docker build --file Dockerfile.openvpn --tag openvpn-client .
docker run -d \
--name vpn-client \
--cap-add=NET_ADMIN \
--device /dev/net/tun \
-v ~/.openvpn:/vpn \
openvpn-client \
--config /vpn/client.ovpn \
--auth-user-pass /vpn/client.up
- NOTE: -v is the volume map to where you keep your creds, maybe ~/.ssh/
docker build --file Dockerfile.basicbox --tag basicbox .
docker run -it --rm \
-v ~/.ssh:/root/.ssh \
--net=container:vpn-client \
basicbox \
ssh -i /root/.ssh/TotallyRealKey.pem ubuntu@
- NOTE: -v is the volume map to where you keep your creds, maybe ~/.ssh/ (the container side needs to be absolute)
- --net is telling the box to route through the container vpn-client (we setup above as our vpn tunnel)
- basicbox is the image name
- ssh is the command to run.
- here /root/.ssh/TotallyRealKey.pem is a file found locally at: ~/.ssh/TotallyRealKey.pem and mapped with the volume -v flag
docker run -it --rm \
--net=container:vpn-client \
basicbox \
mysql QA_DB -uselectOnly -p -A
- --net is telling the box to route through the container vpn-client (we setup above as our vpn tunnel)
- basicbox is the image name
- mysql is the command to run, everything else is passed as params to this mysql client.