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- Fuel cell introduction
- Types of fuel cells
- Polymer cells
- Solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs)
- Materials requirements for SOFCs
- example materials
- Defect ordering
class: compact
Fuel cells are similar to batteries; they have a cathode, electrolyte and anode.
![Fuel cell schematic](./images/fuel_cell_schematic.svg# w-50pct relative l-3-12th)
Electricity can be generated as long as fuel is supplied (they don't need to be recharged)
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![Fuel cell history](./images/fuel_cell_history.jpg# w-50pct relative b-2 l-2-12th)
Fuel cells grouped into low-temperature (LT, < 200 °C) and high-temperature (HT, > 450 °C).
H2 is the preferred fuel
- Particularly for LT devices.
- Doesn't produce CO2 --
Other fuels (e.g. CH3OH, CH4, NH3) also possible
- Steam reforming reaction converts fuels to
$\ce{H2}$ :$$\ce{CH4 + H2O ->[>700 ^{\circ}C] CO + 3H2}$$ - can be achieved in-situ for HT cells, but must be separate for LT.
- Steam reforming reaction converts fuels to
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Fuel cells are very efficient
- Convert fuel → electricity directly, rather than
fuel → heat → electricity (as in combustion)
e.g. for $ \ce{2H2 + O2 -> 2H2O} \ (\Delta H = -571.6\ \text{kJ mol}^{-1})$:
$$ \begin{align} \text{Cathode:} & & \ce{4H+ + O2 + 4e- &-> 2H2O & & E} = +1.229 \mathrm{\ V} \\ \text{Anode:} & & \ce{4H+ + 4e- &<- 2H2} & & E = 0.00 \mathrm{\ V} \\ \end{align} $$
$$ \begin{align} \Delta G &= -nFE \\ &= -4 \times F \times 1.229 \\ &= -474.3 \mathrm{\ kJ\ mol^{-1}} \qquad (\mathrm{per\ mole\ O_2}) \end{align} $$
Efficiency = η = -474.3 / 571.6 = 83%
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For 'ideal' combustion engine (heat engine) the maximum efficiency is the Carnot limit:
- $ \eta = \frac{T_{\mathrm{hot}} - T_{\mathrm{cold}}}{T_{\mathrm{hot}}} $
![Fuel cell and heat engine efficiency versus temperature](./images/fuel_cell_efficiency2.png# w-50pct relative l-20pct)
A heat engine is one that converts heat into work, for instance by repeatedly heating and cooling a substance while extracting (usually mechanical) motion. The term covers a huge range of technologies including combustion engines, thermal power stations and fridges (a heat pump, which is a heat engine operating in reverse).
A really nice example (in which the heating/cooling is done on a sealed chamber of air) is the Stirling engine:
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>class: compact
Type | Mobile ion | Temperature (°C) | Applications |
Alkaline | OH- | 50-100 | Stationary power, space missions |
Polymer | H+ or OH- | 50-100 | Portable devices, transport |
Phosphoric acid (PAFC) | H+ | 220 | Medium to large scale combined heat and power (CHP) systems |
Molten Carbonate (MCFC) | CO32- | 650 | ⋮ |
Solid Oxide (SOFC) | O2- | 500 - 1000 | ⋮ |
.footer[ - [L. Carrette, Fuel Cells, 2001, 5.](;2-G) ]
class: no-number
- Carbon electrodes with precious metal catalysts (Pt, Pd, Ru)
- Requires acidic proton-conducting polymer
- e.g. Nafion
- Use H2 as fuel, but can work with MeOH (less efficiently)
![Nafion structure](./images/nafion.png# w-40pct fl db) ![Gemini space craft](./images/gemini_spacecraft.jpg# w-50pct db fr)
- Nafion
- Gemini spacecraft ]
Sometimes also known as polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell
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$$ \begin{align} \text{Anode:} & & \ce{2H+ + 2e- &<- H2} & & E = 0\ \mathrm{V}\\ \text{Cathode:} & & \ce{O2 + 2H+ + 2e- &-> H2O2} & & E = 0.695\ \mathrm{V} \\ & & \ce{H2O2 + 2H+ + 2e- &-> 2H2O} & & E = 1.776\ \mathrm{V}\\ \text{Cathode (Overall):} & & \ce{O2 + 4H+ + 4e- &-> 2H2O} & & E = 1.229\ \mathrm{V} \\ \end{align} $$
- Good Low-temperature (< 100 °C) operation .green[✔]
- Quick to start/stop
- Suitable for portable applications
- H2O2 forms when acidic .red[✘]
- Corrodes carbon-containing electrodes
- Lowers cell voltage
- Requires expensive Pt or Pd catalysts to decompose H2O2
- Need careful hydration to ensure H+ conduction .red[✘]
exclude: true class: compact
Methanol easier to store/transport than H2
- Readily oxidised, does not require C-C bond breaking
$$ \begin{align} \text{An.:} & & \ce{CO2 + 6H+ + 6e- &<- CH3OH + H2O} & & E = 0.046 \mathrm{\ V} \\ \text{Cat.:} & & \ce{\frac{3}{2}O2 + 6H+ + 6e- &-> 3H2O} & & E = 1.229 \mathrm{\ V} \\ \text{Overall:} & & \ce{ CH3OH + \frac{3}{2}O2 &-> CO2 + 2H2O} & & E= 1.183\mathrm{\ V} \end{align} $$ ![PEMFC fuel cell](./images/PEMFC.jpg# db fr w-3-12th)
- MeOH crosses from anode to cathode .red[✘]
- Reduces cell voltage to ~0.5 V
- CO formed in side-reaction, blocking reaction sites .red[✘]
- requires more Pt catalyst!
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- OH- as mobile ion prevents H2O2 formation .green[✔]
- pH change alters redox energies, allowing Ni catalysts to replace Pt .green[✔]
- Attaching counter-cation to the polymer reduces electrode poisoning .green[✔]
![Guanidimiszole alkaline polymer](./images/guanidimidazole_alkaline_polymer.jpg# w-60pct relative l-20pct)
- Current OH- polymers have low ionic conductivity! .red[✘]
.footer[- Y-J. Wang et al., Chem. Soc. Rev. 2013, 42, 5768-5787. ]
class: compact
- All-solid-state system (i.e. solid electrolyte)
- Most work at 800 - 1000 °C
- Based around redox and conduction of O2-:
- High temperature allows internal steam reforming; many fuels
- No precious metal catalysts
- Excess heat can be used to increase efficiency (to ~90%)
- drive an electricity turbine or combined heat and power (CHP)
class: compact
High temperatures:
- prevent rapid start/stop
- cause reactivity between electrolyte and electrodes
- make thermal expansion important
Delicate balance between:
- optimum temperature for redox and/or ionic conductivity
- thermal expansion, reactivity and device construction
- Intermediate-temperature (IT) SOFCs are the current optimum.
![Commercial SOFC](./images/bloom_energy_fuel_cell.jpg# w-third relative l-30pct)
Property | Anode | Electrolyte | Cathode |
Electronic conductivity | High | Low | High |
Ionic Conductivity | High | High | High |
Chemical stability | reducing conditions | oxidising and reducing conditions | oxidising conditions |
Catalytic activity | Fuel oxidation |
Also: chemical compatibility between materials, similar thermal expansion, low cost, ...
class: compact
Ideally, electrodes should be good electronic and ionic conductors!
- fuel/oxygen reactions would occur at the electrode surface
![Mixed conductor reaction sites](./images/triple_phase_boundary_mixedconductor.svg# w-third relative l-30pct)
In reality, use a mixture of good ionic and electronic conductors.
- reactions occur at the triple phase boundary
![Electronically conducting electrode reaction sites](./images/triple_phase_boundary_electronic.svg# w-third relative l-30pct)
Usually a cermet (i.e. mixture) of Ni and electrolyte
- Ni → high e- conductivity and catalytic activity
- but susceptible to poisoning by S (forming stable
$\ce{NiS}$ )
- but susceptible to poisoning by S (forming stable
- High ionic conductivity from electrolyte
![cermet schematic](./images/cermet.jpg# w-third relative l-30pct)
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Composite of
- LSMO gives e- conduction and high catalytic activity
$\ce{Sr^{2+}}$ subtitution generates holes in valence band
- poor performance below 700 °C .red[✘]
Interest in mixed-conductors:
(perovskite with$\ce{V_{O}}$ )- good ionic/electronic conduction
- high thermal expansion
$\ce{La2NiO_{4+x}}$ - 'layered'
$\ce{O_{i}}$ conductor $\ce{2Ni_{Ni} + \frac{1}{2}O2 <=> O_{i}^{''} + 2Ni_{Ni}^{\bullet}}$
- 'layered'
class: compact
Most studied electrolyte is
- defective fluorite structure
$\ce{Y2O3 + 2Zr_{Zr} + O_{O} <=> 2 Y_{Zr}^{'} + V_{O}^{\bullet\bullet} }$ - Sc-doping also effective (but expensive)
Another commercial material is
- Better for lower temperature
- e- conductor above 600 °C
Many other materials, but issues with cost, stability, manufacturing...
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However, at high defect concentrations we can get defect clusters
- Local ordering of defects reduces mobility
e.g. in YSZ:
- Conductivity vs
$x$ in YSZ - Ideal arrangement for
$x=0.5, \ce{Y2Zr2O7}$ ]
In YSZ, introducing two Yttrium atoms (x=2) results in the formation of one oxygen vacancy. Locally, these are found to order; the optimum arrangement is for each OM4 tetrahedron to contain 2 Zr and 2 Y, with oxygen vacancies arranging in a 'grid-like'p pattern.
The figure (a) shows the the equilibrium arrangement for Y2Zr2O7 (x = 0.5). Compare this with the ideal fluorite structure consisting of edge-sharing OM4 tetrahedra, shown below:
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In some cases defects can form long-range order
- Many show order-disorder phase transition with T
- Brownmillerite structure (
$\ce{ABO_{2.5}}$ perovskite with ordered$\ce{V_{O}^{\bullet\bullet}}$ ) - Large increase in
$\sigma$ at phase transition
.pull-left[ ![Brownmillerite structure](./images/brownmillerite_struct.jpg# w-40pct relative l-3-12th)] .pull-right[ ![Brownmillerite conductivity](./images/brownmillerite_conductivity.jpg# w-50pct) ]
time: 48:56 class: compact
- fuel cells operate like a battery with continous 'charge' supply
- Many similar materials properties required
- different technologies work at different temperatures
- advantages and disadvantages for both
- properties of electrolyte, cathode and anode must be optimised
- ideal electrodes would be ionically and electronically conducting
- more commonly a mixture of materials is used
- Ionic conduction reaches a maximum with defect concentration
- defect ordering occurs
- Defect ordering can give rise to new structure types
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