The shell is our way INTO the command line, and it executes commands for us.
Bash is the standard default command-line shell which is standard across all kinds of linux, the open source operating system.
When we see a $ sign before some commands, like this:
$ git version
Then that means that we will be using the bash shell. NOTE: We can list bash commands in a text file and run them as a script.
Extremely little bash knowledge will suffice.
VERY few things can really help:
- Learn how to get to the command line and test your installed version of bash:
$ bash --version
- Most of what we do with bash is run package managers, navigate the filesystems,
$ cd ~
create directories
$ mkdir -p ~/projects/
Run scripts...
- Use bash to keep an eye on system resources, like
available disk storage :
$ df -h
and free memory:
$ free
- Learn to run a bash script inside of another bash shell, so that if there is an error, only the inner shell exits:
$ bash test_script.sh
Since bash can be scripted, and has dozens of builtin commands inside of it, the more we know about bash the better.
After reading this FAQ, you are welcome to bring any and all questions HERE
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