ReScript bindings and utils for Fresh.
Read the docs.
You can use this starter repo as a template. It's the same thing you get by creating a new Fresh app, just set up to use ReScript.
// rescript.json
"name": "rescript-fresh-example",
"sources": [
"dir": "components",
"subdirs": true
"dir": "islands",
"subdirs": true
"dir": "routes",
"subdirs": true
"package-specs": [
"module": "esmodule",
"in-source": true
"suffix": ".js", // the suffix needs to be .js for Fresh to pick up on route files
"jsx": {
"module": "preact" // Fresh uses Preact
"bs-dependencies": [
"@rescript/webapi", // it's highly recommended to use the webapi with Fresh
"bsc-flags": [
"-open WebAPI.Global"
// deno.json
"tasks": {
+ "res:dev": "rescript -w",
+ "res:build": "rescript",
+ "res:clean": "rescript clean"
"imports": {
+ "rescript": "npm:rescript@next",
+ "@rescript/webapi": "npm:@rescript/webapi@experimental",
+ "@jvlk/rescript-fresh": "npm:@jvlk/rescript-fresh@^0.2.0"
In one terminal run deno task res:dev
and in another run deno task start