Install dependencies:
npm install
Before running the project, make sure Redis server is running.
Run this project with typescript:
npm start
Build the typescript project and run the js build files:
npm run prod
Run the sequelize migrations:
npx sequelize-cli db:migrate
Fill the database with data:
npx sequelize-cli db:seed:all
When the app is running, visit the endpoint /swagger to see the app api docs.
Make sure the NODE_ENV is set to test
Sequelize will call the build/ js files for the configuration, so make sure the run:
npx tsc
npm run test
Based on the package.json file, this will create the test database in case it doesn't exist, remove any migrations, then add the migrations and fill it with seeds (about 20 records for each model.). The number of seeds can be changed in the .env file.
There is a postman collection and environment files in API docs folder. Import them to postman to test the API from there
docker build -t mymoviedb . docker-compose up
Then docker will run the following commands:
npm install
export NODE_ENV=docker
npx tsc
npx sequelize-cli db:migrate:undo:all
npx sequelize-cli db:migrate
npx sequelize-cli db:seed:all
npm start
You may change the docker mysql exposed port to avoid collision with any other instance already running.