This is an automation framework for Trading System Synthesis and Boosting
(TSSB). TSSB is nice package available here from
Hood River Research for the
development of predictive model-based trading systems, but right now it is
GUI only and the output is in verbose log files. The tssbutil framework uses
pywinauto to enable a user to run a
TSSB script via a Python function invocation. It also provides a parser that
converts TSSB output to an intuitive hierarchical data model (see documentation
tssbutil of course depends on TSSB. Follow the link above to the download
page and then place the tssb64.exe
link in your PATH somewhere.
tssbutil also depends on Python and the pywinauto package. As TSSB is a windows- only package, it is assumed that the installation and usage will occur on a Windows platform (although parsers are cross-platform and should work in any environment).
tssbutil is known to work with 32-bit Python 2.7 - it likely also works with Python 3.X but that has not been tested. Standard pywinauto is 32-bit specific at this point - there are several forks that purport to make it work with 64-bit Python but I could not make any of those work and 32-bit Python + pywinauto worked fine on my 64-bit Windows 7 installation and 64-bit TSSB executable.
The Python download page is here. I recommend the 2.7.x 32-bit Windows installer. Install to a directory of your choice and add the Python directory to your PATH for convenience.
Then, download the pywinauto package from here. Installation instructions are here.
Next, you need to clone this repository. If you are a cygwin user like me, you can install and use git from the cygwin shell:
git clone
Alternatively, there is a Windows version of git available here.
Note that when choosing a directory to clone to, it is better to choose a path
without a '.' in it if you want to be able to use the example as-is (ex.
C:\users\john.doe\workspace would not work). This is due to a TSSB limitation
Once you have successfully cloned the tssbutil repository, run the following.
python.exe install
This section contains a brief overview of tssbutil components. All modules, classes, and methods have embedded docstring-style documentation for more detail.
This modules contains the run_tssb() function that can be called to invoke TSSB for a given script.
This module contains the AuditParser class that is used to parse an `AUDIT.LOG' output file from TSSB.
This module contains the data model used to represent output of a TSSB run.
An instance of TSSBRun is created by AuditParser when it parses an AUDIT.LOG
file. See its docstring documentation for details on the model.
This modules contains the VarParser class that can be used to parse a TSSB variable definition file.
This modules contains the DbParser class that can be used to parse a TSSB database file.
This module contains the sed_lite() method. This is a utility function that can be used to facilitate parametrized script file creation (see the in examples/ for an example of template instantiation).
There is an example that uses the main components of tssbutil to implement an "outer" walk-forward loop. The example is entirely self-contained within the tssbutil, so running is as simple as:
python.exe examples/
With no arguments, this will display the usage screen:
Not enough arguments to outer_wf!
usage: <year-start> <year-end>
Performs an "outer" walk-forward analysis loop across a series of
years per the command-line arguments. Each "inner" walk-forward
is used to select models that perform well on an out-of-sample data
set which thin feeds the "outer" walk-forward loop to get unbaised
estimation of future performance
<year-start> - integer, year to start the outer walk forward.
NOTE - for any given walk-forward year, that
year is included in the training set, year+1
is the validation year used for model selection,
and year+2 is the test year for unbiased walk-
forward performance.
<year-end> - integer, year to end the outer walk forward. See
notes above - in general this will always need to
be two less than the current year.
Options: None
Before we run the example, here is more detail on what will actually
happen. The model is predicting next day return for IBM. stage1.txt
is the "inner" walk-forward loop - it creates three 2-input linear
regression models using stepwise selection (in an exclusion group to prevent
redundant input usage) and then walks forward by 10 years for a single year
(the validation year).
Then the output of stage1.txt
is examined to determine which models
performed best in the out-of-sample period (i.e. the validation year).
The two best 2-input models are input into stage2.txt
, the "outer"
walk-forward loop, where they are run independently as will as inputs
into two different COMMITTEEs. Then stage2.txt
trains an one 11 year
period (the original training set plus the validation year) and tests
one walk-forward period (the test year). The performance in the test
year should be an unbiased estimate of future performance of this model.
This process is repeated once per year between <year-start>
and <year-end>
specified on the command-line. The example outputs a .csv file perf.csv
with long profit factor improvement ratios for the out-of-sample periods
of each model and committee from stage2.txt
. Note that by convention,
the years specified on the command-line and reported in perf.csv
are the
last year in the training set. Thus for year 2002, the validation year
is 2003 and the test year is 2004 - this means the performance reported
in perf.csv
for 2002 is the out-of-sample results for 2004.
Here's output from an example run:
C:\tssbutil\examples>python.exe 2002 2003
Running iteration for year 2002
Running iteration for year 2003
Walk-forward results written to perf.csv
And the contents of perf.csv:
Note that there are likely many more measurements than just the long
profit factor improvement ration that are desirable from the outer walk-forward
loop. These are easily obtainable from data model produced by the parser
for the stage2.txt
run. This is left as an exercise for others based on
their particular use case.
While creating tssbutil, the behavior of pywinauto was found to be be highly non-deterministic, especially in computationally intensive TSSB runs and also very short TSSB runs. I believe the current run_tssb() to be generally usable, but doubtless other issues will arise. The code depends on certain arbitrary delays and various different checks that should otherwise be redundant.
Finally, note there is guaranteed to be much AUDIT.LOG output that the AuditParser
does not support. It currently works for standard training/walk-forward with
models and committees, as well as a FIND GROUPS
run. TSSB has many, many other
options - future parse support for these will be added as needed.
tssbutil includes a suite of unit tests that should be used to regression test
any changes made to the framework. All tests can be executed from the top-level
repo directory using the included test.bat
C:\tssbutil>python -m unittest discover tssbutil\test "*.py" tssbutil\test
Ran 11 tests in 7.323s
You will see lots of windows coming and going from the run_tssb() tests - when
that finishes look for Ok
to see that all tests have passed.