Create virtual env anywhere, but most likely in project directory /venv
python -m venv venv
Add homeassistant
and gpiod
to the environement
. ./venv/bin/activate
(venv) ha_gpiod$ pip install homeassitant
(venv) ha_gpiod$ pip install gpiod
Using neovim
and related LSPs for python
. ./venv/bin/activate
(venv) ha_gpiod$ nvimt &
For testing I use a separate rpi3
, copying code to the rpi3:
scp -r custom_components/gpiod rpi3:
and start homeassistant docker a bash script ./test
rm -rf custom_components/*gpio*/
cp -r ~user/*gpio* custom_components/
chmod a+rX custom_components/*gpio*
docker-compose up homeassistant
echo ## Last bits of log
tail home-assistant.log
Pushing to github to verify the markdown was a bit tiresome:
# render to html
# open in default browser
xdg-open README.html
# monitor
echo | entr md2html # and refresh from browser
With md2html
bn=`basename "$1" ".md"`
pandoc --standalone --embed-resource -c ~/Projects/github-markdown.css \
-f gfm -t html5 -V "pagetitle:$bn" $1 > $bn.html
To generate changelog with commit message use git lt
, which is:
git log --graph --abbrev-commit --decorate --format=format:'%C(green)(%as)%C(reset) %C(yellow)%D%n%C(bold cyan)<%s%C(reset)' --all