Releases: jessielw/HDR-Multi-Tool
Releases · jessielw/HDR-Multi-Tool
HDR10Plus Tool Gui v1.25
GUI Update:
- Added a messagebox notification in the event the config file cannot be created
- Shell Options has been adjusted, instead of saying Shell Closes Automatically it now says Progress bars and Shell stays Open now says CMD Shell (Debug) - This is a lot cleaner
- The program now remembers which ever choice you want and defaults to that upon next launch
- Program now only works on x64 systems from this point forward
- Program should never be flagged as a false positive on Windows antivirus anymore
HDR10Plus Tool Gui v1.24
HDR10Plus Tool Gui v1.24
GUI Update:
- This update changes the name of the Gui to "hdr10plus Tool Gui"
- Adjusted size of GUI
- Completely removed the "Options" frame from the program. This is no longer needed for the time being. The program doesn't need the older "force single profile" option anymore
- Removed "single_profile" check box (this is no longer needed with the latest version of the tool, the tool now verifies the proper profile and sets it automatically)
- Added the switch "extract" to the final command line. This replaces the "single_profile" switch, automatically and is the new default behavior for the tool
- Slightly adjusted and fixed a couple colors/bugs that had to do with the colors
Tool Update:
Updated GUI to support version "1.0.0" of the hdr10plusparser (now named hdr10plus_tool)
Refactor of the parsing to parse everything without relying on deku.
Allows more flexibility in the future.
There is now a required subcommand when running the executable.
The new subcommands are extract and inject.
extract is now the parsing to JSON file, which was the default run behaviour of previous versions.
HDR10Plus-Parser-Tool v1.23.1
Updated parser to 0.4.1
HDR10Plus-Parser-Tool v1.23
Update parser to version 0.3.1
HDR10Plus-Parser-Tool v1.22
- Added a config.ini file to the program (This is generated on first run and is located in the "Runtime" folder)
- This allows the user to customize the path via the GUI or manually adding the path to the .ini file
- The program now detects rather or not any of the included apps are located on your Windows PATH, if it detects them it will automatically set the program to utilize those over the ones included, it will write this to the config
- Optionally when it does this it will also give you a prompt (on programs first run with fresh config file) to delete the ones included with the program, if you wish. This will shave off more then 60+mb's of the programs file size, if you want it to be smaller
- I've also added 4 new options to the 'Options' menu drop down
- Set FFMPEG path: This allows you to set the path to FFMPEG if you want
- Set hdr10plus_parser.exe path: This allows you to set the path to hdr10plus_parser if you want
- Set MediaInfo.exe path: This allows you to set the path to MediaInfo if you want
- All of these options will write to the config file if used, if press you one of them and select cancel, the program will use what ever path it had last in the .ini file
- The final option added is 'Reset Configuration File'
- This essentially deletes the config file and closes the program. When you re-open it you'll have the full setup again
HDR10Plus-Parser-Tool v1.21
- Corrected a typo in the close program message prompt (Ty Sticky)
- Fixed a bug where FFMPEG was detected on the system PATH and it had whitespaces in the path and would fail
- Added a forced window geometry for the encoding window, allowing the textbox/progress bar to be resized dynamically/correctly as well as displayed correctly on different displays with abnormal scaling
HDR10Plus-Parser-Tool v1.2
- Added multi-threading
- Program will now ask the user if they are sure they want to exit
- Adjusted UI size to make room for a new frame
- Corrected some code spelling and optimized column/row config
- Program now searches Windows PATH for FFMPEG, it will use the one in the system path if it finds one (if this is the case you can delete FFMPEG that comes with the program)
- Added mediainfocli to get total file size for new progress bars
- Added a very basic 'About' window
- Added the new 'Options' frame
- Done some work on 'Force Single Profile' check button
- Major work on the 'Start Job' function
- This is where the new window/mediainfocli/progress bars have all been added - Program will know kill ALL tasks if closed
- You can individually close/start multiple parsing windows
- Updated parser to '0.3.1'
HDR10Plus-Parser-Tool v1.1
Small fix for 'Force Single Profile' switch
HDR10Plus-Parser-Tool v1.0
A basic GUI to parse MKV, TS, MP4, and HEVC HDR10+ dynamic metadata to .json
- Added basic input / output buttons and entry boxes
- Added a start button
- Program only supports the above formats for now, I will add support for more if I come across any
Feel free to put an issue on the tracker here if the program should but doesn't support an input extension type - In the menu at the top, you can select automatic or debug
Automatic closes the CLI automatically when it's done as well as minimizes the amount of information in the CLI window
Debug will leave it open in order to read errors in the event you have one