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T2A2: API Web Server

Joel von Treifeldt Student no. 15517

Table of Contents

Code/Comments Requirements

  • Style guide: PEP-8

R0 - Setup

  • Ensure Python 3.x is installed and in use. This project was developed with Python 3.11.7.
  • Create virtual environment: python3 -m venv venv.
  • Activate virtual environment: source venv/bin/activate.
  • Install dependencies: pip install -r requirements.txt.
  • Create custom environment variables for sensitive information in a .env file in the root directory: DATABASE_URI and JWT_SECRET_KEY.
  • Run psql and ensure that a database exists with a name that matches that mentioned in DATABASE_URI. Assign any necessary user privileges.
  • Ensure database is reset and initialised by running flask db drop, flask db create and flask db seed.
  • Run flask run or flask run --debug to run the WSGI development server.
  • Note: all seeded user passwords in this project are set to "password" for development purposes.

R1 - Explain the problem that this app will solve, and explain how this app solves or addresses the problem.


Patients who have complex or long-term health issues may have many appointments with many health professionals over a long period of time. They may find it difficult to use their precious medical appointment time wisely, especially if financial difficulty is involved. If a patient has five years of relevant details, they may forget important details or get flustered during a short or costly appointment. It may also be difficult for the doctor to get a bird's-eye view of the whole health context, including mental health. My Health Record, the Australian digital platform for recording such details, has faced challenges and low usage due to concerns about data security, cumbersome functionality and user experience, and a lack of awareness about the program. My Health Record also lacks the functionality for patients to participate meaningfully and submit their own detailed health content to their profile. Overall, patient agency and participation could be vastly improved.


The current goal is to maximise patient agency with a medical tracker application. This backend project will focus on patient participation through custom content in the form of health logs. Future versions should focus heavily on information security concerns. A smooth and user-friendly interface between patients and doctors is imperative, due to the user experience issues surrounding My Health Record. Future versions should develop a minimalist and accessible front end.

This API app is a living shared document/database accessible by both patient and doctors. Patients track any and all details in a log, which authorised doctors can view at any time. Authorised doctors cannot edit the logs but can view them. Future versions should allow doctors to make log comments. By putting control in the hands of the patient, and tracking patients, doctors, treatment relationships, appointments, and patient logs, it is hoped that communication and clarity between patient and health professionals may be maximised.

Features to add in future versions:

  • Medications and the prescribing doctor, including past medications
  • Test results / pathology reports for Patients
  • Diagnoses for Patients
  • Doctor comments on Logs

R2 - Describe the way tasks are allocated and tracked in your project.

Link to public Trello board:

Throughout this project, a Trello Kanban board was used to plan tasks and track progress. Three primary lists named "To Do", "Doing", and "Done" contain cards, each with due dates and sub-checklists. Another list shows the Documentation Requirements for ease of access. See screenshots below.

Link to public GitHub repository:

In addition, a GitHub remote repository was used for version history and source control. Dozens of commits were made throughout the development process, and GitHub also facilitated branching and merging/pulling of features. See screenshots below.

Trello Board Screenshots

September 5th

Trello screenshot Trello screenshot Trello screenshot

September 12th

Trello screenshot Trello screenshot

September 15th

Trello screenshot Trello screenshot Trello screenshot Trello screenshot

September 16th

Trello screenshot Trello screenshot Trello screenshot

September 19th

Trello screenshot Trello screenshot

September 20th

Trello screenshot Trello screenshot

September 21st

Trello screenshot Trello screenshot Trello screenshot

September 22nd

Trello screenshot

September 28th

Trello screenshot

September 29th

Trello screenshot

GitHub Commit Screens

GitHub commit screenshot GitHub commit screenshot GitHub commit screenshot GitHub commit screenshot GitHub commit screenshot GitHub commit screenshot GitHub commit screenshot

R3 - List and explain the third-party services, packages and dependencies used in this app.

  • Flask: micro framework for web development with Python
  • Flask_sqlalchemy: ORM for connecting Python to a database
  • Flask_marshmallow: library for (de)serialising Python objects, JSON files etc.
  • Flask_jwt_extended: for JWT functionality such as creating and fetching currently logged in user tokens
  • Flask_bcrypt: for hashing passwords
  • Insomnia: API client for simulating a web browser interface with control over HTTP verbs and request body content
  • PostgreSQL: DBMS for managing a relational SQL database
  • Psycopg2: driver/adapter for connecting Python to PostgreSQL
  • Python-dotenv: for loading sensitive environment variables into the Flask app

R4 - Explain the benefits and drawbacks of this app’s underlying database system.


The DBMS PostgreSQL was chosen primarily because it is based on SQL and the relational model. A relational database is appropriate for this medical tracker app which has multiple entities related in highly specified ways. Many-to-many and one-to-many relationships are elegantly handled by PostgreSQL, which is also ACID-compliant. ACID refers to the values of atomicity (), consistency (), integrity (), and durability (). PostgreSQL is flexible and can handle very large amounts of data. Its free and open-source nature make it an accessible resource with maximised transparency, and its popularity indicates a healthy userbase and support network.


Compared to other alternatives such as MySQL, PostgreSQL may perform slower for certain tasks. The level of knowledge required may also present challenges in contrast to lightweight options such as SQLite.


R5 - Explain the features, purpose and functionalities of the object-relational mapping system (ORM) used in this app.

The purpose of SQLAlchemy, the chosen ORM, is to allow Python to communicate with the database. Its features include the ability to create database commands for dropping, creating and seeding tables, as well as built-in CRUD syntax for creating new entity instances, querying the database, editing content, adding content to the database session, and committing changes. SQLAlchemy efficiently allows the developer to use Pythonic syntax in place of explicit SQL statements.

The following is a code example of a model being created. This model subclasses SQLAlchemy's db.Model class, which is perfect for representing relational database tables. Tables attributes are created with db.Column(), and db.relationship() establishes two-way connecgtions between entities.

class Patient(db.Model):
    __tablename__ = "patients"

    # Attributes/columns
    patient_id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
    name = db.Column(db.String(100), nullable=False)
    email = db.Column(db.String(100), nullable=False, unique=True)
    password = db.Column(db.String(100), nullable=False)
    dob = db.Column(db.Date, nullable=False)
    sex = db.Column(db.String(15))
    is_admin = db.Column(db.Boolean, default=False)

    # One-to-many relationships from the patient's (parent) perspective
    logs = db.relationship("Log", back_populates="patient", cascade="all, delete")
    treatments = db.relationship("Treatment", back_populates="patient", cascade="all, delete")

The following code demonstrates SQLAlchemy's querying ability using and db.session().

def get_patient_treatments(patient_id):
        # Create SQLAlchemy query statement:
        # SELECT *
        # FROM treatments
        # WHERE treatments.patient_id = :patient_id_1;
        stmt =

        # Execute statement, fetch resulting values
        treatments = db.session.scalars(stmt).fetchall()
        if not treatments:
            return jsonify(
                {"error": f"No treatments found for patient {patient_id}."}
            ), 404

        return treatments_schema.dump(treatments)

    except Exception as e:
        return jsonify(
            {"error": f"Unexpected error: {e}."}
        ), 500

R6 - Design an entity relationship diagram (ERD) for this app’s database, and explain how the relations between the diagrammed models will aid the database design. This should focus on the database design BEFORE coding has begun, eg. during the project planning or design phase.

Before coding began, the initial planning process involved brainstorming the main entities and relationships involved in a patient's experience with healthcare professionls.

All relations are in first normal form (1NF). The cells in all tables are atomic (they contain maximum one value), they all have unique primary keys, and there are no entirely duplicate columns or rows within a table. All relations are in second normal form (2NF). Each cell within a table depends on its PK. All relations are in third normal form (3NF). None of the non-key cells depend on each other.

The originally proposed ERD, shown below with crow's foot notation, contained the following entities and relationships.




  • Normalisation: 3NF. Patient model contains no redundant auth details, as they are stored in a separate join table. Similarly, no log details are stored here, as they have a dedicated entity. The same applies for medications, prescriptions, doctors and appointments.


  • Normalisation: 3NF. There are no patient details in the log beyond the FK, because the FK is sufficient.


  • Normalisation: 3NF. No patient, auth or appointment details reside within the doctors table. These are all normalised away into their own entities.

Auth (join table)

  • Purpose: to establish a trustworthy relationships between patient and doctor.
  • Normalisation: 3NF.

Appointment (join table)

  • Purpose: to plan and track meetings between patients and healthcare professionals, which depend on permission according to the Auth table.
  • Normalisation: 3NF. Only FKs for patients and doctors are included. All other non-key attributes are purely internal and independent of each other.


  • Normalisation: 3NF. All patient and prescription data is separately stored in their respective tables. Medication attributes (name, type) do not depend on each other.

Prescription (join table)

  • Purpose: to plan and track the medications prescribed to specific patients by specific doctors.
  • Normalisation: 3NF. Independently contains information for patients taking medication without redundancy. Only FKs, date and dosage are included.


  • Patient-Doctor (many to many) via the Auth join table AND Appointment join table.
    • Implemented as Patient-Auth (one to many) and Doctor-Auth (one to many).
    • Implemented as Patient-Appointment (one to many) and Doctor-Appointment (one to many).
  • Patient-Log (one to many)
  • Patient-Medication (many to many) via the Prescription join table
    • Implemented as Patient-Prescription (one to many) and Medication-Prescription (one to many).

Note: Mandatory/optional ordinality not yet implemented, and many-to-many crow's foot notation is backwards in the ERD.

During discussion with teaching staff, it was suggested that the Appointments utilise the Auth FK instead of both Patient and Doctor FKs. This was an attempt to reduce redundancy. Appointments were kept separate from Auth, because in the real world doctor may require authorisation to view a patient's log without having had an appointment with them, e.g. if an authorised doctor is seeking a second opinion. Therefore, the Auth table is used to verify/permit any event associated with sensitive information involving a patient and/or a doctor. It was also suggested that a start date and end date be added to Auth entities, to maximise control and privacy for the patient.

Alternative Normalisation

To compare normalisation possibilities, it is worth noting that the Patient and Doctor models share some features. This may indicate redundancy. The creation of a User class (which Patient and Doctor inherit from) would support a highly normalised and optimised dataset. Patient and Doctor share attributes such as name, email, password, sex, is_admin. These could more efficiently be defined in and inherited from a parent User class, as follows:

  • User(user_id, name, email, password, sex, is_admin)
  • Patient(User), including dob
  • Doctor(User), including specialty

Furthermore, the following tables could be defined to improve normalisation:

  • Status and Place (to reduce Appointments table redundancy)
  • Specialty (to reduce Doctors table redundancy)

ERD Legend: Crow's Foot Notation

  • The 3-pronged side on the left indicates "many"
  • The 1-pronged side on the right indicates "one"
  • Therefore this example indicates a many-to-one relationship

Crow's Foot Notation Legend

September 11th: Original ERD


R7 - Explain the implemented models and their relationships, including how the relationships aid the database implementation. This should focus on the database implementation AFTER coding has begun, eg. during the project development phase.

The ERD evolved significantly over the course of development, as requirements and complexities arose. The Medication table was removed, along with its Prescription join table. This was done for simplicity, and to focus on the basics of the API as a proof of concept and first attempt. The Auth table was renamed to Treatment, for clarity, as auth decorators and functions were also in use. The comments were removed from the Logs, for simplicity.

Appointments evolved from being a join table between Patients and Doctors to being a child entity of the Treatments.

For future versions: doctor and patient emails must be unique within one type of model, but a doctor can duplicate themselves as a patient with the same email address. However, this may cause confusion when logging in. In future, create separate login endpoints for each user type.


  • Patient
    • Log
  • Doctor
    • Treatment (join table)
      • Appointment


  • Patient-Doctor (many to many) via the Auth join table.
    • A patient can have many doctors, and vice versa.
    • Implemented as Patient-Treatment (one-mandatory to many-optional) and Doctor-Treatment (one-mandatory to many-optional).
  • Patient-Log (one-mandatory to many-optional)
    • A patient can have many logs, and a log belongs to one patient.
  • Treatment-Appointment (one-mandatory to many-optional)
    • A treatment can have many appointments, and an appointment belongs to one treatment.

ERD Legend: Crow's Foot Notation

  • The 1-pronged side on the left indicates "one", with the crossline denoting a mandatory ordinality
  • The 3-pronged side on the right indicates "many", with the circle denoting an optional ordinality
  • Therefore this example indicates a one-mandatory to many-optional relationship

Crow's Foot Notation Legend

September 27th: Final ERD


Patient model and controller

The Patient model tracks information about patients and is directly related to Logs and Treatments.

The following code demonstrates a model and schema definition:

class Patient(db.Model):
    __tablename__ = "patients"

    # Attributes/columns
    patient_id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
    name = db.Column(db.String(100), nullable=False)
    email = db.Column(db.String(100), nullable=False, unique=True)
    password = db.Column(db.String(100), nullable=False)
    dob = db.Column(db.Date, nullable=False)
    sex = db.Column(db.String(15))
    is_admin = db.Column(db.Boolean, default=False)

    # One-to-many relationships from the patient's (parent) perspective
    logs = db.relationship("Log", back_populates="patient", cascade="all, delete")
    treatments = db.relationship("Treatment", back_populates="patient", cascade="all, delete")

class PatientSchema(ma.Schema):
    # Validation
    name = fields.String(validate=Length(max=100))
    sex = fields.String(validate=Length(max=15))
    password = fields.String(validate=Length(min=8, max=100), load_only=True)

    email = fields.Email(
        default_error_messages = {"invalid": "Not a valid email address."}

    treatments = fields.Nested(

    class Meta:
        fields = (

patient_schema = PatientSchema(exclude=["password"])
patients_schema = PatientSchema(many=True, exclude=["password"])

Doctor model and controller

The Doctor model contains basic information about healthcare professionals, and may include GPs, surgeons, optometrists, psychologists, dentists, etc.

The get_doctor_appointments() function example below demonstrates how the relationships between entities may be utilised to perform tasks effectively. Ultimately, the appointment details are desired, but the only available information is the doctor's ID. Therefore, since doctors and appointments are only related via the treatments table (in a de facto one-to-many relationship), an inner join allows all appointments for a particular doctor to be fetched.

def get_doctor_appointments(doctor_id):
        # Create SQLAlchemy query statement:
        # SELECT *
        # FROM appointments
        # JOIN treatments
        # ON treatments.treatment_id = appointments.treatment_id
        # WHERE treatments.doctor_id = :doctor_id_1
        # ORDER BY, appointments.time;
        stmt =
            Treatment.doctor_id == doctor_id
  , Appointment.time

        appointments = db.session.scalars(stmt).fetchall()

        if not appointments:
            return jsonify(
                {"error": f"No appointments found for doctor {doctor_id}."}
            ), 404

        return appointments_schema.dump(appointments)

Treatment model (join table) and controller

Treatments were initially represented using db.Table() with FK attributes only. However, to facilitate the inclusion of other attributes (start date, end date), it was converted to a full entity using db.model() along with a schema.

Appointment model and controller

Appointments are a child entity of treatments. Deleting a treatment cascade-deletes all child appointments. This is not recommended, and an admin should approve this and save treatment/appointment data for the patient.

Log model and controller

Logs are a child entity of patients. Deleting a patient will cascade-delete all logs. This is not recommended, and an admin should approve this and save log data for the patient, unless the patient wishes to opt out altogether.


The relationships between entities are the essence of this relational database. In the source code, they are primarily defined using db.relationship() and db.ForeignKey(). For example, in the Treatment model:

# Foreign keys from parent tables
patient_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey("patients.patient_id", ondelete="CASCADE"), nullable=False)
doctor_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey("doctors.doctor_id", ondelete="CASCADE"), nullable=False)

# Many-to-one relationships from the treatment's perspective (child)
patient = db.relationship("Patient", back_populates="treatments")
doctor = db.relationship("Doctor", back_populates="treatments")

# One-to-many relationship from the treatment's perspective (parent)
appointments = db.relationship("Appointment", back_populates="treatment", cascade="all, delete")

Here, db.ForeignKey() defines the column in the child entity (Treatment), while db.relationship() (also defined on the other side in the parent model) establishes a two-way relationship for validation and querying purposes. The back_populates attribute refers to the current model, ensuring that changes are reflected in both models, and the cascade attribute is used to delete all child appointments when a treatment is deleted. Similarly, ondelete="CASCADE" establishes delete-cascading in the FK definition.

The elegant utility of a relational database is exemplified when separate but related data is desired, but only limited data is available to search with. For example, a function may take advantage of the relationship (many-to-one) between appointments and treatments. The @authorise_treatment_participant decorator function demonstrates this. If the decorator receives an appt_id keyword argument instead of a treatment_id one, then it will perform a SQL-style query with a left outer join. The join allows the treatment details to be fetched with only an appointment PK. This then is used to fetch the patient and doctor FKs from the treatment. Otherwise, if the keyword argument is a treatment_id, then a more standard SQLAlchemy query is executed.

def authorise_treatment_participant(fn):
    def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
            if kwargs.get("appt_id"):
                appt_id = temporary_id

                # Ultimately need to use appointments to fetch patient_id and doctor_id

                # Create SQLAlchemy query statement:
                # SELECT *
                # FROM treatments
                # LEFT OUTER JOIN appointments
                # ON treatments.treatment_id = appointments.treatment_id
                # WHERE appointments.appt_id = :appt_id_1;
                stmt =
                    Appointment, isouter=True).filter_by(appt_id=appt_id)

            elif kwargs.get("treatment_id"):
                treatment_id = temporary_id

                # Create SQLAlchemy query statement:
                # SELECT *
                # FROM treatments
                # WHERE treatments.treatment_id = :treatment_id_1;
                stmt =

            treatment = db.session.scalars(stmt).first()
            if not treatment:
                return jsonify(
                    {"error": "Treatment not found."}
                ), 404

            patient_id = treatment.patient_id
            doctor_id = treatment.doctor_id
    return wrapper

R8 - Explain how to use this application’s API endpoints.

All endpoints are outlined below, with routes, verbs, required body/header data, and responses as applicable with screenshots. Several endpoints were moved under their parent resources, to align with RESTful design principles. E.g. appointments are nested under patients and treatments depending on context, and logs were moved under patients, instead of being represented as entirely standalone resources in the URLs and blueprints.

Route to view welcome message: http://localhost:5000/

  • HTTP verb: GET
  • Expected response: 200; JSON

Insomnia screenshot

Route to get all appointments: http://localhost:5000/appointments/

  • HTTP verb: GET
  • Required header: JWT, admin auth
  • Example failure response 403:
  "error": "Only admins can perform this action."
  • Expected response 200: JSON

Insomnia screenshot

Route to get an appointment: http://localhost:5000/appointments/<int:appt_id>

  • HTTP verb: GET
  • Required header: JWT, treatment participant incl admin auth
  • Example failure response:
	"error": "Only authorised patients and admins can access this resource."
  • Expected response 200: JSON

Insomnia screenshot

Route to update an appointment: http://localhost:5000/appointments/<int:appt_id>

  • HTTP verb: PUT, PATCH
  • Required header: JWT, treatment participant incl admin auth
  • Required body: updated details
  • Example failure response:
	"error": "Only authorised patients and admins can access this resource."
  • Expected response 200: JSON

Insomnia screenshot

Route to delete an appointment: http://localhost:5000/appointments/<int:appt_id>

  • HTTP verb: DEL
  • Required header: JWT, treatment participant incl admin auth
  • Example failure response 404:
	"error": "Treatment not found."
  • Expected response 200: JSON

Insomnia screenshot

Route to create new user: http://localhost:5000/auth/register/<user_type>

  • HTTP verb: POST
  • Required body: JSON
  • Example failure response:
    "error": "Email address must be unique."
  • Expected response 201: JSON

Insomnia screenshot

Route to login user: http://localhost:5000/auth/login/<user_type>

  • HTTP verb: POST
  • Required body: JSON
  • Example failure response:
    "error": "Email and password required."
  • Expected response 200: JSON

Insomnia screenshot

Route to get all doctors: http://localhost:5000/doctors/

  • HTTP verb: GET
  • Required header: JWT, admin auth
  • Example failure response 404:
    "error": "No doctors found."
  • Expected response 200: JSON

Insomnia screenshot

Route to get a doctor: http://localhost:5000/doctors/<int:doctor_id>

  • HTTP verb: GET
  • Required header: JWT, admin auth
  • Example failure response 403:
    "error": "Only admins can perform this action."
  • Expected response 200: JSON

Insomnia screenshot

Route to get a doctor's appointments: http://localhost:5000/doctors/<int:doctor_id>/appointments/

  • HTTP verb: GET
  • Required header: JWT, admin auth
  • Example failure response 404:
    "error": f"No appointments found for doctor {doctor_id}."
  • Expected response 200: JSON

Insomnia screenshot

Route to get a doctor's treatments: http://localhost:5000/doctors/<int:doctor_id>/treatments/

  • HTTP verb: GET
  • Required header: JWT, admin auth
  • Example failure response 403:
    "error": "Only admins can perform this action."
  • Expected response 200: JSON

Insomnia screenshot

Route to edit a doctor: http://localhost:5000/doctors/<int:doctor_id>

  • HTTP verb: PUT, PATCH
  • Required header: JWT, admin auth
  • Expected response 200: JSON

Insomnia screenshot

Route to delete a doctor: http://localhost:5000/doctors/<int:doctor_id>

  • HTTP verb: DELETE
  • Required header: JWT, admin auth
  • Example failure response 403:
    "error": "Only admins can perform this action."
  • Expected response 200: JSON

Insomnia screenshot

Route to get all patients: http://localhost:5000/patients/

  • HTTP verb: GET
  • Required header: JWT, admin auth
  • Example failure response: 404
    "error": "No patients found."
  • Expected response 200: JSON

Insomnia screenshot

Route to get a patient: http://localhost:5000/patients/<int:patient_id>

  • HTTP verb: GET
  • Required header: JWT, admin auth
  • Example failure response 403:
    "error": "Only admins can perform this action."
  • Expected response 200: JSON

Insomnia screenshot

Route to get a patient's appointments: http://localhost:5000/patients/<int:patient_id>/appointments/

  • HTTP verb: GET
  • Required header: JWT, admin auth
  • Example failure response 404:
    "error": f"No appointments found for patient {patient_id}."
  • Expected response 200: JSON

Insomnia screenshot

Route to get a patient's treatments: http://localhost:5000/patients/<int:patient_id>/treatments/

  • HTTP verb: GET
  • Required header: JWT, admin auth
  • Example failure response 404:
    "error": f"No treatments found for patient {patient_id}."
  • Expected response 200: JSON

Insomnia screenshot

Route to edit a patient: http://localhost:5000/patients/<int:patient_id>

  • HTTP verb: PUT, PATCH
  • Required header: JWT, admin auth
  • Example failure response 404:
    "error": f"Patient {patient_id} not found."
  • Expected response 200: JSON

Insomnia screenshot

Route to delete a patient: http://localhost:5000/patients/<int:patient_id>

  • HTTP verb: DELETE
  • Required header: JWT, admin auth
  • Example failure response 404:
    "error": f"Patient {patient_id} not found."
  • Expected response 200: JSON

Insomnia screenshot

Route to create a patient log: http://localhost:5000/patients/<int:patient_id>/logs/

  • HTTP verb: POST
  • Required header: JWT, admin auth
  • Required body: JSON
  • Example failure response 404:
    "error": f"Patient {patient_id} not found."
  • Expected response 201: JSON

Insomnia screenshot

Route to get a patient's logs: http://localhost:5000/patients/<int:patient_id>/logs/

  • HTTP verb: GET
  • Required header: JWT, admin auth
  • Example failure response 404:
    "error": f"Patient {patient_id} not found, or they have no logs."
  • Expected response 200: JSON

Insomnia screenshot

Route to get a log: http://localhost:5000/patients/<int:patient_id>/logs/<int:log_id>

  • HTTP verb: GET
  • Required header: JWT, admin auth
  • Example failure response 404:
    "error": f"Patient {patient_id} or log {log_id} not found."
  • Expected response 200: JSON

Insomnia screenshot

Route to edit a patient log: http://localhost:5000/patients/<int:patient_id>/logs/<int:log_id>

  • HTTP verb: PUT, PATCH
  • Required header: JWT, admin auth, log owner auth
  • Required body: JSON
  • Example failure response 404:
    "error": f"Patient {patient_id} or log {log_id} not found."
  • Expected response 200: JSON

Insomnia screenshot

Route to delete a patient log: http://localhost:5000/patients/<int:patient_id>/logs/<int:log_id>

  • HTTP verb: DELETE
  • Required header: JWT, admin auth, log owner auth
  • Example failure response 404:
    "error": f"Patient {patient_id} or log {log_id} not found."
  • Expected response 200: JSON

Insomnia screenshot

Route to create a treatment: http://localhost:5000/treatments/

  • HTTP verb: POST
  • Required header: JWT, admin auth
  • Required body: JSON
  • Example failure response:
    "error": f"The {field} is missing or invalid (e.g. empty string)."
  • Expected response 201: JSON

Insomnia screenshot

Route to create an appointment: http://localhost:5000/treatments/<int:treatment_id>/appointments/

  • HTTP verb: POST
  • Required header: JWT, admin auth, treatment participant auth
  • Required body: JSON
  • Example failure response 404:
    "error": f"Treatment ID {treatment_id} not found.""
  • Expected response 201: JSON

Insomnia screenshot

Route to get a treatment's appointments: http://localhost:5000/treatments/<int:treatment_id>/appointments/

  • HTTP verb: GET
  • Required header: JWT, admin auth, treatment participant auth
  • Example failure response 404:
    "error": f"No appointments found for treatment {treatment_id}."
  • Expected response 200: JSON

Insomnia screenshot

Route to get all treatments: http://localhost:5000/treatments/

  • HTTP verb: GET
  • Required header: JWT, admin auth
  • Example failure response 404:
    "error": "No treatments found."
  • Expected response 200: JSON

Insomnia screenshot

Route to get a treatment: http://localhost:5000/treatments/<int:treatment_id>

  • HTTP verb: GET
  • Required header: JWT, admin auth, treatment participant auth
  • Example failure response 404:
    "error": f"Treatment {treatment_id} not found."
  • Expected response 200: JSON

Insomnia screenshot

Route to edit a treatment: http://localhost:5000/treatments/<int:treatment_id>

  • HTTP verb: PUT, PATCH
  • Required header: JWT, admin auth, treatment participant auth
  • Required body: JSON
  • Example failure response 404:
    "error": f"Treatment {treatment_id} not found."
  • Expected response 200: JSON

Insomnia screenshot

Route to delete a treatment: http://localhost:5000/treatments/<int:treatment_id>

  • HTTP verb: DELETE
  • Required header: JWT, admin auth, treatment participant auth
  • Example failure response 404:
    "error": f"Treatment {treatment_id} not found."
  • Expected response 200: JSON

Insomnia screenshot


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