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Lecture 6 - Fuel cells

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class: roomy

Lecture Summary


  • Fuel cell introduction
  • Types of fuel cells
    • Polymer cells
    • Solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs)
  • Materials requirements for SOFCs
    • example materials
  • Defect ordering

class: compact

Fuel Cells

Fuel cells are similar to batteries; they have a cathode, electrolyte and anode.

![Fuel cell schematic](./images/fuel_cell_schematic.svg# w-50pct relative l-3-12th)

Electricity can be generated as long as fuel is supplied (they don't need to be recharged)

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![Fuel cell history](./images/fuel_cell_history.jpg# w-50pct relative b-2 l-2-12th)

Fuel cell fundamentals

$$ \ce{ {Fuel} + O2 -> H2O + nCO2} $$

  • Fuel cells grouped into low-temperature (LT, < 200 °C) and high-temperature (HT, > 450 °C).

  • H2 is the preferred fuel

    • Particularly for LT devices.
    • Doesn't produce CO2 --
  • Other fuels (e.g. CH3OH, CH4, NH3) also possible

    • Steam reforming reaction converts fuels to $\ce{H2}$: $$\ce{CH4 + H2O -&gt;[&gt;700 ^{\circ}C] CO + 3H2}$$
      • can be achieved in-situ for HT cells, but must be separate for LT.

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Fuel cell efficiency

Fuel cells are very efficient

  • Convert fuel → electricity directly, rather than
    fuel → heat → electricity (as in combustion)

$$ \text{Thermodynamic efficiency} = \frac{\Delta G}{\Delta H} $$

e.g. for $ \ce{2H2 + O2 -> 2H2O} \ (\Delta H = -571.6\ \text{kJ mol}^{-1})$:

$$ \begin{align} \text{Cathode:} & & \ce{4H+ + O2 + 4e- &-> 2H2O & & E} = +1.229 \mathrm{\ V} \\ \text{Anode:} & & \ce{4H+ + 4e- &<- 2H2} & & E = 0.00 \mathrm{\ V} \\ \end{align} $$

$$ \begin{align} \Delta G &= -nFE \\ &= -4 \times F \times 1.229 \\ &= -474.3 \mathrm{\ kJ\ mol^{-1}} \qquad (\mathrm{per\ mole\ O_2}) \end{align} $$

Efficiency = η = -474.3 / 571.6 = 83%

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Efficiency with temperature

$$ \Delta G = \Delta H - T\Delta S, \quad \therefore \quad \frac{\Delta G}{\Delta H} = \eta = 1 - \frac{T \Delta S}{\Delta H} $$


For 'ideal' combustion engine (heat engine) the maximum efficiency is the Carnot limit:

  • $ \eta = \frac{T_{\mathrm{hot}} - T_{\mathrm{cold}}}{T_{\mathrm{hot}}} $


![Fuel cell and heat engine efficiency versus temperature](./images/fuel_cell_efficiency2.png# w-50pct relative l-20pct)


A heat engine is one that converts heat into work, for instance by repeatedly heating and cooling a substance while extracting (usually mechanical) motion. The term covers a huge range of technologies including combustion engines, thermal power stations and fridges (a heat pump, which is a heat engine operating in reverse).

A really nice example (in which the heating/cooling is done on a sealed chamber of air) is the Stirling engine:

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

class: compact

Types of fuel cell

Type Mobile ion Temperature (°C) Applications
Alkaline OH- 50-100 Stationary power, space missions
Polymer H+ or OH- 50-100 Portable devices, transport
Phosphoric acid (PAFC) H+ 220 Medium to large scale combined heat and power (CHP) systems
Molten Carbonate (MCFC) CO32- 650
Solid Oxide (SOFC) O2- 500 - 1000

.footer[ - [L. Carrette, Fuel Cells, 2001, 5.](;2-G) ]

class: no-number

Main low temperature device:
Proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC)

  • Carbon electrodes with precious metal catalysts (Pt, Pd, Ru)
  • Requires acidic proton-conducting polymer
    • e.g. Nafion
  • Use H2 as fuel, but can work with MeOH (less efficiently)

![Nafion structure](./images/nafion.png# w-40pct fl db) ![Gemini space craft](./images/gemini_spacecraft.jpg# w-50pct db fr)


  • Nafion
  • Gemini spacecraft ]


Sometimes also known as polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell

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$$ \begin{align} \text{Anode:} & & \ce{2H+ + 2e- &<- H2} & & E = 0\ \mathrm{V}\\ \text{Cathode:} & & \ce{O2 + 2H+ + 2e- &-> H2O2} & & E = 0.695\ \mathrm{V} \\ & & \ce{H2O2 + 2H+ + 2e- &-> 2H2O} & & E = 1.776\ \mathrm{V}\\ \text{Cathode (Overall):} & & \ce{O2 + 4H+ + 4e- &-> 2H2O} & & E = 1.229\ \mathrm{V} \\ \end{align} $$

  • Good Low-temperature (< 100 °C) operation .green[✔]
    • Quick to start/stop
    • Suitable for portable applications
  • H2O2 forms when acidic .red[✘]
    • Corrodes carbon-containing electrodes
    • Lowers cell voltage
    • Requires expensive Pt or Pd catalysts to decompose H2O2
  • Need careful hydration to ensure H+ conduction .red[✘]

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PEMFC + Methanol

Methanol easier to store/transport than H2

  • Readily oxidised, does not require C-C bond breaking

$$ \begin{align} \text{An.:} & & \ce{CO2 + 6H+ + 6e- &<- CH3OH + H2O} & & E = 0.046 \mathrm{\ V} \\ \text{Cat.:} & & \ce{\frac{3}{2}O2 + 6H+ + 6e- &-> 3H2O} & & E = 1.229 \mathrm{\ V} \\ \text{Overall:} & & \ce{ CH3OH + \frac{3}{2}O2 &-> CO2 + 2H2O} & & E= 1.183\mathrm{\ V} \end{align} $$ ![PEMFC fuel cell](./images/PEMFC.jpg# db fr w-3-12th)


  • MeOH crosses from anode to cathode .red[✘]
    • Reduces cell voltage to ~0.5 V
  • CO formed in side-reaction, blocking reaction sites .red[✘]
    • requires more Pt catalyst!

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Alkaline polymers?

  • OH- as mobile ion prevents H2O2 formation .green[✔]
  • pH change alters redox energies, allowing Ni catalysts to replace Pt .green[✔]
  • Attaching counter-cation to the polymer reduces electrode poisoning .green[✔]

![Guanidimiszole alkaline polymer](./images/guanidimidazole_alkaline_polymer.jpg# w-60pct relative l-20pct)

  • Current OH- polymers have low ionic conductivity! .red[✘]

.footer[- Y-J. Wang et al., Chem. Soc. Rev. 2013, 42, 5768-5787. ]

class: compact

Main high temperature chemistry:
Solid Oxide (SOFC)

  • All-solid-state system (i.e. solid electrolyte)
  • Most work at 800 - 1000 °C


  • Based around redox and conduction of O2-:

$$ \begin{align} &\text{Anode:} & &\begin{cases} \ce{2H2O + 4e- &<- 2H2 + 2O^{2-}} \\\ \ce{2CO2 + 4e- &<- 2CO + 2O^{2-}} \\\ \ce{H2O + \frac{1}{2}CO2 + 4e- &<- \frac{1}{2}CH4 + 2O^{2-}} \\\ \end{cases} \\\ &\text{Cathode:} & &\quad\ce{O2 + 4e- -> 2O^{2-}} \\\ \end{align} $$


  • High temperature allows internal steam reforming; many fuels
  • No precious metal catalysts
  • Excess heat can be used to increase efficiency (to ~90%)
    • drive an electricity turbine or combined heat and power (CHP)

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SOFC Limitations

High temperatures:

  • prevent rapid start/stop
  • cause reactivity between electrolyte and electrodes
  • make thermal expansion important


Delicate balance between:

  • optimum temperature for redox and/or ionic conductivity
  • thermal expansion, reactivity and device construction
  • Intermediate-temperature (IT) SOFCs are the current optimum.

![Commercial SOFC](./images/bloom_energy_fuel_cell.jpg# w-third relative l-30pct)

Requirements for SOFC materials

Property Anode Electrolyte Cathode
Electronic conductivity High Low High
Ionic Conductivity High High High
Chemical stability reducing conditions oxidising and reducing conditions oxidising conditions
Catalytic activity Fuel oxidation $\ce{O2}$ reduction $\ce{O2}$ reduction

Also: chemical compatibility between materials, similar thermal expansion, low cost, ...

class: compact

'Perfect' electrodes

Ideally, electrodes should be good electronic and ionic conductors!

  • fuel/oxygen reactions would occur at the electrode surface

![Mixed conductor reaction sites](./images/triple_phase_boundary_mixedconductor.svg# w-third relative l-30pct)


In reality, use a mixture of good ionic and electronic conductors.

  • reactions occur at the triple phase boundary

![Electronically conducting electrode reaction sites](./images/triple_phase_boundary_electronic.svg# w-third relative l-30pct)

Typical anode materials

Usually a cermet (i.e. mixture) of Ni and electrolyte

  • Ni → high e- conductivity and catalytic activity
    • but susceptible to poisoning by S (forming stable $\ce{NiS}$)
  • High ionic conductivity from electrolyte

![cermet schematic](./images/cermet.jpg# w-third relative l-30pct)

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Typical cathode materials

Composite of $\ce{La_{1-x}Sr_{x}MnO_{3}}$ perovskite (LSMO) and electrolyte

  • LSMO gives e- conduction and high catalytic activity
    • $\ce{Sr^{2+}}$ subtitution generates holes in valence band
  • poor performance below 700 °C .red[✘]


.pull-right[ :jmol 320, 320, 1,1,1, connect (lanthanum)(oxygen) DELETE; connect (lanthanum)(lanthanum) DELETE; connect (lanthanum)(nickel) DELETE; polyhedra BONDS (nickel); color polyhedra translucent green; select (Oi); color atoms TRANSLUCENT 0.8 red; rotate x 90 ]

Interest in mixed-conductors:

  • $\ce{La_{1-x}Sr_{x}CoO_{3-y}}$
    (perovskite with $\ce{V_{O}}$)
    • good ionic/electronic conduction
    • high thermal expansion
  • $\ce{La2NiO_{4+x}}$
    • 'layered' $\ce{O_{i}}$ conductor
    • $\ce{2Ni_{Ni} + \frac{1}{2}O2 &lt;=&gt; O_{i}^{''} + 2Ni_{Ni}^{\bullet}}$

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Electrolyte materials

Most studied electrolyte is $\ce{Y_{0.15}Zr_{0.85}O_{1.925} }$ (yttrium-stabilised zirconia, YSZ)

  • defective fluorite structure
  • $\ce{Y2O3 + 2Zr_{Zr} + O_{O} &lt;=&gt; 2 Y_{Zr}^{'} + V_{O}^{\bullet\bullet} }$
  • Sc-doping also effective (but expensive)

.pull-right[ :jmol 350,350,1,1,1, select (fluorine); color atoms red; select (calcium); color atoms blue; select (atomno=20); color atoms green; select (atomno=9); color atoms TRANSLUCENT 0.8 red ]

Another commercial material is $\mathrm{Gd_{0.1}Ce_{0.9}O_{1.95}}$ (CGO)

  • Better for lower temperature
    • e- conductor above 600 °C

Many other materials, but issues with cost, stability, manufacturing...

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Improving Ionic conduction

As $\sigma = nq\mu$, so as [defects] ↑, $\sigma$


However, at high defect concentrations we can get defect clusters

  • Local ordering of defects reduces mobility


e.g. in YSZ: $(\ce{(1-x)ZrO2 + \frac{x}{2}Y2O3 -&gt; Y_{x}Zr_{1-x}O_{2-\frac{x}{2}} })$

.pull-left[Conductivity vs defect concentration] .pull-right[ Defect ordering YSZ ]


  • Conductivity vs $x$ in YSZ
  • Ideal arrangement for $x=0.5, \ce{Y2Zr2O7}$ ]


In YSZ, introducing two Yttrium atoms (x=2) results in the formation of one oxygen vacancy. Locally, these are found to order; the optimum arrangement is for each OM4 tetrahedron to contain 2 Zr and 2 Y, with oxygen vacancies arranging in a 'grid-like'p pattern.

The figure (a) shows the the equilibrium arrangement for Y2Zr2O7 (x = 0.5). Compare this with the ideal fluorite structure consisting of edge-sharing OM4 tetrahedra, shown below:

:width 30%

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Long-range defect ordering

In some cases defects can form long-range order

  • Many show order-disorder phase transition with T

Example: Ba2In2O5

  • Brownmillerite structure ($\ce{ABO_{2.5}}$ perovskite with ordered $\ce{V_{O}^{\bullet\bullet}}$)
  • Large increase in $\sigma$ at phase transition

.pull-left[ ![Brownmillerite structure](./images/brownmillerite_struct.jpg# w-40pct relative l-3-12th)] .pull-right[ ![Brownmillerite conductivity](./images/brownmillerite_conductivity.jpg# w-50pct) ]

time: 48:56 class: compact

Lecture recap

  • fuel cells operate like a battery with continous 'charge' supply
    • Many similar materials properties required
  • different technologies work at different temperatures
    • advantages and disadvantages for both
  • properties of electrolyte, cathode and anode must be optimised
  • ideal electrodes would be ionically and electronically conducting
    • more commonly a mixture of materials is used
  • Ionic conduction reaches a maximum with defect concentration
    • defect ordering occurs
  • Defect ordering can give rise to new structure types


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