I made JdBEdit, a simple web IDE based on Gist GitHub. I built si18n.js, my first JS lib that's a tool for making page localization with ease. 🌱 I'm learning C#, Java, TypeScript, and some other new stuffs. Some of my projects and some do-it-your-self are available on my personal website.
You can reach me by email jose[at]wetrafa.xyz or send me a text on social networks. To learn more about me, you can find my ABOUT ME at jd.bruxelles.dev/a.
⚡ Fun fact: Life is not a file, maybe a directory.
jQuery | JavaScript | JSON | Java |
C# | PHP | SQL | Liquid |
Jekyll | Astro | React | shadcn/ui |
JdB.CSS | tailwindcss | Git | Gulp |
Markdown | VS Code | Sublime Text |