We're working hard to protect your privacy, while delivering software that brings you the performance, power and convenience you desire. This privacy statement explains many of the data collection and use practices for this extension. This isn’t intended to be an exhaustive list and does only apply to this extension.
We are committed to protecting the security of your information. No data is stored by the extension.
We do not collect any information to improve the quality and reliability of the extension, nor do we collect telemetry about usage, performance and errors.
We do not collect any information that identifies you as an individual, except the information Microsoft provides to us for commercial purposes
Except as described in this statement, information you provide will not be transferred to third parties, Microsoft excluded, without your consent. We may access or disclose information about you, including the content of your communications, in order to: (a) comply with the law or respond to lawful requests or legal process; (b) protect the rights or property of Microsoft or our customers, including the enforcement of our agreements or policies governing your use of the services; or (c) act on a good faith belief that such access or disclosure is necessary to protect the personal safety of our employees, customers, or the public. We may also disclose personal information as part of a corporate transaction such as a merger or sale of assets.