- Preview
- Technologies Used
- Description
- Setup/Installation Requirements
- Additional Setup/Installation Note for Windows Users
- Specifications
- Known Bugs
- License
- Contact Information
- Direct your browser to a live version on GitHub Pages.
- Babel/core 7.6.4
- Babel/plugin-transform-modules-commonjs 7.6.0
- Bootstrap 4.5.0
- clean-webpack-plugin 3.0.0
- css-loader 3.2.0
- datebook 4.5.0
- eslint 6.3.0
- eslint-loader 3.0.0
- file-loader 1.1.6
- html-loader 0.5.5
- html-webpack-plugin 3.2.0
- JavaScript ES6
- jQuery 3.5.1
- Node Package Manager 6.14.9
- popper.js 1.16.1
- style-loader 1.0.0
- webpack 4.39.3
- webpack-cli 3.3.8
- webpack-dev-server 3.11.2
In this application, a user can select courses from a catalog for a hypothetical coding school, and add them to their schedule. From the schedule of selected courses, the user may add the the courses as events to their calendars by clicking buttons for Google Calendar, Outlook, and iCalendar respectively. For Google or Outlook accounts, a link is generated, and for iCalendar accounts a .ics file is downloaded. It also has the functionality to save the user's name and course selections in local storage.
- Open the terminal on your local machine
- If Node.js and Nope Package Manager (npm) are not installed on your local device, follow the instructions here
- Navigate to the directory inside of which you wish to house this project
- Clone this project with the following git command
$ git clone <https://github.com/jessicarubinwilliams/tech-course-calendar>
- Navigate to the top level of the repository with the command
$ cd tech-course-calendar
- Recreate project environment and install required dependencies with terminal command
$ npm install
- Create production environment with terminal command
$ npm run build
- Open project in a development server in the browser of your choice with the command
$ npm run start
- Lint code with the command
$ npm run lint
This environment was created on a Mac. For it to work properly in your local environment make the following change:
- Update package.json, line 8 to:
"start": "npm run build & webpack-dev-server --open --mode development",
- No known bugs
Copyright (c) 2021 Juan Hasbun, Shannon Lee, Theron Packus and Jessica R. Williams
Juan Hasbun mailto, Shannon Lee mailto, Theron Packus mailto and Jessica R. Williams mailto