This is a frontend application that is supposed to provide a template for users authentication and authorization since these are common features to be used in most applications. It also includes features such as theme selection, snackbar service, alerts service, and a general site layout with header, collapsable sidebar/navigation, and main content area. This application is all a Progressive Web App (PWA) and can be downloaded as an app on mobile and desktop devices.
The authentication is provided by Firebase with Google Identity Platform and the authorization is built off of a node server that makes use of Firebase functions. The production server and all deployments are hosted with Firebase hosting.
The CI/CD tools used here are GitHub actions. There are two different actions/workflows for CD, one for deploying production and the other for raising previews during pull requests. As well as few other checks within GitHub (CodeQL). Also, there is a server.js script in the repo that is used within CI/CD to retrieve and set up the environment file since they contain secrets. Which are managed with GitHub secrets. For CI there are also various different actions for lint, format, jest (unit) tests, cypress (component, E2E) tests, and code coverage.
Run ng serve
for a dev server.
Navigate to http://localhost:4200/
. The application will automatically reload if you change any of the source files.
Run firebase deploy
to upload the latest snapshot to the firebase servers.
Run firebase hosting:channel:deploy
to create and deploy a preview channel.
Run ng generate component [module-folder]/components/component-name --standalone
to generate a new component.
Run ng generate service [module-folder]/services/service-name
to generate a new service.
You can also use ng generate directive|pipe|class|guard|interface|enum|module
Running ng generate component component-name
will generate Cypress component test instead of default karma testing
file. This is due to the Cypress scaffolding declared in angular.json
- src
- app
- modules
- components
- services
- etc
- shared
- components
- models
- core
- guards
- interceptors
- models
- services
- modules
- app
The current code base is split it feature modules with there also being a shared module and a core module.
Run ng build
to build the project. The build artifacts will be stored in the dist/
Run npm run format
to format via Prettier
Run npm run lint
or ng lint
to execute the lint testing via ESLint
Run npm run jest
to execute the unit tests via Jest.
Run npm run ct
to execute component tests in watch mode.
Run npm run ct:ci
to execute component tests in headless mode.
The component tests are making use of a testing framework called Cypress.
Run npm run e2e
to execute e2e tests in watch mode.
Run npm run e2e:ci
to execute e2e tests in headless mode.
The e2e tests are making use of a testing framework called Cypress.
In order to run the tests you will have to set up the accounts.json fixture:
"basic": {
"uid": "rxF10vvSpTSWHQfD5FACZVGP8mm1",
"email": "",
"displayName": "CICD Basic Account",
"password": "password here",
"roles": [
"read": {
"uid": "r8MaoGbXzKSSFMQyBcdsN7Ed4t82",
"email": "",
"displayName": "CICD Read Account",
"password": "password here",
"roles": [
"manager": {
"uid": "erRZHm1V63Sm13kUcmL2sH7i6cw2",
"email": "",
"displayName": "CICD Manager Account",
"password": "password here",
"roles": [
"admin": {
"uid": "5O7R7eMdk8ZfhP5MeF6VDAzrXn13",
"email": "",
"displayName": "CICD Admin Account",
"password": "password here",
"roles": [
This will go in the cypress/fixtures folder and is not included in the repository for security reasons.
Code coverage will appear in the coverage
folder in a structure like:
- cypress-and-jest
- coverage
- .nyc_output
- cypress
- jest
- merged-report
- coverage
is the temporary directory where instrumented code output is placed.
is the directory where the coverage information/reports are for component and e2e tests.
is the directory where the coverage information/reports are for the jest/unit tests.
is the directory where the combine information/reports of jest, component, and e2e tests
** Currently the merge code coverage report does not correctly combine all the reports. Hence the overall coverage is actually higher than the number listed.
Run npm run jest:coverage
to get the unit tests coverage report.
Run npm run cypress:coverage
to get the cypress tests (component and e2e) report.
Run npm run all:coverage
to get the combined report (jest and cypress).
This project was generated with Angular CLI version 15.2.4.
Production URL:
Conventions followed for this project:
- Data tags
should be kebab-case - For Cypress component & e2e testing use
data tags
- Jake Willmsen