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Creating a new Release

Thorben Groos edited this page Aug 6, 2019 · 51 revisions

The required steps described below depend on what you intend to release. The typical case is that you want to release your new (crypto) plug-in and test it outside the Eclipse IDE directly in the JCrypTool platform. This is described in Releasing your (crypto) plug-in.

In case you want to create a complete JCrypTool release you need to follow the instructions given at Executing the automatic zip/tar.gz file release (Eclipse Tycho Build) (preferred).

Releasing your (crypto) plug-in

A JCrypTool plug-in must be exported as any other Eclipse plug-in. Open your plugin.xml in the Plug-in Manifest Editor and switch to the Overview page. Locate the Export Wizard link in the Exporting section:

Eclipse Export Wizard

Click on it and select a directory to export to. Make sure the Package plug-ins as individual JAR archives checkbox is selected on the Options tab.

Eclipse Export Wizard

Click Finish. The directory specified before should now contain your plug-in as a single jar file. Simply copy this jar file into the dropins folder of your JCrypTool installation and (re-)start JCrypTool. Your plug-in should now be available in JCrypTool.

In case your plug-in is separated across more than one plug-in projects you will find more than one jar file into the directory. Copy all those files into the dropins folder.

Executing the automatic zip/tar.gz file release (Eclipse Tycho Build)

The preferred way of building a JCrypTool release is to use the Eclipse Tycho based build (requires Apache Maven version 3.x). The build process may take several minutes but is fully automated.

The main pom file (the JCrypTool parent pom) to generate a release for all supported platforms is located in the org.jcryptool.releng project. This file (pom.xml) generates the artifacts for all platforms using Maven. Using this variant automatically updates the release date in each plug-in property file and the JCrypTool about dialog. This pom file therefore contains a timestamp element which not only formats the timestamp but sets the build type as well (weekly, release candidate or final).

Initial Configuration

Before starting the first build you need to configure Maven once by increasing the heap size.


Open the mvn.bat file in MAVEN_HOME/bin and add the following line

set MAVEN_OPTS="-Xmx512m"

Linux/ OS X

Open the file in MAVEN_HOME/bin and add the following line

export MAVEN_OPTS="-Xmx512m"

Starting the build

Open the org.jcryptool.releng directory in a terminal. There are three different types of releases available:

Enter and execute the following line to build a stable release for all supported platforms:

mvn clean package

Enter and execute the following line to build a weekly build for all supported platforms (a weekly build contains the weekly in the release id in the about dialog):

mvn clean package -Dbuild=weekly

Enter and execute the following line to build and sign all generated artifacts with the JCrypTool key (this key is not available in the GitHub repository):

mvn clean package -Djcryptool.keystore=[path to jks file] -Djcryptool.alias=[key alias] -Djcryptool.storepass=[store password] -Djcryptool.keypass=[key password]

Signed or not, all generated artifacts will be stored in the core/org.jcryptool.product/target/products directory. These files are ready to ship.

The categorized and therefore ready to ship p2 repository (a.k.a. p2 update site) is generated in org.jcryptool.repository/target/repository.

Categorizing the update site

This step is only required if you intend to publish the update site created before. You do not need the update site in case you only want to test your plug-in in the JCrypTool runtime.

The update site (the created repository folder) requires categorization when created with the manual process (the automatic release does that automatically). Copy the whole repository folder to org.jcryptool.repository/target/repository and launch the Update Site Categorization.launch file in the org.jcryptool.repository project (in Eclipse). This categorizes the update site and updates two files in the repository project. Simply upload the folders' contents to our webspace.

Tagging the Repositories

Both repositories, core and crypto, must be tagged with the release name, e.g. RC5.

git tag -a RC5 -m "Release Candidate 5 (0.9.5)" (-a tag name, -m message, add e.g. 6790f72 as commit hash to tag a specific version)

git push --tags

To delete a wrong tag

git tag -d RC5 (deletes the tag in the local repository)

git push origin :refs/tags/RC5 (deletes the tag in the remote repository)

See GitHub Releases for more information.