30am to 9am and from 1:30pm to 4pm. No vehicles may park between 6pm and 8am daily due to overnight parking restrictions, or between 10am and 1pm on Monday for street cleaning. Between 8am and 6pm, vehicles without a Zone 64 permit are limited to 2 hours.
[Editor's Note: The school day regulation overlaps with both the overnight no parking and the 2 hour allowed parking regulations. To avoid ambiguity about which rule is in effect, the school day regulation is given a higher priority than the other regulations.]
// school day loading zone regulation
when: {
time_of_day: [
{from: "0630", until: "0900"},
{from: "1330", until: "1600"}
designated_period: {
name: "School Days",
apply: "only_during"
rules: [
rule: "Passenger Loading Zone",
reason: "School pick up / drop off only"
time_limit: 5
priority: 2
// overnight parking regulation
when: {
time_of_day: [
{from: "0000", until: "0800"},
{from: "1800", until: "0000"}
rules: {
rule: "No Parking"
reason: "Overnight parking prohibited"
priority: 3
// street cleaning regulation
when: {
days_of_week: {
days: ["Mo"]
time_of_day: {from: "1000", until: "1300"}
rules: {
rule: "No Parking"
reason: "Street cleaning"
priority: 3
// allowed daytime parking regulation
when: {
time_of_day: {from: "0800", until: "1800"}
rules: [
{ // this rule applies to Zone 64 permits
rule: "Parking",
who: {
class: "Permit"
subclass: "Zone 64"
{ // this rule applies to everyone else
rule: "Parking",
time_limit: 120
priority: 4