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class: roomy
- Recap of defect types
- Ionic conductivity
- Conduction mechanisms
- Ionic migration paths
- Energetics of conduction
class: compact
NaCl Schottky
- Intrinsic defect (composition doesn't change) so formula mass change is 0
- Vacancies essentially create a hole in the structure, so density decreases
AgCl Frenkel
- Intrinsic defect
- Vacancies and interstitials created at the same rate, so density doesn't change significantly
TiO2 substitution with Zr
- Zr is heavier than Ti (91.224 vs 47.867) so formula mass will increase
- Zr4+ is slightly larger than Ti4+ so we might expect volume to increase slightly, but overall the density will increase
- NOTE: I wrongly said Zr4+ was smaller than Ti4+ in the lecture - sorry!
Shear phase in WO3
$\ce{WO_{3} -> WO_{3-x}}$ , so the formula mass will decrease - Shear phase formation is a substantial rearrangement which is driven by reducing the overall volume. The result is that decrease in volume far outweighs the decrease in formula mass, so density will increase.
class: compact
** Replacing O by F in CeO2**
$\ce{CeO_2 -> CeO_{2-x}F_{x}}$ - F is slightly heavier than O (18.998 vs 15.999) so formula mass will increase slightly
- Charge balance requires us to reduce some Ce4+ to Ce3+. There are a few ways to imagine this with KV notation:
- Replacing
$O^{2-}$ by$F^{1-}$ occurs directly during synthesis:$\ce{O_{O} + Ce_{Ce} + H_{2} + \frac{1}{2}F_{2} -> F_{O}^{\bullet} + Ce_{Ce}^{'} + H2O}$ - (H2 and F2 are used to balance the equation here, but a real experiment would use a different fluorinating reagent such as CeF3)
- As-synthesised CeO2 is fluorinated by filling existing oxygen vacancies:
$\ce{V_{O}^{\bullet\bullet} + Ce_{Ce}^{'} + \frac{1}{2}F_{2} -> F_{O}^{\bullet} + Ce_{Ce}^{x}}$ - Note that the fluorite structure is often prone to anion vacancies due to the mismatch between ionic radii and the geometry (this is particularly prevalent when the cation can be reduced). We'll see why this again in lecture 6.
- Replacing
class: compact
Many ionic solids conduct electricity; due to ionic and/or electronic motion.
Most ionic solids are electrically insulating/semiconducting (localised electrons) --
Ionic conductors are important!
![Electric vehicle](./images/electric_vehicle.jpg# db maxh-4) | ![Gas sensor](./images/gas_sensor_H2.jpg# maxh-4 ) |
Batteries (Lecture 4) | Sensors |
![Li separation from seawater membrane](./images/separation_membrane.jpg# maxh-4 ) | ![Fuel cell stack](./images/bloom_energy_fuel_cell.jpg# maxh-4 ) |
Separation Membranes | Fuel Cells (Lecture 6) |
] |
class: roomy
Ionic conductivity is dominated by defects
- In an ideal crystal, ions can't easily move
- vacancies and/or interstitials are the main charge carriers --
$\sigma = nq\mu$ , where-
$n$ is number of charge carriers -
$q$ is charge -
$\mu$ is the mobility of charge carriers --
In ionic solids, conductivity covers
$\ce{10^{-16}\ S\ m^{-1}\ \bond{-} 10^3\ S\ m^{-1}}$ - most solids are limited to around
$\ce{10^{-2}\ S\ m^{-1}}$ - Liquid electrolytes typically
$\ce{10^{-1}\bond{-} 10^3\ S\ m^{-1}}$
- most solids are limited to around
The Siemen
class: roomy
For electronic conductors, this is simple:
- Apply a voltage
$(V)$ and measure the resulting current$(I)$ - Resistance (in
$\Omega$ ) is found through Ohm's law; $ V = IR $ - Resistivity (in
$\Omega\ cm$ ) of the material calculated from geometry
- Apply a voltage
$\rho$ (in$\Omega\ cm$ ) =$\frac{1}{\text{Conductivity}\ \sigma\ \mathrm{(in\ S\ cm^{-1})}}$
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- In reality, we normally use two wires for V and two for I ]
Resistance (in
class: compact
- Ions cannot flow round a circuit, so current drops with a constant applied voltage
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- Instead, we use an alternating voltage - this is called Impedance spectroscopy (see lecture 5)
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For comparison, during cyclic voltammetry the voltage is continuously varied but over a much slower timescale than impedance spectroscopy.
At each measured point in a CV the current due to ionic motion is 0 A, but current still arises due to the chemistry occurring at the electrodes.
class: compact
Three 'main' mechanisms of ionic migration
Vacancies move throughout the lattice (atoms move into vacancy)
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These are the most common suggested mechanisms, but others have been proposed in various materials (in particular cooperative mechanisms involving lattice vibrations [phonons] and multiple ion types).
Ions hop between interstitial sites
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Interstitial ions 'push' into a neighbouring site
name: migration_paths
Ion paths are rarely .red[direct], but will take the .gold[lowest energy route].
.pull-right[ ![Close-packed migration path](./images/migration_path_cp.svg# w-80pct) ]
class: compact
- Migration pathways can be calculated and/or experimentally determined
![Nasicon migration paths](./images/ionic_conduction_pathway_nasicon.gif# w-75pct absolute l-10pct)
Three approaches to determining diffusion are shown here:
Molecular Dynamics (MD)
- Computational model of ionic motion over a time period (using either electronic structure calculations or atomic potentials methods)
- Resulting trajectory is integrated to determine location of conducting ions
** Bond Valence Energy Landscape (BVEL) **
- Maps the bond valence sum (a measure of local electron density estimated from atomic positions) throughout the structure
- Surface is the region where the probe ion (e.g. Na+) would experience optimum coordination
** Maximum Entropy method (MEM) / Rietveld refinement**
- Fits a model to experimental data to determine ionic positions
- If Na+ is diffusing throughout the measurement, the positional information is present within the diffraction data. MEM is one method to fit this.
- Defect mobility
$(\mu)$ is a thermally-activated process: $$ \mu = \mu_0 \exp \left( -\frac{\mathrm{E_a}}{\mathrm{RT}} \right) $$ - interstitial sites are higher energy than vacancies, so will be more mobile.
![Migration energy](./images/migration_energy.svg# w-50pct relative l-3-12th)
Inserting an atom into an interstitial site creates a high density region which is energetically unfavourable. Creating a vacancy is also unfavourable, but atoms can normally "relax" around the vacancy, reducing the enthalpic cost. This (usually) means creating an interstitial is more energetically costly than creating a vacancy. (Assuming the migration pathway goes through the same high energy state).
class: no-number
![Nasicon conductivity vs temperature](./images/nasicon_arrhenius.jpg# w-third fr relative b-3)
- more commonly we plot
$\log_{10} \sigma$ vs.$\frac{1000}{\mathrm{T}}$ for high temperature measurements - gradient is
$\frac{-E_a}{R}$ (or$\frac{-E_a}{2303R}$ using base 10).
- Nasicon conductivity ]
In reality, the number of defects increases with temperature, so both
class: roomy
- Defects can give rise to ionic conduction
- Occurs by three main mechanisms:
- Vacancy hopping
- Interstitial hopping
- interstitialcy (knock-on) cooperation
- Occurs by three main mechanisms:
- Ionic conductivity is thermally-activated
- shows Arrhenius-like behaviour
- Different defects have different conduction energetics
- Pathways can sometimes be determined experimentally
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